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Anthropogenic Global Warming

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  • SubGod22
    Scientists Are Making Jet Fuel from Landfill Gas Aiming to Launch Circular Economy

    In a world-first, University of Sydney researchers have developed a chemical process using plasma that could create sustainable jet fuel from methane gas emitted from landfills, potentially creating a low-carbon aviation industry.

    Offering the potential to clear two hurdles in a single leap, the scientists believe that if their process becomes cost-effective and widespread, all the world’s landfills could potentially be energy sources.

    Methane is a far more potent greenhouse gas than carbon dioxide. According to the International Energy Agency, the concentration of methane in the atmosphere is currently around two-and-a-half times greater than pre-industrial levels, and while methane only exists in the atmosphere for about 9 years, it’s increasing steadily, with waste emissions and the burning of fossil fuels accounting for a significant proportion.

    Australia recently joined the international methane mitigation agreement with the United States, the European Union, Japan, and the Republic of Korea.

    “Globally, landfills are a major emitter of greenhouse gases, mainly a mixture of CO2 and methane. We have developed a process that would take these gases and convert them into fuels, targeting sectors that are difficult to electrify, like aviation,” said lead author, Professor PJ Cullen from the University of Sydney’s School of Chemical and Biomolecular Engineering.

    “Modern landfill facilities already capture, upgrade, and combust their gas emissions for electricity generation, however, our process creates a much more environmentally impactful and commercially valuable product,” he said.

    Global landfill emissions are estimated at 10–20 million metric tonnes of greenhouse gases per year, a value comparable to the emissions of the global energy sector.
    There's a near three minute video on it at the bottom of the article. I just find it interesting how creative people can be when it comes to finding alternative sources to power our world.

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  • Atxshoxfan
    Originally posted by pinstripers View Post
    Katie Pavlich @KatiePavlich

    Climate Hoaxer Al Gore, who said the earth would be gone over a decade ago and made his fortune from oil money, will receive the Presidential Medal of Freedom from Biden for his work on “climate change. Former Climate Czar John Kerry will receive one too.​
    I hereby nominate Puttin and Ali Khamenei for co-candidates of the nobel peace prize. Joe Biden for the economic recovery award.

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  • pinstripers
    Katie Pavlich @KatiePavlich

    Climate Hoaxer Al Gore, who said the earth would be gone over a decade ago and made his fortune from oil money, will receive the Presidential Medal of Freedom from Biden for his work on “climate change. Former Climate Czar John Kerry will receive one too.​

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  • Atxshoxfan
    Originally posted by SubGod22 View Post
    Pretty sure this has been mentioned before, but just some numbers on what they do.

    Baltimore's Mr. Trash Wheel: a Decade of Garbage Gobbling Equates to 5.2 Million Pounds

    Fairly simple ways to help clean waterways
    Many cities don't allow burning of trash because environmentalists complained about the affects on air quality and the ozone layer. So while this is a great idea, it won't come without a rebellion by some environmentalists.

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  • SubGod22
    Pretty sure this has been mentioned before, but just some numbers on what they do.

    Baltimore's Mr. Trash Wheel: a Decade of Garbage Gobbling Equates to 5.2 Million Pounds

    The Baltimore Harbor’s most beloved resident is celebrating his decennial, and what better way to look back on his years of service than listing a few of his achievements?

    Mr. Trash Wheel is a national icon. Since his installment in the Inner Harbor in 2014, his popularity led to the installment of other trash-collecting wheels, like Gwynnda the Good Wheel of the West, which have formed his ‘family’ of four.

    5.2 million pounds have floated onto their conveyor belt tongues, been carried up into their water wheel gullets, and dropped into the floating dumpsters behind them.

    Mr. Trash Wheel boasts an extensive fan club: the Order of the Wheel, which welcomes in anyone willing to pledge a reduced reliance on single-use plastics and an intent to occasionally clean up their community. 3,000 members have joined the Order’s ranks.

    Approximately 45,000 homes have been powered with electricity generated from the incineration of biological waste captured by Mr. Trash Wheel and his family.

    The Trash Wheels clean a total of 123 square miles of water catchment. Gwynnda and Mr. Trash Wheel each clean 60, while Professor Trash Wheel covers 2 square miles and Captain Trash Wheel has 1.
    Fairly simple ways to help clean waterways

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  • WstateU
    Originally posted by Atxshoxfan View Post

    All it needs is a sail added to boost its speed in Kansas and Oklahoma.
    My puddy-tat early this morning...

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  • ShockerPrez
    Federal subsidies are just more gears in the money laundering operation.

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  • Shockm
    Originally posted by Atxshoxfan View Post

    I agree on that point. Subsidies to the rich and to the friends of politicians should never happen. They are often paybacks to the organization who supported the politicians election. And often put money in that politicians pocket through kickbacks. All on the tax payer.
    Stop the subsidies, and take the energy gloves off that hinder the easy production of oil in Alaska, and other places in America where we have "tons" of it. The price would come down instantly. They would build their own refineries if they could plan long term.

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  • Kung Wu
    Originally posted by Atxshoxfan View Post

    All it needs is a sail added to boost its speed in Kansas and Oklahoma.
    Would be as effective.

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  • Atxshoxfan
    Originally posted by Kung Wu View Post

    Solar power ain't gonna do squat. This is just an EV with maybe a 5% boost at best.

    Maybe, MAYBE, if the friction coeffs can be reduced to something interesting then solar power can give a useful boost when at cruise speed and relying on inertia.
    All it needs is a sail added to boost its speed in Kansas and Oklahoma.

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  • Kung Wu
    Originally posted by SubGod22 View Post
    Will be interested to see how it actually performs once it's fully functional and ready to go. They claim the car will have a range of 1,000 miles.

    The Car Fueled Entirely by the Sun Takes Huge Step Towards Production

    It can also be plugged in and charged like an EV.
    Solar power ain't gonna do squat. This is just an EV with maybe a 5% boost at best.

    Maybe, MAYBE, if the friction coeffs can be reduced to something interesting then solar power can give a useful boost when at cruise speed and relying on inertia.

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  • WuDrWu
    Originally posted by SubGod22 View Post
    Playing favorites and giving advantages for money is definitely the same. I don't care about the semantics behind one or the other. Both energy sources get government help, and one gets about 18x more than the other.
    Yeah, again, NOT taking money from someone is different than GIVING money to someone else.

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  • Atxshoxfan
    Originally posted by SubGod22 View Post

    According to the US Senate Committee on the Budget, the oil industry in the US alone is subsidized at a rate of $646 billion a year. Worldwide is over $5 trillion according to them as well.

    I pretty much hate all subsidies, but let's at least be consistent and honest about them. If you hate green energy getting $35B, you must really hate fossil fuels getting $646B.
    I agree on that point. Subsidies to the rich and to the friends of politicians should never happen. They are often paybacks to the organization who supported the politicians election. And often put money in that politicians pocket through kickbacks. All on the tax payer.

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  • SubGod22
    Playing favorites and giving advantages for money is definitely the same. I don't care about the semantics behind one or the other. Both energy sources get government help, and one gets about 18x more than the other.

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  • pinstripers
    tax deductions not the same at all

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