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  • #31
    Originally posted by WuDrWu View Post
    Thanks for playing and your prize is 2nd place in the moron of the week contest. Well done!
    I keep trying to best you Doc but you keep winning:encouragement:
    I have come here to chew bubblegum and kickass ... and I'm all out of bubblegum.


    • #32
      Originally posted by WuDrWu View Post
      Forgive me, but I am not sure what that has to do with shockmonster's point.....feel free to educate me. I don't know if this is on topic or not, but the greatest reason that number is so insanely high is that the government subsidizes single moms because of their bleeding hearts. I see it every single day. I have an employee that just had her 8th child, all with no dad paying child support. Why? One of the older kids is now an adult so her subsidies are going down. They know exactly how to work the system to get as much as they can BECAUSE THAT'S WHAT THE GOVERNMENT TELLS THEM TO DO. It's insane.

      Want me to tell you about how many people buy food stamps for .50 on the dollar?
      I don't think that there is much if any disagreement here. While the government may be a symptom of the problem, the underlying message to families is that you don't need married fathers and mothers to make it work. In my opinion, money isn't the problem because it affects the rich and poor. The Hollywood rich say that they don't need a husband/father becasue they have enough money. The poor believe they don't need it either. This follows one generation to the next and the cycle is difficult to break.


      • #33
        The government is largely the cause of the problem, not the symptom.


        • #34
          Originally posted by shockmonster View Post
          I will add that as traditional marriage and traditional family (which should be the goal even though we may not reach it) decline and alternative lifestyles become the norm, I believe that the problems of our society will continue to grow (ie poverty, pregnancy out of wedlock and children without two parents, education decline, dropout rate, alcoholism, drug abuse, children abuse, etc.). This is already an epidemic in the inter-city throughout our country and moving into suburbia.
          Pregnancy out of wedlock shouldn't be a problem in the gay community.


          • #35
            Originally posted by pinstripers View Post
            The government is largely the cause of the problem, not the symptom.
            You may not agree but I would say that the problem is sinful nature.


            • #36
              Originally posted by shockmonster View Post
              You may not agree but I would say that the problem is sinful nature.
              The problem is human nature. We are incredibly ingrained toward reproducing. We talk about "instincts" in animals like it's something those animals have no options but to follow.

              You may not like to hear this but reproducing among humans is one of the most powerful "instincts" in existence. If we weren't so powerfully inclined to reproduce, our species would never have survived some of the extinctions we've faced in our history on this earth.

              I'm quite fond of irony. Seeing a thread about gay marriage morph into a thread about illegitimate births has to approach being an ultimate irony.

              Citing illegitimate births among the black population without relating those stats to socio-economic situations can be seen as racist. I would speculate that the rate of illegitimate births to white women in similar socio-economic conditions to the black women cited is probably pretty similar.

              It is my opinion that government policies that have been in place for at least 50 years encourage making babies outside of traditional marriages and cost society billions of dollars a year.

              Like I said earlier, I love irony. Do I see posters in this thread who oppose gay marriage using out-of-wedlock babies as an argument against gay marriage?
              The future's so bright - I gotta wear shades.
              We like to cut down nets and get sized for championship rings.


              • #37
                Since this thread took a strange turn, let me add this.

                People in gay marriages are much more likely to adopt unwanted babies than to have them.

                I guess I'm just a "live and let live" kind of person. I can see some real advantages in my attitude for some people who live south and east of Wichita (their fan affiliation shall remain unnamed). I'd rather they had a gay marriage than marry their cousin and reproduce.
                The future's so bright - I gotta wear shades.
                We like to cut down nets and get sized for championship rings.


                • #38
                  Originally posted by Aargh View Post
                  The problem is human nature. We are incredibly ingrained toward reproducing. We talk about "instincts" in animals like it's something those animals have no options but to follow.

                  You may not like to hear this but reproducing among humans is one of the most powerful "instincts" in existence. If we weren't so powerfully inclined to reproduce, our species would never have survived some of the extinctions we've faced in our history on this earth.

                  I'm quite fond of irony. Seeing a thread about gay marriage morph into a thread about illegitimate births has to approach being an ultimate irony.

                  Citing illegitimate births among the black population without relating those stats to socio-economic situations can be seen as racist. I would speculate that the rate of illegitimate births to white women in similar socio-economic conditions to the black women cited is probably pretty similar.
                  I have one theme that I've taken on this and if you don't read everything, you can take statements out of context. The bedrock of our society is TRADITIONAL MARRAIGE and the bible is clear that traditional marraige is what is emphasized. Our society is dishonoring traditional marraige in a variety of ways and therefore many social ills come to fruition. From your statements above, it sounds like you may not have a biblical view on marriage but throughout the new testament, it talks about sex within the context of traditional marraige. Maybe I'm in a minority today, but these are my viewpoints. I respect our right to disagree.
                  Last edited by shockmonster; August 4, 2012, 03:41 AM. Reason: grammar errors


                  • #39
                    I will add that from the lack of support here, it looks like my views on Traditional Marraige, like Cathy's are a minority on Shockernet and elsewhere. I can assure that they are mainstream among most evangelicals which include Cathy. Again, I respect everyone's right to disagree but Cathy and myself have a right to express our views.


