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  • #16
    Originally posted by Capitol Shock II View Post
    I have always wondered why people who complain so much about our country don't just leave? If you want socialism, then go somewhere that practices it on a regular basis and stay!
    It seems to me that every single penny taken from my paycheck, without my consent, is likely deemed socialism. Taxes, SS, medicare etc.... Just curious on why those who complain of two much socialism shouldn't go to another country with lower taxes and stay. In reality, it appears the real issue may be the decreasing power of the state.
    Spoiler Alert: Bruce Willis was dead the whole time!


    • #17
      I have come here to chew bubblegum and kickass ... and I'm all out of bubblegum.


      • #18
        The government will take as much as they can without revolt. Obviously there is a point where they take out so much that I decide that it's not worth the effort and I either move or give up and let some other person pay for my lifestyle.

        I am not to that point yet but I am reaching my limits. I have sold my business because to me, it's not worth the effort and tireless hours to satisfy the every need of the government.


        • #19
          In the US, the ER is required to treat any patient that has a life or limb injury regardless of a ability to pay.
          Livin the dream


          • #20
            That is only true at the ER, though.


            • #21
              Originally posted by kcshocker11 View Post
              Well if shes right and heres the solution

              And the Canadian system isnt as great as other Universal systems
              Not only is it not great, it's known to be unsustainable:

              Kung Wu say, man who read woman like book, prefer braille!


              • #22
                That's fantastic.....quoting from the article:

                "The only way to sustain Medicare at this point is for governments to focus on health promotion and reforms to health service provision that will reduce overall health-care costs. Examples include encouraging home care for the elderly and palliative care; reducing the prevalence and severity of chronic disease in the population; and changing how chronic diseases are managed to reduce reliance on doctors and hospitals."

                So either don't get sick, don't get treated, or die at home. These are fantastic ideas, born out of the STUPIDITY that is socialized medicine and people like '11 that support it.


                • #23
                  Obamacare needs to go, but that doesn't mean we can't implement needed and effective reforms. One way to start is to look at the real world and see what is actually working. American Express now only offers an HSA (Health Savings Account) option to their employees. Why? Because over the last 3 years their health care costs with the HSA plan have not increased. Not a slowing or declining rate of increase. No increase. And they aren't alone. Of course, HSA options as do most effective marekt-based options require some time and effort on the part of the indiviual. That's one of the problems with liberty and freedom. Liberty and freedom carry a high degree of personal repsonsiblity and accountability with them. So it is not for everyone. Are we as a society still strong enough as individuals to deal with the responsibilities of being a free people. I guess that remains to be seen but the trend is not a good one.

