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If You Were Al Queda - What would you do?

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  • #16
    Originally posted by pinstripers View Post
    Good Lord.
    "Good Lord" is correct.

    The First Amendment is the most important part of the Constitution.

    "Freedom of Religion' is supported most by the the prevention of a State sponsored religion.

    The key is education (and not just listening to or watching fake news (Fox AND MSNBC both are just propaganda machines) and not just parroting their sound bites and worn out rhetoric.

    Too many people in the US are not thinking for themselves (on the extreme right and the extreme left). By all means look at what the media is spoon feeding you at the direction of their bosses (and their lapdogs in the the Sunday morning pulpits and the bureaucrats running entitlement programs) but weigh the evidence and think for yourself.
    You have enemies? Good. That means you've stood up for something, sometime in your life.

