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2024 Presidential Election

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  • 256K likes, 5,529 comments - donaldtrump_2024 on October 10, 2024: "IT WAS MEANT TO BE!!!!!!".
    "You Just Want to Slap The #### Outta Some People"


    • My gut feel is that Trump trends higher as each day passes. As this trend continues I fear the Dems and ultra wealthy elitists will make a desperation move. My gut tells me that move will be unimaginable cheating far exceeding what they did in 2020 knowing they can control the MSM and silent the right. There are so many wealthy politicians, entertainment elites and big business types that risk exposure if the right wins I fear they won't allow it. I think something really big could very well happen that changes the outcome. They have already tried assassination but it could be something else. IMHO blaming the assassination attempt on Iram is a smoke screen to divert attention away from the world's elitists.


      • This is a very fair breakdown from Nate Silver (imho):

        ? Last update: 1:30 p.m., Thursday, October 10. We’ve been in a little bit of a Groundhog Day pattern lately. Polling data over the past week or so has been a mixed bag, but with more bright spots for Trump than for Harris if you squint. However, sentiment about the race has shifted in a GOP direction, sometimes to the point of outright panic by Democrats, in a way that isn’t really justified by the polling.

        Versus a week ago, Trump has gained 0.3 points in our national average, 0.9 points in MI, 0.8 points in WI, 0.4 points in NV, 0.3 points in PA, 0.2 points in NC and 0.1 points in AZ. Harris has gained 0.3 points in GA. So a slight move in a Trump direction, and the race is on the verge of becoming truly 50/50 rather than virtually 50/50. But this is pretty minor movement and could also just reflect noise.

        There's probably some internal polling that is driving the VP team's response as well. But, the DEMs are absolutely flooding the airways with their hot button topics (admittedly skewed if not out and out lies) in an attempt to gin up their base.

        Neither candidate is really trying to sway swing voters at this point. It's all about getting out their vote. And there, the GOP is in a much better place than either 2016 or 2020. Whether or not it matters, only time will tell.


        • Greg Price @greg_price11

          BREAKING: Kamala's DOJ is suing the state of Virginia because they removed non-citizens from the voter rolls. Yes, this is real.​


          • Originally posted by asiseeit View Post
            My gut feel is that Trump trends higher as each day passes. As this trend continues I fear the Dems and ultra wealthy elitists will make a desperation move. My gut tells me that move will be unimaginable cheating far exceeding what they did in 2020 knowing they can control the MSM and silent the right. There are so many wealthy politicians, entertainment elites and big business types that risk exposure if the right wins I fear they won't allow it. I think something really big could very well happen that changes the outcome. They have already tried assassination but it could be something else. IMHO blaming the assassination attempt on Iram is a smoke screen to divert attention away from the world's elitists.
            Your gut may be partially right. I’m not sure that Trump is trending higher as much as Harris is hitting her ceiling because the smallish progressive left is hitting their ceiling. Trump really isn’t a traditional Conservative. However, Harris is a Mainstream liberal, and imo, she, and the Democrat “elitists”, may have hit their ceiling.

            The middle ground for Democrats would be if they would not have mandated policies that required EV’s and energy policies that would allow for more traditional energy like petroleum, and less reliance on wind and solar energy. The future for Republicans is if they would move toward centrist energy policies that encourage development of futurist energy policies while encouraging current technology in the area of petroleum policies.

            These middle ground policies would also include LGBTQ+, crime, and other social policies.

            We soon will see.
            Last edited by Shockm; 3 days ago.


            • I have spoken with three Democratic operatives behind the scenes who all believe the race is slipping away from Vice President Kamala Harris.


              • "You Just Want to Slap The #### Outta Some People"


                • The left have a well oiled machine when it comes to getting out their vote. And make no mistake, the press etc LOVE telling you that the left does so much better with the college educated etc....whatever, their machine pulls every possible person out of the gutter, dead or alive, and gets them to the polls. Promise them anything, just pull the lever.

                  The Right is way ahead of 2016 and 2020 in their own efforts to get out the vote. But that doesn't mean the left has given up. They've just gotten better. The question is, has the right made enough strides to matter?

                  We'll know in a little more than 3 weeks.


                  • I'll say it again, it's all about turning out YOUR vote at this point.

                    There's WAY too much conflicting data.

                    On one hand you have Harris maintaining a national gap (certainly in the MOE) wide enough to win the EC possibly.

                    But you also have RCP betting averages settling in with Trump a solid favorite (11 to 9).

                    And today you have a consensus of polls showing Trump leading in 6 of 7 swing states (only trailing in Wisconsin).

                    Yet somehow the GOP Candidate trails in every competitive Senate race except Montana.

                    So you're telling me Trump will out pace the GOP Senator in Pennsylvania, Michigan, Arizona, Nevada, Montana and Maryland?

                    That the DEMs will win WI, PA, MI, AZ, NV & MD Senate seats (and with that result, likely take over the HofR as well) but somehow lose the White House?

                    Not bloody likely.


                    • Comment

                      • Originally posted by WuDrWu View Post
                        I'll say it again, it's all about turning out YOUR vote at this point.

                        There's WAY too much conflicting data.

                        On one hand you have Harris maintaining a national gap (certainly in the MOE) wide enough to win the EC possibly.

                        But you also have RCP betting averages settling in with Trump a solid favorite (11 to 9).

