There are orders of magnitude of people in our economy that did not choose wisely during major choice, and are hence now working at the rental desk of Enterprise, or as a Starbucks barista, and have without a doubt a worse situation than a teacher. Literally (and I mean literally) every teacher I know, or my wife knows, has a standard of living that is middle class at worst and upper-middle class at best, drives an above-average car and lives in a home of above-average value, enjoys approximately 4 months off in total per year, and generally has fantastic benefits. It is not a bad career, not a bad educational choice, nor a bad career choice.
This concept that a college education should guarantee wealth (or really anything) is a silly one to me. It is part of the entitlement mentality in our country. Not to partially repeat myself, but a couple coming out of WSU can spend as little as roughly $50K for their two degrees, and make close to $80K combined in their first year out of the gate. Sure, the curve up from there in earnings is not steep, but nor it is in many other fields.
Education is a perfectly reasonable major choice, with reasonable earnings potential. At the most basic of levels, looking at teacher earnings contrasted with overall earnings percentiles, should indicate this in a very obvious manner. The majority of this country is in a worse financial position due to career/education choice than the typical school teacher... literally.
This concept that a college education should guarantee wealth (or really anything) is a silly one to me. It is part of the entitlement mentality in our country. Not to partially repeat myself, but a couple coming out of WSU can spend as little as roughly $50K for their two degrees, and make close to $80K combined in their first year out of the gate. Sure, the curve up from there in earnings is not steep, but nor it is in many other fields.
Education is a perfectly reasonable major choice, with reasonable earnings potential. At the most basic of levels, looking at teacher earnings contrasted with overall earnings percentiles, should indicate this in a very obvious manner. The majority of this country is in a worse financial position due to career/education choice than the typical school teacher... literally.