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Why so much venom?

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  • #31
    Well said ABC, and I offer you the same "good luck" wish given to Denny.


    • #32
      Originally posted by rayc
      Denny, trying to have a rational discussion with totally irrational people is a waste of time but good luck in your effort.
      Could ya list out maybe 10 to 20 things the totally rational person(use yourself as a model if you like) consists of. Then we can all measure ourselves against the list, place ourselves on a scale 1 to 10 . When we post we can account for each others inadequicies in these areas.

      Perhaps you would be available to tutor all of us and help fill in our voids :D 8)
      I have come here to chew bubblegum and kickass ... and I'm all out of bubblegum.


      • #33
        The thing is, I agree with most conservative ideology to a point. I recognize that unrestrained free markets without some regulation result in an unleveled playing field (see Enron). Because of our sin nature, human beings simply cannot handle the awesome power of a purely free market; we can actually destroy ourselves with it. Greed unregulated (evil), gains very little foothold in a more socialistic system, but the inefficiencies and lack of overall stewardship of resources such as land, labor, and capital, create an even greater disservice to mankind.

        With that said...

        The party that represents those ideologies carries with it a ton of anger and hatred. It's bad enough that free-market capitalism basically means to the majority of people in America (middle-class and lower), "the rich get richer and the poor get poorer". But add in people like Limbaugh, Hannity, and a whole host of others on networks like Fox news that simply spew hatred all day long, and the republicans start to make a very bad name for themselves. I submit that if it wasn't for the republicans being the "party for the Christians" it would lose a lot of ground in our nation. I believe that Christians are getting fed up with the republican party. Many in the republican party behave as if they have no morals and some are moving more and more to the left. There is no party imbalance in Washington scandals, each side has its share.

        I watched some of the programs on Fox last night; Hannity etc. I heard hosts say things like "oh God no" in regards to Obama gaining the presidency. This is the kind of severely unbiased "news" coverage I was talking about. Sure the rest of the "normal" media is left-leaning with their coverage and choice of topics, but nowhere NEAR as right leaning as Fox News. Rupert Murdoch explicitly stated that his reason for creating the Fox News channel was to balance the influence of the established liberal media. But Fox news has not become the standard bearer for fair and balanced news, it has committed the same crimes as the liberal media only much more so in my opinion. I would even propose that the creation of Fox News has caused the liberal media to become even more liberal. These extremely partisan media networks continue to try and "program" their listeners to hate the "other side". For the last several presidential elections the underlying theme has always been "The American people are tired of gridlock in Washington". All I see in this forum is an extension of the same silliness I see on the T.V. You all are being programmed to toe the party line and you don't even realize it. Most of you are not thinking independently, but are regurgitating what "they" want you to regurgitate. There are a couple in here that do appear to be "doing their homework" but the vast majority, especially the ones that call other posters names, are hanging by a foundational thread... That must be a scary place to be and I can understand why they are so angry.




        • #34
          Originally posted by Denny Crane
          I don't know, Cold, you read this and tell me:

          San Franciso will hopefully break off the continent some day and sink to
          the bottom of the ocean.




          • #35
            Originally posted by C0|dB|00ded
            The party that represents those ideologies carries with it a ton of anger and hatred...But add in people like Limbaugh, Hannity, and a whole host of others on networks like Fox news that simply spew hatred all day long, and the republicans start to make a very bad name for themselves.

            Sure the rest of the "normal" media is left-leaning with their coverage and choice of topics, but nowhere NEAR as right leaning as Fox News...But Fox news has not become the standard bearer for fair and balanced news, it has committed the same crimes as the liberal media only much more so in my opinion.
            These two points I couldn't disagree with more. First, you can talk about the anger from Limbaugh and Hannity but I'll counter with the party lead by Pelosi, Reid and Frank - which is worse?

            Secondly, while Fox is no doubt right of center (which is where the average American happens to be) it is not even close to the extreme fringe that is MSNBC. Take Olberman and Rachel Maddow - every single word coming out of their mouths is dripping with liberal sarcasm. They NEVER have a decent word to offer if it doesn't have (D) attached to it. The material is half a notch above late night comedy. I'll probably never agree with the message but I cannot take the 100% sarcastic stchick seriously. And these are the stars of that network.


