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Local Politics

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  • Local Politics

    There's quite a bit of national talk on here, but local levels (City/County/State) is what generally has a greater impact on our day to day lives and we have more control over who is making decisions, generally speaking. Figure this could potentially be used much like the 316 thread in the other forum if there's interest in more localized topics from time to time. I could be wrong and this dies a quick death, but here we are.

    I'm not sure if this one counts, but it could get that way since the Kansas Humane Society is run by the city.

    KAKE - Beauties and Beasts ends partnership with animal shelter and humane society

    The animal rescue organization has ended its partnership with Wichita’s animal shelter and the Kansas Humane Society after allegations of mistreatment of animals and unnecessary euthanizations at the shelter have come to light. In fact, Randi Carter said she was doing routine rescue checks on Wednesday when she stumbled across a list.

    “And on this list it shows everyone they had euthanized that day and I took a picture of this list," Carter said. "There were dogs on that list that we were never notified about. There were dogs on that list that were supposed to transfer to the Kansas Humane society. There were dogs on that list that were never evaluated and in 9 years I have never had a dog euthanized that had not been evaluated. There were dogs on that list that were county dogs, not city dogs and they had no right to euthanize those dogs."

    We reached out to the animal shelter, KHS, city leadership, the mayor, and Wichita police who currently run the shelter. Only the Humane Society responded to the claims.

    Jordan Bani-Younes, director of communications at the Kansas Humane Society, discussed the euthanized dog that was supposed to transfer to the facility, "So that dog's name was Spritz and what had happened was it was coughing. We cannot take sick animals into our space because it spreads like wildfire."

    However, Beauties and Beasts' records show there were eight kennels open in a kennel cough specific hall at the shelter.

    Carter said, "We would understand if there were zero kennels and I told the lieutenant that if there are ever zero kennels that I would understand but that's not what happened."

    The complaints do not end here. Beauties and Beasts is also upset because she says the shelter is giving them a 15-minute windows to pick up rescue dogs, a feat not possible in most situations, but that isn't all.

    Carter said, "There are basic things that are not being done to care for the dogs properly. If they were to come to your house and you were to house your dogs the way they house their dogs you would get a citation. So who's going to cite them? When dogs are sitting in pee and poop and don't have access to water."
    Beauties and Beasts has done great work for a number of years. I would say it's obviously things are pretty bad if they're pulling out like this. And if their allegations are true, there needs to be a lot of answers/changes made at WAS.
    Infinity Art Glass - Fantastic local artist and Shocker fan
    RIP Guy Always A Shocker
    Carpenter Place - A blessing to many young girls/women
    ICT S.O.S - Great local cause fighting against human trafficking
    Wartick Insurance Agency - Saved me money with more coverage.
    Save Shocker Sports - A rallying cry

  • #2
    Originally posted by SubGod22 View Post
    There's quite a bit of national talk on here, but local levels (City/County/State) is what generally has a greater impact on our day to day lives and we have more control over who is making decisions, generally speaking. Figure this could potentially be used much like the 316 thread in the other forum if there's interest in more localized topics from time to time. I could be wrong and this dies a quick death, but here we are.

    I'm not sure if this one counts, but it could get that way since the Kansas Humane Society is run by the city.

    KAKE - Beauties and Beasts ends partnership with animal shelter and humane society

    Beauties and Beasts has done great work for a number of years. I would say it's obviously things are pretty bad if they're pulling out like this. And if their allegations are true, there needs to be a lot of answers/changes made at WAS.
    So, if Beauties ad Beasts are pulling out, does that mean NO ONE from the outside will be monitoring the situation? Seems like giving full rein to "the fox in the chicken house". I strongly agree that the citizens of Wichita should get clear answers to what happened and assurances that the proper guidelines are followed.


    • #3
      Originally posted by ShockTalk View Post

      So, if Beauties ad Beasts are pulling out, does that mean NO ONE from the outside will be monitoring the situation? Seems like giving full rein to "the fox in the chicken house". I strongly agree that the citizens of Wichita should get clear answers to what happened and assurances that the proper guidelines are followed.
      Probably so, but I get why B&B wouldn't want to be associated with these things.

      It appears that they're open to partnering again in the future if changes are made. I personally trust B&B more than WAS or KHS. Hopefully this puts some pressure on those that make decisions to make good decisions. There's really no reason that things should be as bad as they apparently are. I wish they (WAS/KHS) worked more with local groups and rescues and such. Dogs are generally better than us and deserve chances and there are a number of groups out there willing to assist but you have to work with them. It sounds like those running things have gotten lazy or simply don't care. That's unacceptable.

