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Update on my wife

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  • #16
    As basketball season approaches, with all the excitement in the air, this news truly saddens me. It really goes to show how meaningless basketball is.

    I can only wish for comfort and strength for your wife and you pogo. My deepest prayers your way..
    Deuces Valley.
    ... No really, deuces.
    "Enjoy the ride."

    - a smart man


    • #17
      Originally posted by pogo View Post
      We saw the oncologist yesterday and received devastating news. Her brain tumors that had been dormant for the last 8 months have started to grow and several new ones have appeared.
      This really is the only legitimate reason to have a "Don't Like This Post" button. I'm truly saddened for you Pogo and echo the sentiments of all the other replies thus far. My thoughts and prayers are with you and your wife and I sincerely hope you find solace in the fact that you've touched so many of us with your resilience and fortitude as you have stood by your wife through her battles.

      Go Shocks? No, Go Pogo. Peace.


      • #18

        I'm sorry to hear about your wife. Enjoy whatever precious time you have left with her and know that you are both in everyone's thoughts and prayers.


        • #19

          I am deeply saddened by your situation. If there is anything we can do for you, please do not hesitate to ask.



          • #20
            Thanks to all and your sentiments. They are all appreciated by the both of us. I really do believe that we will make the tournament in KC and may be the last time she can see her Shocks play. One of the grand kids asked their mom why do things like this happen to nice people and her response was "Things like this happen to mean people too but no one misses them".


            • #21
              Great answer.


              • #22
                Pogo...I think I told you this before so I apologize in advance but I watched the toughest healthiest man I ever knew, my father, wither away in eight months from brain cancer. I feel your pain, brother; let me know if there is anything I can do.

                That is why it is so important that we all drink from the well of life as much and as often as God allows us time on Planet Earth.


                • #23
                  Pogo, I'm just so very sorry to hear about your wife's condition while at the same time I can't tell you how much I admire both of you for the spirit the two of you are exhibiting under such trying conditions.


                  • #24
                    Words fail me. I will be praying for you and your wife.


                    • #25
                      Pogo, just reading what you said about KC probably being the last time your wife will see the Shockers play really hit me hard with memories. In January 2007, my dad celebrated his birthday watching Wichita State play Creighton at the Roundhouse with 10,400 of his best friends (a few sCUmmies did sneak into the party uninvited). PJ Couisnard swatted a last-second, potential-game-tying three-point attempt from Nate Funk to seal the win.

                      Four months later, Dad passed away from a long, lingering battle with diabetes and other issues. That game was the last sporting event he ever attended. PJ's block was literally the last play he ever saw. I had the chance to tell PJ about it later. As long as I am around to tell my family story, PJ will be part of that story.

                      Right, wrong, or indifferent, what our players and coaches do matter to the people in this city. I have enough perspective in life to know that the outcomes of ballgames don't really matter in the grand scheme of things. However, I also know that these ballgames help us create memories and family bonds that death cannot break (crap, my eyes just started watering as I typed that last sentence). They give us an avenue to forget about the world around us for a couple of hours. While Dad was sick, Mom talked about enjoying going to Shocker games for that exact reason. She always wished she could have told Mark Turgeon that if he needed to chew out a ref, then she could just save him the trouble and handle it herself as she had plenty of pent-up emotion to handle the task. I obviously miss my dad a lot, but being at the ballpark or arena helps me celebrate him rather than miss him.

                      Joe DiMaggio once said that he always tried to play hard because he knew that there was probably someone who was watching him play for the first time. I would like to add that you never know when someone is watching you play for the last time as well.


                      • #26
                        We have never met....yet I have always had the feeling we may have known each other during college. My prayers are with you. I lost my mother to anaplastic astrocytoma and just last week, a golf buddy to the same bastard. Lean heavily in the arms of those around you and he who promises to carry all of our burdens. Peace.
                        Robin Roberts: "My mother used to say, when you strut, you stumble."


                        • #27
                          Prayers to you and your wife.
                          Marge: The plant called and said that if you don't come in tomorrow, don't bother coming in Monday.
                          Homer: WOOHOO! Four day weekend.


                          • #28
                            I am sorry pogo. Peace to you and your wife.
                            In the fast lane


                            • #29
                              Sorry to hear it, pogo. You will be in my thoughts and prayers.


                              • #30
                                God bless you and your wife @pogo:. How long have you been married? I hope you are able to savor these final months together. You obviously have a great love for each other and that will certainly serve you both well. Not much else to say but to wish you and your family the best during these tough times.

