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Obama Birth Certificate

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  • #16
    They will have to waterboard me first to get my birth certificate.
    Let's hope he can hit a D-1 Curve ball!

    "God gave us the ability to reason, not religion"


    • #17
      Originally posted by ISASO
      The debate was fueled by comments by Obama's own grandma. She said Barack was born in Kenya and then uttered some sort of a correction after staff members of the Ministry of Truth who were present jumped all over her, scrambling to make things right.

      Did Granny forget what she was told to say during her pre-interview briefing? What motivation would she have had to lie in her original answer? Anyone willing to bet that the interview was ended immediately at that point?

      Please tell me when this happened to any other president.
      From's article " Donald, You're Fired!"

      But McRae goes on to claim that — just two weeks earlier — Obama’s paternal grandmother Sarah Obama, had admitted to him during a transatlantic telephone interview that she was present at the birth of her grandson Barack Obama — in Kenya. Berg filed only a partial, edited transcript of the call, which was arranged by one of McRae’s fellow missionaries. Even that incomplete record shows that it was McRae — not Sarah Obama — who said the future president was born in Kenya. McRae’s leading questions were relayed to her through a translator, since she spoke in her native Luo language, not English. Later, the part of the conversation that Berg omitted was revealed. And it makes clear that Sarah Obama misunderstood McRae at first, and tried repeatedly to correct McRae’s misunderstanding, saying emphatically: "He was born in America!"
      If you click on the link in the article you can listen to the entire telephone interview. There are a couple of times in the interview where she says that Obama was born in Hawaii.


      • #18
        Obama has released a long form birth certificate- this video shows that the .pdf the White House released was faked. All we are doing is using Adobe Illustra...


        • #19
          Originally posted by WuDrWu

          This is too good of an issue to go to waste. They had to know releasing something that looks as odd as this document does was only going to throw fuel on the fire.
          "Don't measure yourself by what you have accomplished, but by what you should accomplish with your ability."
          -John Wooden


          • #20
            Top 20 Conspiracy Theories That Have Already Sprung Up Around President Obama’s Birth Certificate


            • #21
              Got it, he's much too busy to deal with this "silliness". Right after the grand revelation of the certificate, he boarded a plane to shoot an episode of Oprah and then was off to NYC for a fundraiser.

              Are you and your handler's the most incompetent in the history of the universe? Why would anyone with half a PR brain stage the revelation event on that day?

              All that smugness was in vain, Mr. President. You blew it.