      I wonder if those in charge will take this seriously or just hope it's a passing news story that will be forgotten and go about their business.
      Infinity Art Glass - Fantastic local artist and Shocker fan
      RIP Guy Always A Shocker
      Carpenter Place - A blessing to many young girls/women
      ICT S.O.S - Great local cause fighting against human trafficking
      Wartick Insurance Agency - Saved me money with more coverage.
      Save Shocker Sports - A rallying cry


      • #4
        Originally posted by ShockTalk View Post

        So, if Beauties ad Beasts are pulling out, does that mean NO ONE from the outside will be monitoring the situation? Seems like giving full rein to "the fox in the chicken house". I strongly agree that the citizens of Wichita should get clear answers to what happened and assurances that the proper guidelines are followed.
        Shouldn't the KBI and state attorney general be notified?
        Kung Wu say, man who read woman like book, prefer braille!


        • #5
          Not a fan. Not a good look.

          MSN - Wichita temporarily drops aptitude test for police officers amid recruiting slump

          The Wichita Police Department has temporarily lowered its standards at a time when it is struggling to recruit officers, a move that appears to conflict with a report that found a lack of minimum standards was sowing discontent within the ranks.

          The Wichita City Council has approved funding for more officers than the department has been able to recruit and hire. But the police union says lowering entry standards isn't the answer.

          At issue is an aptitude test given to police recruits as an entry exam that was recently — and quietly — eliminated by the department after consultation with new Human Resources Director Jason Hood. The change wasn't announced until the city released a dashboard tracking its progress on a list of changes recommended by national police consultant firm Jensen Hughes.

          Wichita police Lt. Aaron Moses initially denied the test had been removed at a news conference on Tuesday afternoon, then clarified that a new test is being developed, without saying when it would be completed. The human resources director later confirmed the test is not being used while the city works to write a new aptitude test.
          Infinity Art Glass - Fantastic local artist and Shocker fan
          RIP Guy Always A Shocker
          Carpenter Place - A blessing to many young girls/women
          ICT S.O.S - Great local cause fighting against human trafficking
          Wartick Insurance Agency - Saved me money with more coverage.
          Save Shocker Sports - A rallying cry


          • #6
            This would be an atrocious idea if you ask me. Especially for your smaller cities/towns. We already get way too caught up in tribalism as a society and we don't really need to bring that to every single level do we?

            AOL - Kansas COP leader wants to ban nonpartisan elections. Republicans are divided about it

            The Kansas Republican Party’s new chairman wants to eliminate nonpartisan elections for cities, counties and school boards, throwing his weight behind the concept after the GOP-controlled state Senate earlier this year rejected a similar idea.

            The end of nonpartisan elections would have significant consequences for Kansas politics. Critics warn such a change would inject national ideological battles into local government, risking disrupting the often-mundane but crucial tasks local leaders confront, like filling potholes and approving budgets.

            Kansas GOP Chairman Mike Brown’s support for mandating the use of political party labels in all elections is highly controversial even among Republicans. His call for partisan local races comes after Republicans in February chose Brown, a former Johnson County commissioner who lost his 2020 reelection bid and has promoted election conspiracies, to lead the party in a divisive election he won by only two votes.
            I don't personally buy that having a letter next to a persons name really tells you where they stand. It tells you where the party they're in may stand, but I much prefer the individual not relying on a letter/party and having to actually stand on their own two feet. I'd support this at any level, but I think at the more local levels it can be even greater.

            Over many years, decades and decades so, there have been a lot of people in both major parties that have voted for some truly horrific people simply because of the letter next to their name and not because of who they were and what they stood for. It seems to get worse with time and it is ruining the country on a number of levels.

            I really don't think we need to mandate that every local election needs this. But I'm sure there are plenty who disagree.
            Infinity Art Glass - Fantastic local artist and Shocker fan
            RIP Guy Always A Shocker
            Carpenter Place - A blessing to many young girls/women
            ICT S.O.S - Great local cause fighting against human trafficking
            Wartick Insurance Agency - Saved me money with more coverage.
            Save Shocker Sports - A rallying cry


            • #7
              Originally posted by SubGod22 View Post
              This would be an atrocious idea if you ask me. Especially for your smaller cities/towns. We already get way too caught up in tribalism as a society and we don't really need to bring that to every single level do we?

              AOL - Kansas COP leader wants to ban nonpartisan elections. Republicans are divided about it

              I don't personally buy that having a letter next to a persons name really tells you where they stand. It tells you where the party they're in may stand, but I much prefer the individual not relying on a letter/party and having to actually stand on their own two feet. I'd support this at any level, but I think at the more local levels it can be even greater.

              Over many years, decades and decades so, there have been a lot of people in both major parties that have voted for some truly horrific people simply because of the letter next to their name and not because of who they were and what they stood for. It seems to get worse with time and it is ruining the country on a number of levels.