                    • #40
                      I am one who believes that only those without sin should cast the first stone. He with a wife who sits silently in church. He who has never lied. He who has never coveted. He who has never overindulged in a plate of food. He who has never envied his neighbors new truck. He who was a virgin until marriage.

                      If you haven't noticed in the past, my governmental beliefs that the right is too far left, but my religious beliefs are based on the fact we are all sinners, and therefor non of us should be casting stones at anyone.

                      Government has gone against the bible on women, greed, sloth, envy, adultery (they were to be put to death in certain cases), and many other issues. If we are supporting "Traditional Marriage", why are we not lined up in front of the court house picketing those getting divorce for reasons other than immorality? Why do we support those who divorce for moral reasons and then get remarried?

                      Religion is one of the biggest hypocracies out there. The "I can sin as I please, but refuse to allow you to sin" is funny.

                      I believe in ones right to have their own opinion, chose their own path, and make thier own mistakes. I truly believe we will all have our day in front of the only man in position to cast stones. When that day comes, I hope most realize that by biblical standards, none of us will be allowed to get in.


                      • #41
                        Yeah, the collapse of traditional marriage eventually leads to the collapse of the entire nation. That doesn't mean that many gay couples cannot be wonderful parents, or that a traditional couple cannot be bad parents, but just as a generality, it doesn't take a village, it takes parents to raise a child.


                        • #42
                          Originally posted by WuDrWu View Post
                          I like to think yesterday was a protest of the media's and the left's distortion of the truth.

                          If you've been following this story, and I actually hope you haven't because it is sad, you'd know that little truth has been printed. The media has constantly twisted the facts. Read the quotes from Mr. Kathy. He never commented on gay marriage. You are free to infer what you will, but I think the reason you saw the silent majority speak volumes all over the country yesterday is because they are tired of the nonsense. Supporting traditional marriage does not make anyone a hate monger, which is what the left and GLBT folks want you to think. If you read the media, you might think they give money to the KKK and other "anti-gay" Fellowship of Christian Athletes?

                          The left does this because they know it sticks. They know people don't want to be lumped in with "hate" so they threaten anyone with that label and then good and decent people choose to stay quiet. Well, yesterday, imho, was an example of their response. They don't hate, and they are tired of being threatened with it. Stop trying to paint a false picture.

                          For the record, I don't think the state (and certainly not the feds) have any business in marriage in the first place. I couldn't care less if you are gay. I have hired gays (many) and I have more than 1 gay family member. Some I like, some I don't, just like non-gays.

                          By the way, where was the outrage and outcry when the President thought marriage was between 1 man and 1 woman, up to a couple months ago (when he realized he had to gin up the gay base to have a chance in the election)?

                          I'll answer if you need me to....I trust you don't.

                          The real hypocrisy is that all the hate is coming from the people accusing the other side of hate in this debate, and it is laughable to watch.

                          WOW...Doc, I could not agree with you more. I think it is sad that the left and those that support the non-straight style of life are in-your-face about it. What was hidden or in the closet 20 years ago is now forced down our throats and it is we who are made to feel guilty if we don't support the gays views or their way of life. I think God is ready to hit the smote button on this country.


                          • #43
                            Originally posted by shockmonster View Post
                            I will add that from the lack of support here, it looks like my views on Traditional Marraige, like Cathy's are a minority on Shockernet and elsewhere. I can assure that they are mainstream among most evangelicals which include Cathy. Again, I respect everyone's right to disagree but Cathy and myself have a right to express our views.
                            I have and always will support traditional marriage--it is the fundamental strength of our society. Hemorrhoid-humping has never been my style. Like the Supreme Court is making changes based on their interpretation of the Constitution, the left is doing the same with the Bible and scripture.


                            • #44
                              Let's boycott oil since it comes from many countries who have gays put to death. Oh wait, that would be intolerant of another religion.


                              • #45
                                Gay marriage is coming to America. In fact, it's already there.

                                Interestingly, homosexual sex acts have been legal in Wichita, and the rest of Kansas, since 2003. Notice how the average temperature has risen, amount annual rainfall has decreased, and the price of gasoline has doubled? Yeah, thanks, US Supreme Court. Sheesh. There's no possible way that these things are unrelated. Every time I see one of those many many polls confirming that the majority of Americans support same-sex marriage, I start worrying about 1000 foot tall tsunami waves.

                                In the mean time, one of those chicken sandwiches with pickle sounds delicious ... but I prefer Big Kahuna Burgers!

                                Big Kahuna burgers the cornerstone of a nutritious breakfast. A mighty tasty burger.
                                I think Pringles original intention was to make tennis balls... but on the day the rubber was supposed to show up a truckload of potatoes came. Pringles is a laid-back company, so they just said, "**** it, cut em up!" - MH

