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Most American are Pro-Life instead of Pro-Abortion

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  • #16
    Originally posted by rjl
    You are right. One phrase in this discussion is made to make a side feel better.

    The sides should be pro-choice or anti-choice. Plain and simple.

    Pro-choice legislation does absolutely nothing to force their ideals on other people; if you think abortion is wrong, you have every right to not get an abortion.

    Anti-choice legislation is the opposite in that it attempts to enforce it's ideals on everyone.

    If you're a smart man, WuDrWu, you should get that.


    rjl, from time to time you make some good points but not when it comes to politics and not here.

    Btw, did I kick your mom in the mouth or something? You really have it out for me.

    Attempting to force "ideals".....ok. Actually, this is nothing more than a discussion of right and wrong. Plain and simple.

    And for what it's worth, you have a choice. You have a choice to want to have a baby or not.

    I guess I am not smart enough to get stupid people. My bad.


    • #17
      ASM, there is another life at stake, not just that of the mother.

      Life begins at conception. At that point, non-intervention means a sentient human will emerge. I have additional, spiritual reasons why I believe that but I think the logic is sound, even from a secular standpoint.

      We have the right to life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness. There should be a constitutional amendment protecting the lives of the pre-born.

      Many women (and men) take their reproductive responsibilities far too lightly. Heaven forbid they be held accoutable for taking those responsibilities for granted. Perhaps that wouldn't be the case if there were laws in place to protect the result of their indescretions.

      I'm very pro-choice. But that choice is made at the point when two people choose to remove their clothes and pursue a temporary pleasure. If they don't want to make a baby, then they can choose to keep their legs together and their clothes on.


      • #18
        Count me as one of the "changes." I'm ashamed to admit but in my younger days I was pro-choice. I bought into the "its your right to do what you want with your body" and "what if the mother's life is at risk" arguments I'm sad to say. In school I remember a teacher telling us how bad things would be "if all those unwanted babies were out there in society." I was raised in the Methodist church and I don't think I was ever told strongly enough what God's will was, or took the time to read it myself honestly, but once I did I knew I had been wrong. Now I'm firmly pro-life, and about one year ago we heard our babies's heartbeats for the first time, at around 10 weeks. Wow was that a special moment, and now I can't imagine how someone can debate when life starts and how anyone can consider an abortion after hearing that. That was just amazing to hear and know that already their bodies had developed that much, and their hearts were beating.

        You can debate from a religious or secular perspective, yes I believe abortion is wrong in God's eyes, but I also believe its wrong to allow babies to continue to be killed by "choice" and not have an issue with it.

        I just wanted to throw that out there, as if there are very many like me who have changed their views, you could see a big swing in that poll in 10-12 years.


        • #19
          Hopefully, we all get smarter as the years go on. With the exception that I knew everything there was to know when I was 23, I am fairly certain I am smarter today than I was 15 years ago.

          Good post jt. Someone else in your camp.....Roe in the Roe v Wade.


          • #20
            I really don’t like this issue and I have tried to stay away; however, although I don’t agree with everything in this article in Time I do think it is a pretty fair assessment and she makes some good points for instance:

            I think the numbers, inadequate and simplified though they may be, reflect deeper changes — some generational, some legal, some technological. People under 30 are more opposed to abortion than those who are older, perhaps because their first baby pictures were often taken in utero. I also wonder if younger women are now sure enough of their sexual autonomy and their choices generally that they don't view limits on abortion as attacks on their overall freedom. The calculation of rights subtly shifts, and the fetus, as it develops, asserts its claim on the conscience.


            • #21
              Originally posted by WuDrWu
              That is a classic defense/scare tactic statement from the left.

              Have you ever heard of anyone that's heard of anyone that had to kill the baby to save the mother?


              Are there legions of dead mothers litering the hospitals with orphaned babies?

              I'll be waiting.......but just so you know, that's a canned ham weakass lefty response that holds no water.
              My Sister in Law has had two ectopic pregnancies.


              • #22
                I don't claim to be an expert on the subject but I don't believe embryo's in ectopic/tubal pregnancies are viable, are they? Its kind of like fertilized eggs that stop reproducing cells-something like 1/2 of them stop even after splitting to 4/8 cells, then they stop. This is something that just happens naturally, and we don't know exactly why. It happens so early I don't think it qualifies to be called an embryo, or a terminated pregnancy, just another that didn't "work". Ectopic pregnancies usually work themselves out, or require some medical procedures, but I don't think women going to Tiller's clinic are going to terminate ectopic pregnancies.


                • #23
                  So if abortion was outlawed and a young woman, say your daughter gets an illegal one should she be convicted of murder?
                  I have come here to chew bubblegum and kickass ... and I'm all out of bubblegum.


                  • #24
                    Originally posted by kcshocker11
                    So if abortion was outlawed and a young woman, say your daughter gets an illegal one should she be convicted of murder?

                    It's always going to be someone's daughter. Doesn't sound like you are interested in making any tough decisions. Imagine that.


                    • #25
                      Originally posted by kcshocker11
                      So if abortion was outlawed and a young woman, say your daughter gets an illegal one should she be convicted of murder?
                      My hope in life is that when I do have children they will not commit any crimes, god forbid, a major crime.

                      But I'd compare that situation to the ones where girls dump their newborn or half-born babies into back alley garbage cans. I would never wanna be put in that situation, much less imagine it, but it is what it is..