                        And today you have a consensus of polls showing Trump leading in 6 of 7 swing states (only trailing in Wisconsin).

                        Yet somehow the GOP Candidate trails in every competitive Senate race except Montana.

                        So you're telling me Trump will out pace the GOP Senator in Pennsylvania, Michigan, Arizona, Nevada, Montana and Maryland?

                        That the DEMs will win WI, PA, MI, AZ, NV & MD Senate seats (and with that result, likely take over the HofR as well) but somehow lose the White House?

                        Not bloody likely.
                        The polls are indeed a confusing mess. Nate Silver has it as a toss-up and warns the GOP not to be too giddy, even though Trump has been improving slowly.

                        But still, we were nowhere near a toss-up at this point when Trump won in 2016 and baaaaaaarely lost to Joe Biden in 2020. So if there is a black voter shift that doesn't show up in the polls, like in 1980, then it's looking better for Trump than the polls will show and we won't find out about it until election day. Same with hispanics.
                        Kung Wu say, man who read woman like book, prefer braille!


                        • Originally posted by Kung Wu View Post

                          The polls are indeed a confusing mess. Nate Silver has it as a toss-up and warns the GOP not to be too giddy, even though Trump has been improving slowly.

                          But still, we were nowhere near a toss-up at this point when Trump won in 2016 and baaaaaaarely lost to Joe Biden in 2020. So if there is a black voter shift that doesn't show up in the polls, like in 1980, then it's looking better for Trump than the polls will show and we won't find out about it until election day. Same with hispanics.
                          You're exactly right. But right now, and in that scenario, Trump is banking on low propensity voters, and that is a difficult point to make, like a hard 4 at even odds.

                          JD absolutely BLISTERED Martha Raddatz today on ABC's This Week with the Left Wing.

                          She tried to stonewall Trump by stating the Venezuelan gangs had "only taken over a handful of apartments" and not the entire city, as Trump had proclaimed.

                          JD: Do you hear yourself? Oh, just a handful of apartments taken over by illegal immigrant gangs, and Trump is the problem.

                          It won't get the coverage it should, but THIS is how much they hate you.

                          And Martha didn't get it, and kept doubling down.

                          ****ing moron.


                          • Originally posted by WuDrWu View Post

                            JD absolutely BLISTERED Martha Raddatz today on ABC's This Week with the Left Wing.

                            She tried to stonewall Trump by stating the Venezuelan gangs had "only taken over a handful of apartments" and not the entire city, as Trump had proclaimed.

                            JD: Do you hear yourself? Oh, just a handful of apartments taken over by illegal immigrant gangs, and Trump is the problem.

                            It won't get the coverage it should, but THIS is how much they hate you.

                            And Martha didn't get it, and kept doubling down.

                            ****ing moron.
                            The dishonest media and left always refer to some of Trump’s statements as lies. What a “Red Herring that lacks intelligence and analysis. While exaggeration and hyperbole isn’t always a good thing, there are many intelligent, literary examples that we’ve all heard and that we’ve all used, including THE MEDIA.

                            Here are a just a few common examples of accepted literary hyperbole and exaggerations.

                            “Money doesn’t grow on trees”
                            ”How many “thousands” of times have I told you not to exaggerate?”
                            Solomon in “Song of Solomon”4:7 said “you are beautiful, My Love, there is no flaw in you” like there aren’t flaws in all of us.
                            Jesus in the Sermon on the Mount, said “If your right eye, causes you to sin, tear it out, and throw it away”. I’m sure that Jesus knows that ripping out your eye won’t keep your mind from lusting.

                            Rather than using analysis and intelligence to report to the public, what Trump is really saying, THE dishonest MEDIA is lazy, and hates Trump enough to simply call him a liar. Now, there are occasions when he has misstated statistics, etc. just like Kamala has, but the statements above are just a part of story telling and making a point. Be even handed, and call out true inaccuracies, and stop showing your bias’. Trump often uses his story telling skills to mak a point to the voting public. Hyperbole and exaggerations aren’t one of his flaws. Martha Raddatz is a dishonest idiot.


                            • What Trump does/says, is not nearly as bad as Biden telling blacks that the GOP "wants to put you back in chains". Where was the fact check on that? Or the millions of other times that the Dems use hyperbole to scare the mental midgets that make up their voting base? Tax cuts for the rich? Spending cuts to SS?

                              "When life hands you lemons, make lemonade." Better have some sugar and water too, or else your lemonade will suck!


                              • Originally posted by ShockerPrez View Post
                                What Trump does/says, is not nearly as bad as Biden telling blacks that the GOP "wants to put you back in chains". Where was the fact check on that? Or the millions of other times that the Dems use hyperbole to scare the mental midgets that make up their voting base? Tax cuts for the rich? Spending cuts to SS?
                                Hundred percent. When was the last time a Dem was challenged when they say "the rich don't pay their fair share of taxes"?

                                A completely fair, and not snarky at all (compared to the average Trump challenge) would be something like "Vice President, you have often said, as many other Democrat leaders have said, that the rich don't pay their fair share of taxes. The top 5% of earners pay 65% of the Federal Taxes. Those making $45000 or less pay less than 2% of the Federal Taxes collected.

                                If 5% of the earners paying 65% of the bill ISN'T fair.....what is fair? And if the bottom 50% of earners only paying 2% of the taxes ALSO isn't fair....then what exactly is fair?

                                I grew up in a middle class family....................