            • #36
              Maybe I just watch the wrong shows on Fox Cold, but I hear just as much if not more hatred spewed from MSNBC and CNN when I flip over there as from FNC.
              Infinity Art Glass - Fantastic local artist and Shocker fan
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              Save Shocker Sports - A rallying cry


              • #37
                Originally posted by C0|dB|00ded
                The thing is, I agree with most conservative ideology to a point. I recognize that unrestrained free markets without some regulation result blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah
                blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah


                Go educate yourself a little bit and come back to us . . . or not.


                • #38
                  Originally posted by ABC
                  Originally posted by C0|dB|00ded
                  The thing is, I agree with most conservative ideology to a point. I recognize that unrestrained free markets without some regulation result blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah
                  blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah


                  Go educate yourself a little bit and come back to us . . . or not.
                  LOL -You're really something...




                  • #39
                    IMHO, the best part about this campaign has been Saturday Night Live. I'm sure there will be a YouTube up soon of the Palin rap at the tail end of Weekend Update.

                    As for me, there's enough that I sharply disagree with from both candidates, and knowing Kansas and its electoral votes will go for McCain, I think I may just write in myself. A friend of mine in Florida says he will write me in because he can't stand "either one of these clowns." ShockBand in 08! :)
                    Be who you are and say what you feel, because those who mind don't matter, and those who matter don't mind. ~Dr. Seuss


                    • #40
                      Originally posted by SubGod22
                      Maybe I just watch the wrong shows on Fox Cold, but I hear just as much if not more hatred spewed from MSNBC and CNN when I flip over there as from FNC.
                      I don't watch a lot of news anymore except for what comes via CNBC. What I have seen over the years is this:

                      In the old days you would hear about a gaff during a news segment with Tom Brokaw or Dan Rather. Somebody would leave a mic on and they would be overheard saying something against the republicans. But by and large any liberal suggestions would be very subtle. Journalism was fairly pure and it was still a guessing game in regards to who stood for what.

                      Enter Rush Limbaugh. There was a time when I listened and even watched Rush on television. His shtick grew old and eventually I started realizing that he was blabbering about more and more meaningless stuff in order to keep his listeners entertained. He started doing endless skits, mocking blacks, and greatly expounding on his "news reporting" to include a lot of conspiracy theory b.s. It's not Rush's fault, he has to stir the pot to keep his listeners coming back.

                      Over time you had Rush copycats and Fox news really started to take off. I even stopped listening to Bill O'Reilly because I couldn't stomach his "no spin" b.s. anymore. He's definitely republican and I share most of his views, but why does he have to lie about it? He brings democrats on his show and absolutely bullies then while he puts the gloves on for most republicans. Listen carefully, I don't have a problem with O'Reilly's views, just his hypocrisy.

                      I see a definite subtle, sarcastic tone on liberal networks but there is nothing subtle on Fox. It is just straight out in the open, no holds barred, biased media. To be honest with you, I don't think there is a true unbiased media source left in the world.

                      The good thing is I don't get irritated watching CNBC. They offer enough good information to cover up their one subversive goal and that is to promote market volume and activity.




                      • #41
                        Originally posted by ShockBand
                        IMHO, the best part about this campaign has been Saturday Night Live. I'm sure there will be a YouTube up soon of the Palin rap at the tail end of Weekend Update.

                        As for me, there's enough that I sharply disagree with from both candidates, and knowing Kansas and its electoral votes will go for McCain, I think I may just write in myself. A friend of mine in Florida says he will write me in because he can't stand "either one of these clowns." ShockBand in 08! :)
                        Yeah, I was planning on writing in my brother.




                        • #42
                          Find information about the 2024 elections from Fox News. Stay up-to-date with the upcoming 2024 presidential election news, predictions, and live updates daily.

                          SFL is back!


                          • #43
                            Originally posted by SFL

                            "The story was a richly reported, completely fair, respectful -- even empathetic -- profile of a would-be first lady," Mathis added. "The material is almost all from named sources, and the McCain campaign has not disputed a single fact."

                            Perhaps we don't like what we find but don't kill the messenger.



