If you like being 16 trillion dollars in debt and want it to increase. At this point, what's another trillion? We can't pay it back anyway.
If you like having 44 million people on food stamps...can you imagine if these people were forced to wait in line for their subsidy?
If you like welfare recipients not having any conditions to receive welfare checks...why don't we all sign up?
If you like an American Poverty rate of 16%, roughly the same as the 1960's. Have all of the billions we've spent on poverty done any good at all? Thanks China for all that cash.
If you like a weaker military and are hoping that China, who holds most of our debt, becomes the sole world power and our landlord.
If you like the idea of government run everything from Healthcare to Automobiles to Student Loans. If only we could have the government regulate our food consumption, oh wait?
If you think that an unemployment rate of over 8% is a good thing. Actually the real number is probably closer to double that, but other than the 10 million people without jobs who cares?
If you think that the number of Americans claiming disability monthly is greater than the number of jobs being produced is a good thing.
If you think that the Constitution of the United States should not be adhered or followed by our elected citizens and that they alone determine law and who is in violation of them.
If you think that you owe the government everything and that you owe all of your blessings, success's and virtue to the government for without government you would be nothing.
If you like paying more than $3.50 per gallon for gasoline and think that bicycles and batteries will power transportation in the future.
If you think that every challenge you face, every bad decision you make is somebody else's fault.
Sorry everyone...just had to get this off my chest.
If you like having 44 million people on food stamps...can you imagine if these people were forced to wait in line for their subsidy?
If you like welfare recipients not having any conditions to receive welfare checks...why don't we all sign up?
If you like an American Poverty rate of 16%, roughly the same as the 1960's. Have all of the billions we've spent on poverty done any good at all? Thanks China for all that cash.
If you like a weaker military and are hoping that China, who holds most of our debt, becomes the sole world power and our landlord.
If you like the idea of government run everything from Healthcare to Automobiles to Student Loans. If only we could have the government regulate our food consumption, oh wait?
If you think that an unemployment rate of over 8% is a good thing. Actually the real number is probably closer to double that, but other than the 10 million people without jobs who cares?
If you think that the number of Americans claiming disability monthly is greater than the number of jobs being produced is a good thing.
If you think that the Constitution of the United States should not be adhered or followed by our elected citizens and that they alone determine law and who is in violation of them.
If you think that you owe the government everything and that you owe all of your blessings, success's and virtue to the government for without government you would be nothing.
If you like paying more than $3.50 per gallon for gasoline and think that bicycles and batteries will power transportation in the future.
If you think that every challenge you face, every bad decision you make is somebody else's fault.
Sorry everyone...just had to get this off my chest.