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Most American are Pro-Life instead of Pro-Abortion

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  • #46
    Originally posted by shocksrox
    that's a nice cop-out with no real facts - comparing pro-life people to the taliban

    you are a terrible human being, plain and simple
    No just showing the similarities in this instance of religious intorelance to other peoples views. No real facts? KCShox already did that. I just posed some of the questions that would be faced if abortion were outlawed. Of course I'm a terrible person I dont agree with you, but I dont feel the same about you.

    Now Doc when have I ever said you were Hitler (using legality to justify torture?)? It is nice to see though that you arent as much of a hardliner as you as you portray.

    Please Doc calm down, rem your blood pressure :D 8)
    I have come here to chew bubblegum and kickass ... and I'm all out of bubblegum.


    • #47
      Anything is possible. Just because you think you can argue a point doesn't make the point correct.

      Some of the "professors" around here fit the old saying quite well......

      Like the sports history professor that used to tell us we were mispronouncing Jack Nicklaus' name....except I met Mr. Nicklaus and I can promise you he says his name like I do...and not like my professor. Yet the professor still thinks he is right.

      So sad.

      Middle of the road....squish just like grape. You don't want any responsibility, culpability or consequences.

      PS I don't think paramount was what you were looking for....maybe tantamount.


      • #48
        Originally posted by WuDrWu
        Anything is possible. Just because you think you can argue a point doesn't make the point correct.
        Dont be so hard on yourself! Eventually you'll get it right. :D javascript:emoticon('8)')
        I have come here to chew bubblegum and kickass ... and I'm all out of bubblegum.


        • #49
          Abortion itself is not the problem, it is a symptom of the problem, which is unwanted pregnancies. You do not treat problems by treating the symptom, you treat the root cause. Otherwise, the symptom may disappear but the root cause marches on. I do not believe that abortion should be used as a birth control method, however I also do not believe that making it illegal would solve the root problems.

          A statement with a little more levity: one man's truth is another man's spin.

          A statement with a LOT more levity: I believe life starts when the man unhooks the woman's brassiere. (sorry, its an old bit I heard long ago, John Carlin maybe, and couldn't resist repeating it)
          Be who you are and say what you feel, because those who mind don't matter, and those who matter don't mind. ~Dr. Seuss


          • #50
            Occasionally, I have chuckled at George Carlin and have been amused, however, I am not certain I would be comfortable heading to the great hereafter with him as my final quote.

            With that being said right now, I'm laughing!

            Talk to you later guys, I gotta busy day tomorrow.


            • #51
              A few more questions for the warm fuzzy crowd:

              If I shoot a gun in the air, and there is only a 50/50 chance the bullet will come down and kill a "person", should that even be a crime?

              How do we know "personhood" starts at birth? Why not 6 months, or 18 yrs or 21?

              Should it be a crime to give my 12 yr old a beer? Should the crime increase if I give him enough to kill him or permanently disable him?

              Has restricting rape actually reduced the number of rapes?

              If your 6 yr old has been diagnosed with a terminal illness, should you be able to just suck his brain out and kill him now, and spare everyone the pain?

              Child abuse is not the problem, it is a symptom. Maybe we should ignore the symptom, and just teach parents to be nice?

              My religion tells me that people of all skin colors are equal and created in God's own image, does that preclude me from being opposed to slavery? I don't want to force my religion on others.

              Difficult questions indeed.

