Originally posted by ShockCity
Palin was the nail, eh? That's funny on a variety of fronts. :good:
Serious question here SC. You (along with the lefties here and well everywhere) love to bash President George W. Bush.
Can you give me, say, 5 examples of things he did or was responsible for during his 8 years in office that anger you so much? I honestly would like to know. I would think that coming up with 5, as big a buffoon as you say he is, would be simple. If you could mix in one thing you liked about him, that would be great as well.
I'll go for the current President.
1) I don't like that he overturned the Mexico City Policy.
2) The stimulus package was poorly done at best, and a complete disaster at worse.
3) The idea that you can have a substantive debate about health care reform (something that I think the vast majority would agree needs to happen) without discussing, even once, tort reform is disingenuous at best.
4) Please don't apologize for me overseas Mr. President. You want to say you are sorry for something, fine. If I want to apologize to Europe for the "sins of our fathers" then we can do so at Omaha and only after hommage is paid to the few hundred thousand or so that died for them. That particular bill, my friends, will NEVER be repaid.
5) Car bailouts. Knuckleheadedness at it's finest.
6) His political movement away from supporting Israel is unfathomable and idiotic.
7) Sorry, I had to add one more that goes to what I believe is a real shortcoming, so far, for this President. He often times is not very presidential. The comment about the police acting stupidly was, ironically, stupid. Even if he was spot on (clearly he was totally wrong anyway) it was a stupid thing to say, especially for POTUS.
Now, I'll give you three things I have liked so far. I liked his reaction to Biden gagging himself yet again by firmly placing his head directly up his ass where it is so often resides. He knew it was wrong and tried to get jackass Joe back on point. Well done.
I liked the Making Work Pay part of the stimulus. Across the board it looks good.
And I liked the cigarette tax increase. My only issue with it, as I have pointed out, is that it goes against his promises during the campaign (you have to know I wish he'd break a few more) for all the masses that think he can do no wrong. Also, I wish he and his ilk, if they believe that if it's going to curtail smoking, then do what really needs to be done. Make the tax $100 or $1000 per pack. That will get people to stop smoking. Not $1 per pack. That's just more money for the government to spend.....Oh. Ok.