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  • #46
    Originally posted by WuDrWu View Post

    So true. I get loyalty and I get that there are libs out there that believe a liberal agenda is the best and fairest way to govern. If that number was 5-10% I think I'd be ok with that. Hard core lib whackjobs, just like hardcore out there right wing nutjobs. But 1/3? They've been brainwashed by one-sided education (funded by Washington), mainstream media and in the last 20 years or so, social media. It's depressing knowing a third of the populace is gone forever. There's no talking to or de-engineering those folks to think for themselves. They are forever soldiers of the government.
    But the scary thing is ... it's not 33% of Democrats. It's 33% of the population! I have gotten used to dirty career lawyer politicians lying to retain power, but they have their sheep doing it now.
    Kung Wu say, man who read woman like book, prefer braille!


    • #47
      "You Just Want to Slap The #### Outta Some People"


      • #48
        Originally posted by WstateU View Post
        Shockernet led on that joke years ago! hahaha
        Kung Wu say, man who read woman like book, prefer braille!


        • #49
          Surely the Trump campaign will develop a commercia using the Bernie scheme


          • #50
            Maybe the GOP is getting their collective ducks in a row (I sincerely doubt it) but I can't be the only one surprised or disappointed that Mike Johnson or SOMEONE hasn't stepped up with a comment along the lines of:

            We were saddened to see the President so incapable of consistent and cogent thought on Thursday evening. While we sympathize with him and hope that his health is sound, that performance calls into question if the President is capable of doing his job right now. We have unnamed sources within the White House claiming the President is strong and engaged from 10am to 4pm. That should concern every American. The President needs to be capable of defending this country at any time. We call on the President to undergo a thorough cognitive & neurological evaluation, delivered by a team of unbiased medical (not PHDs) doctors selected by the House and Senate, and to submit those results to the American people so that our citizens as well as both our allies and enemies know who is in charge and that confidence is restored in President Biden's ability to continue as leader of the free world. This is about the safety and security of the United States of America and not the election in November.

            I'm not as concerned about the election in November as I am about who is protecting us today.


            • #51
              Originally posted by WuDrWu View Post
              Maybe the GOP is getting their collective ducks in a row (I sincerely doubt it) but I can't be the only one surprised or disappointed that Mike Johnson or SOMEONE hasn't stepped up with a comment along the lines of:

              We were saddened to see the President so incapable of consistent and cogent thought on Thursday evening. While we sympathize with him and hope that his health is sound, that performance calls into question if the President is capable of doing his job right now. We have unnamed sources within the White House claiming the President is strong and engaged from 10am to 4pm. That should concern every American. The President needs to be capable of defending this country at any time. We call on the President to undergo a thorough cognitive & neurological evaluation, delivered by a team of unbiased medical (not PHDs) doctors selected by the House and Senate, and to submit those results to the American people so that our citizens as well as both our allies and enemies know who is in charge and that confidence is restored in President Biden's ability to continue as leader of the free world. This is about the safety and security of the United States of America and not the election in November.

              I'm not as concerned about the election in November as I am about who is protecting us today.
              I saw Johnson in an interview yesterday and he said things along these lines. However, only the NewsNation network ran that interview. You missed it.


              • #52
                Originally posted by Shockm View Post

                I saw Johnson in an interview yesterday and he said things along these lines. However, only the NewsNation network ran that interview. You missed it.
                Thank you, I will look for that.

