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Ravens Release Ray Rice

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  • #31
    Originally posted by 1979Shocker View Post
    If he only worked at the local grocery store or the manufacturing plant, would she still be with him? Or better yet, would she have ever married him?
    Ding, ding, ding we have winner. Big money, the ultimate aphrodisiac.


    • #32
      Originally posted by ShockTalk View Post
      Playing devil's advocate, 1) "what penalty anywhere, civil, criminal or otherwise, doesn't also affect the spouse, if there is one?" : True, but the only "crime" (our words, not hers) was done to her, no one else. As far as the law is concerned, he got a slap on the hand. And you're right, the NFL's only interest is Ray (and their own) as their decision totally ignores her interest. She becomes the victim twice.
      I would argue that it the matter of penalizing wrong behavior the direct victim is not the only stakeholder. Punishments set clear indications of societal disapproval for a behavior which can have repercussions for any person in society that might be vulnerable to similar attack. Likewise, refusal to punish can give implicit license to others who consider engaging in the same behavior.
      "Cotton scared me - I left him alone." - B4MSU (Bear Nation poster) in reference to heckling players


      • #33
        Originally posted by The Mad Hatter View Post
        I would argue that it the matter of penalizing wrong behavior the direct victim is not the only stakeholder. Punishments set clear indications of societal disapproval for a behavior which can have repercussions for any person in society that might be vulnerable to similar attack. Likewise, refusal to punish can give implicit license to others who consider engaging in the same behavior.
        Not that I disagree, but that puts an awful lot on a first time victim who is in a very emotional state, may be in denial that it was a one time thing or partly her fault, irrational or not still loves the attacker, yet is still expected to look at the societal aspect. This might play better after repeat incident(s).


        • #34
          Originally posted by ShockTalk View Post
          Not that I disagree, but that puts an awful lot on a first time victim who is in a very emotional state, may be in denial that it was a one time thing or partly her fault, irrational or not still loves the attacker, yet is still expected to look at the societal aspect. This might play better after repeat incident(s).
          These kinds of situations obviously produce awkward balancing acts, and the problems are amplified (in all directions) when the cases are high publicity. I say this to clarify that what I am about to say doesn't mean that I think that all of the particulars of how this case has been handled can be justified or that there may not be ways to better serve the interests of the victim.

          On the societal level, waiting for repeated incidents risks higher probability of both repeated incidents due to a perception that no one cares since you weren't punished the first time and first time incidents by others.

          On the individual level, while there may be hardship for the wife created by the punishment, such a punishment may also be the thing that prevents one incident from turning into a long term pattern of spousal abuse, which means that even if she can't see it now, it may objectively be to her benefit. In addition, if she is feeling any sense that she was at fault, lack of societal condemnation might reinforce that message to her and a belief by the victim that they were at fault is part of what perpetuates on-going abuse.

          All that said, I will certainly agree with those who question the vast disparity that exists between various criminal activities committed by athletes and the fact that the responses seem to be based more out of a purely PR motive and knee-jerk reaction than a thoughtful, consistent policy approach.
          "Cotton scared me - I left him alone." - B4MSU (Bear Nation poster) in reference to heckling players


          • #35
            Wait till they open up the can of worms called the NBA.
            An “Old West” Texas analysis and summary of Mueller report and Congress’ efforts in one sentence:

            "While we recognize that the subject did not actually steal any horses, he is obviously guilty of trying to resist being hanged for it."


            • #36

              this tells you pretty much everything you need to know about unions


              • #37
                Originally posted by pinstripers View Post

                this tells you pretty much everything you need to know about unions
                If I'm Ray Rice im appealing as well. What he did is deplorable. He should have been given a harsher consequence from the get go. (I think I stated that in the thread earlier) But he gets a slap on the wrist. Then they decide to change it after the fact. Hes going to win his appeal. he will be given the 6 game suspension. I am not sure if anyone will pick him up though.


                • #38
                  Couldn't possibly agree more with @Awesome Sauce Malone:'s take.


                  • #39
                    Ray Rice Wins Reinstatement to N.F.L. in Arbitration

                    An arbitrator on Friday overturned the National Football League’s indefinite suspension of Ray Rice, the former Baltimore Ravens running back who knocked out his fiancée in an elevator altercation. The decision called the penalty “arbitrary” and in conflict with the facts of the case.

                    Barbara S. Jones, a former federal judge, heard Mr. Rice’s appeal in a two-day session this month. During those two days, Mr. Rice maintained that he had been penalized twice for the same offense: once when Commissioner Roger Goodell suspended him for two games and fined him about $500,000 as a result of the attack, and again, a few months later, when Mr. Rice was suspended indefinitely after a graphic video of the attack publicly surfaced on the website TMZ.

                    ​Mr. Goodell had contended that the video revealed a “starkly different sequence of events” from what Mr. Rice had described in his initial meeting with the commissioner. But Judge Jones concluded that Mr. Rice never misrepresented to Mr. Goodell what occurred and thus did not deserve to be punished a second time.


                    • #40
                      Janay Rice: Ray Never Hit Me Before Elevator Incident

                      One moment in their lives brought Ray and Janay Rice into the public eye for all the wrong reasons. While Ray Rice has now been reinstated, and is looking for a team, his life off the field, and that of his wife Janay, are forever changed by what happened in that elevator.Update: Ray Rice seeks 'second chance' for NFL; admits mistake for not apologizing to JanayRecently, Matt Lauer traveled to th


                      • #41
                        Ray Rice: All I Hope For Is a Second Chance at the NFL

                        On Monday, we heard from Janay Rice, about that February night in an Atlantic City elevator, when her then-fiancé Ray Rice knocked her unconscious in an assault that was caught on camera. In an interview that aired on TODAY Tuesday, Ray Rice spoke to Matt Lauer about the elevator incident, his future career and more, alongside Janay and her parents, Candy and Joe Palmer. Ray Rice on what it woul


                        • #42
                          Originally posted by Awesome Sauce Malone View Post
                          If I'm Ray Rice im appealing as well. What he did is deplorable. He should have been given a harsher consequence from the get go. (I think I stated that in the thread earlier) But he gets a slap on the wrist. Then they decide to change it after the fact. Hes going to win his appeal. he will be given the 6 game suspension. I am not sure if anyone will pick him up though.
                          Agreed. Glad he won his appeal, based on what you said above.

                          He should have the take the fall for the NFL's mistake. His true punishment will be having to live with what he did for the rest of his life.

                          This is America, and everyone seems to get their second chance (see Michael Vick). Now, it's a question of what team will give Rice his?
                          The Assman

