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Snipers shoot 10 Dallas Cops at Black Lives Matter Protest

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  • Originally posted by ShockRef View Post
    You are a Star Trek fan, as evidenced by your name, which means you can't be all that bad. We've been semi-agreeing on a few things lately and I was encouraged.
    Then... well then you go and make a ****-the-bed comment about Bush getting 4K killed. If this is the result of some drunk posting, then maybe you get a mulligan.

    However, if anyone has gotten Americans killed, its your good friend BHO.

    His divisive rhetoric concerning law enforcement has inflamed raw emotions of those who are misguided and filled with hate.
    It all started with the "Stupid cops" comments made soon after being inaugurated. It hasn't stopped.

    Instead of attempting to lead by example and heal the wounds, he continues to make poorly timed and incompetent statements.

    Read the book "The Amateur"... appropriately named and eye opening content. Then get back to me.

    That is all.
    I don't like BHO, he's not my friend.

    I also think he has tilted waaaaayyyyy too far to the Black Lives Matter side and I applaud the police chiefs who met with him in private a couple of days ago and dressed him down. I was also disappointed in his AG's, as they traveled the country in search of civil rights lawsuits and did not prosecute the banksters who crashed our economy. The whole voting rights episode is a perfect example of why people don't think the system works for them anymore. If you're rich and you steal money with a pen, you get off scot-free. That was the message BHO sent to us.

    I believe I'm being pretty objective in saying that Dubya did a horrible job running this country. That point was driven home even more when he appeared with Jeb during his presidential run. If I were Reince Preibus, I would be finding a good place to hide him until after the election. He will be a huge drag on the ticket (unless he appears somewhere here in Texas).

    I also think there are a lot of people on this board who are not objective about their politcians. If I think someone is doing a lousy job, I'm going to speak up. I don't care whether they are democrat or republican. We elect people to be our leaders and we should expect that they should be reasonably competent and try to do what's best for our state and country.

    However, this part of the country is dominated by republicans, so it's a lot easier for me to lampoon the likes of Sam Brownback, Dan Patrick and Greg Abbott.
    When republicans hold every statewide elective office (like they do in Texas), it's a lot easier to come up with stupid republican politicians because the population of incompetent republicans is much higher than incompetent democrats.

    In case people haven't looked around lately, there are fewer and fewer good middle-class jobs in this country. Supporting politicians of any stripe who refuse to realize that this is a problem that must be dealt with only means that you as a voter are insuring that your children grow up in more difficult circumstances than you did.


    • Khan,
      You make multiple good points. Neither side of the political aisle has made an significant positive contribution to the lives of the general American public in years (or term in office).
      However, as bad as you make GWB out to be, he never divided the country as much as BHO.
      BHO, and his stated "waaaaayyyyy too far" leaning to BLM, illegal aliens, occupiers, radical protesters, ultra, ultra left leaning liberals, radical Iranian leadership (and the list goes on and on) has caused far more damage to this country.

      It isn't even close.

      GWB wasn't perfect, not even remotely close. But comparing him to the buffoon and incompetent BHO is laughable.

      You seem to be committed to making a statement and support with facts.
      If so, read the book. It is well worth your time.

      That is all.
      Above all, make the right call.


      • Well said Khan.
        “Losers Average Losers.” ― Paul Tudor Jones


        • Originally posted by shocka khan View Post
          I disagree. Although I am disappointed with Obama (and since I'm an equal opportunity abuser), I think George W. Bush was much worse. Sure seems funny that no republican I've ever seen posting here on the various political blogs agrees with me. Bush spent a billion dollars and got 4,000 of our best and brightest killed in a war (Iraq) that, by all appearances to me, was declared solely because Saddam tried to kill Bush Sr. t going to totally prosecute or defend Obama or Bush, nor will I say one is worse oro

          That was much dumber than anything Obama has ever done. Oh and I forgot to mention that the economy crashed on Bush's watch as well, so there's that, too.

          Although I greatly fault Obama for not prosecuting the banksters that crashed our economy, I feel like Bush could have prevented some of the worst effects of the 'great recession' if he had only instructed the examiners at the Fed to look in the loan files a little closer when doing safety and soundness examinations so as to make sure that appraisals were fair, that the appraisal values resembelled something akin to normal and that the borrower's creditworthiness was based on a throrough examination of their credit and not on a 'drive-by let's make this loan work' review.

          Suffice to say that there's a lot more to judging a president than whether he was supportive (or not) of our law enforcement officers, even if your statement has a small ring of truth to it.

          I'm not getting into the weeds to defend nor prosecute either Bush nor Obama and I'm not commenting which is a better or worse President. However, Obama is doing a terrible job of using the Presidency to prosecute the war against terror and this police crisis. Obama is a weak leader in both of these situations. He fails to see that he must lead and speak to the world against terror and he tries to not offend portions of the black community nor the police by straddling the middle. In both cases, he fails to speak out in a strong way. These are times that he must speak out with a megaphone demanding that other leaders including middle eastern leaders speak out extreme Islamist.

          OTOH, Bush was not intimidated by these circumstances. He called things what they were and led us through 9/11. IMO, Bush wasn't afraid of sticking his neck out. Obama tries to straddle these types of problems. As I said, earlier, both have made mistakes (both may be poor Presidents) and I'm only comparing them in their willingness to be a leader during tough times. Bush imo was much better.