              I really don't think we need to mandate that every local election needs this. But I'm sure there are plenty who disagree.
              I’m in agreement. You don’t need party affiliation in a local level.
              Livin the dream


              • #8
                Originally posted by wufan View Post

                I’m in agreement. You don’t need party affiliation in a local level.
                I agree but this is exactly what our Mayor Whipple introduced since he was elected. Party has never been emphasized before by our candidates but now it is. That’s an unnecessary thing in local politics. We can know or find out enough about our local candidates without partisan politics. We’ve also witnessed identity politics be introduced. Again, not necessary.


                • #9
                  Originally posted by wufan View Post

                  I’m in agreement. You don’t need party affiliation in a local level.
                  Not true anymore. Liberals band together very well and will hold back funds or legislation against the opposition party.
                  look at the DEI, LGBTQ+, Law enforcement, laws banning gas appliances, laws mandating the cars we can buy in the future, etc, etc,etc. All are top down decisions by liberal politicians and their big dollar supporters.

                  Oh, you need a new bridge in Wichita? Well we need your congressmen to vote for the abolishment of rubber products by the year 2035 to help stop global warming. So see what you can do there Mr. Mayor, then we'll talk about funds for that bridge.


                  • #10
                    Originally posted by Atxshoxfan View Post

                    Not true anymore. Liberals band together very well and will hold back funds or legislation against the opposition party.
                    look at the DEI, LGBTQ+, Law enforcement, laws banning gas appliances, laws mandating the cars we can buy in the future, etc, etc,etc. All are top down decisions by liberal politicians and their big dollar supporters.

                    Oh, you need a new bridge in Wichita? Well we need your congressmen to vote for the abolishment of rubber products by the year 2035 to help stop global warming. So see what you can do there Mr. Mayor, then we'll talk about funds for that bridge.
                    What does this have to do with declaring your party affiliation?
                    Livin the dream


                    • #11
                      Originally posted by wufan View Post

                      What does this have to do with declaring your party affiliation?
                      The parties help fund the candidates, making them owe the party if elected. Most will tow the party line especially if they can get more funding for their pet projects. Dems love social government investments in their green energy agenda, welfare and many other programs that I oppose. So if I vote for a Dem in a local election, I have no confidence that he won't support the party line when asked to do so by the party in return for their election funding, regardless of his or her campaign promises.

                      This goes for both parties, but the republican party is much closer to my beliefs than the wacked out Dems beliefs.


                      • #12
                        Originally posted by Atxshoxfan View Post

                        The parties help fund the candidates, making them owe the party if elected. Most will tow the party line especially if they can get more funding for their pet projects. Dems love social government investments in their green energy agenda, welfare and many other programs that I oppose. So if I vote for a Dem in a local election, I have no confidence that he won't support the party line when asked to do so by the party in return for their election funding, regardless of his or her campaign promises.

                        This goes for both parties, but the republican party is much closer to my beliefs than the wacked out Dems beliefs.
                        Right! Which is why I said you don’t need party affiliation in local politics. You quoted me and said, “Not true…”. If you don’t declare a party, you don’t get the funding and everything that goes with it.
                        Livin the dream


                        • #13
                          Originally posted by wufan View Post

                          Right! Which is why I said you don’t need party affiliation in local politics. You quoted me and said, “Not true…”. If you don’t declare a party, you don’t get the funding and everything that goes with it.
                          But if your a candidate and believe in conservative values but affiliate with the Dems, you don't have a chance of getting campaign funding.
                          So I guess we will just disagree on this one. For me, No Dems will get a single vote at any level.


                          • #14
                            Maybe we can't agree, but I think that Wufan, and I are saying that there is a difference of issues that exist at the City/Municipal and County levels than the State and Federal levels. Wichita and Sedgwick County issues are different than State Legislature issues. For example the new Water Treatment Plant in Wichita is not an issue where a R or a D should matter. Local roads, Local Schools, Waste Treatment, Parks/recreation activities (golf, etc), Prisons/Jails, etc. shouldn't matter what party you are in. In Kansas, we don't have any Sanctuary Cities that I'm aware of.

                            State Legislatures are a different matter that tend to get involved in more partisan issues.


                            • #15
                              The woke crap has definitely penetrated many different levels of local government. If I know a candidate is a Democrat, I may not know if they are _for_ woke policy, but I know they won't be _against_ it. They may not honestly answer questions in interviews, but party affiliation certainly informs what political pressure their overlords will be imposing on them.

                              Same goes for abortion and other hot button issues that aren't just national in scope.
                              Kung Wu say, man who read woman like book, prefer braille!