                      If your daughter shot your son point-blank in the head, should she be convicted of murder?
                      Deuces Valley.
                      ... No really, deuces.
                      "Enjoy the ride."

                      - a smart man


                      • #26
                        Well, well, well, looks like SN is now the pow-wow gathering for Pro-Lifers. Anyway, you will never convince me that life begins at conception. What you say is life, I say is no more than a group of cells, no different than the red and white cells flowing throughout your body.

                        Now, if a woman cannot make up her mind on what she wants to do by the first 39 days, then honey, you are having a baby. Unless the mother's life is in danger, I wholeheartedly disagree with 2nd and 3rd trimester abortions. Just plain wrong. Research has convinced me however, that after 40 days, there is sufficient fetal development to what I believe is the definition of life. The existence of brainwaves.

                        So ladies, first off have your man 'jimmy up'. If you get pregnant, then you better make up your mind before 40 days because if it were up to me, then you are going to have the baby.


                        • #27
                          Originally posted by WuDrWu
                          Originally posted by kcshocker11
                          So if abortion was outlawed and a young woman, say your daughter gets an illegal one should she be convicted of murder?

                          It's always going to be someone's daughter. Doesn't sound like you are interested in making any tough decisions. Imagine that.
                          Sorry Doc but I lived when abortion was outlawed its you who doesnt want to address tough decisions. Are you or arent you going to charge them , and if your are how many prisons are you going to build to house them.
                          This will not be like a girl who dumps a baby in a trash can, there will be thousands if not millions.

                          This is just one of the questions that would have to be addressed, Would you charge the boy if he assisted in convincing the girl to abort? How about a woman who aborted because of rape or incest? Would you charge the provider? If in the past when Mexico and Canada provided abortions to Americans would you cut off diplomatic relations, perhaps invade (after all more would be murdered here than on 9-11)?

                          KC , I agree with you, late term is disturbing and needs only to be used to save the life of the mother. You are like me Pro Choice not pro abortion! Having lived in an America where it was against the law, I know it didnt work. Abortions didnt stop and wont if outlawed!

                          If one wishes to debate the existence of a soul as grounds, well good luck.

                          I commend pro lifers for wanting a perfect world, but reality dictates and has dictated otherwise. I find it odd that those who profess to want no Govt intrusion in their lives think its ok in this case. I also find it interesting that people will march and shout murderer about abortions and then cheer when hundreds of thousands of innocent civilians are killed in Iraq or do nothing to help starving people around the world whose daily lives are in misery.

                          Perhaps they just need an example. Heres a man who has saved over a billion lives.

                          Because of his achievements to prevent hunger, famine and misery around the world, it is said that Dr. Borlaug has "saved more lives than any other person who has ever lived."
                          (Hmm I wonder what Jesus would think?)
                          Now thats a movement I can truely support!

                          Sorry if you dont agree!
                          8) 8)
                          I have come here to chew bubblegum and kickass ... and I'm all out of bubblegum.


                          • #28
                            Originally posted by kcshocker11
                            I commend pro lifers for wanting a perfect world, but reality dictates and has dictated otherwise. I also find it odd that those who profess to want no Govt intrusion in their lives think its ok in this case.
                            I believe life begins at conception. One of the purposes of the government is to protect life and liberty. There is no conflict there. The way I see it, government is currently intruding (actually, aiding and abetting) on the lives of the pre-born.

                            If abortion is against the law and my daughter (I don't have one) were to violate that law, she deserves whatever consequences the law dictates.


                            • #29
                              Originally posted by RoyalShock
                              Originally posted by kcshocker11
                              I commend pro lifers for wanting a perfect world, but reality dictates and has dictated otherwise. I also find it odd that those who profess to want no Govt intrusion in their lives think its ok in this case.
                              I believe life begins at conception. One of the purposes of the government is to protect life and liberty. There is no conflict there. The way I see it, government is currently intruding (actually, aiding and abetting) on the lives of the pre-born.

                              If abortion is against the law and my daughter (I don't have one) were to violate that law, she deserves whatever consequences the law dictates.
                              I see, well KCshox doent believe it does. So, you are willing to force your beliefs on others, knowing perfectly well that yours are founded on religous grounds! Sounds a bit like the Taliban. 8)
                              I have come here to chew bubblegum and kickass ... and I'm all out of bubblegum.


                              • #30
                                Originally posted by RoyalShock
                                Originally posted by kcshocker11
                                I commend pro lifers for wanting a perfect world, but reality dictates and has dictated otherwise. I also find it odd that those who profess to want no Govt intrusion in their lives think its ok in this case.
                                I believe life begins at conception. One of the purposes of the government is to protect life and liberty. There is no conflict there. The way I see it, government is currently intruding (actually, aiding and abetting) on the lives of the pre-born.

                                If abortion is against the law and my daughter (I don't have one) were to violate that law, she deserves whatever consequences the law dictates.
                                Infinity Art Glass - Fantastic local artist and Shocker fan
                                RIP Guy Always A Shocker
                                Carpenter Place - A blessing to many young girls/women
                                ICT S.O.S - Great local cause fighting against human trafficking
                                Wartick Insurance Agency - Saved me money with more coverage.
                                Save Shocker Sports - A rallying cry

