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Penn State

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  • Penn State

    IMO, Joe Paterno needs to resign in shame immediately, and hope that he is not prosectued. Regarding Sandusky, our court system does not allow stern enough justice for him.

  • #2
    When I was home at lunch ESPN was all over this. His weekly press conference was cancelled and it sounds like it wasn't his choice. Also sounds like PSU is forcing him into retirement now. I'm guessing that since he's been there since Moses, he'll finish the season. This weekend will be his last home game.

    Matt Millen at one point burt into tears when talking about this at lunch. I'm sure all this news is tough to handle for many in the PSU family who have known these guys for ages. If true, this is really devestating. I believe I saw 40 counts of wrong doing and 8 boys. Crazy stuff from a guy who appeared to be someone special. If true, he won't like prison. I hear they don't take kindly to those who abuse kids.
    Infinity Art Glass - Fantastic local artist and Shocker fan
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    Save Shocker Sports - A rallying cry


    • #3
      I don't have a problem with Joe notifying the high administration when he learned of what had transpired. Now what type of conversation was held at the time is unknown. Maybe they told Joe lets see if this situation boils over. Maybe he was told that they would notify law enforcement. Regardless, Joe knew the allegations and as a responsible person in his position he should have followed through. It comes off as, "I've done my part, now it is out of my hands" that makes him look really bad.

      He knew if any action was being taken, he failed to escalate the issue to the authorities or revisit with these administrators once he found out that nothing was being done about it. Not doing anything makes him look like he was hoping or believed everything was brushed under the rug. This isn't some sort of recruiting violation that he and his colleagues can hope that will never be discovered. This is a sexual felony and should have been immediately addressed. Shame on you Joe.


      • #4
        We don't really know who told who exactly what and whether or not it was massaged along the way. But anyway you slice it this is a very unsavory and very unfortunate series of incidents at about the last place in the world you would expect it (at least among the big boys).

        Who knows how many victims will come forward at this point now that this has blown up.

        Really, the PSU administration has no real choice but to make changes (perhaps totally cleaning house) at this point. Unfortunately, the damage is done and regardless what they do there will a stigma associated with PSU for some time I would think. Will State College, PA ever be referred to as Happy Valley again. Kind of surreal.

        Of course, the worst damage was done to the kids that were molested and that will never be undone.

        I guess you really are only a strong as your weakest link. Nothing to be happy about in this situation.


        • #5
          Here is the ESPN segment with Matt Millen:


          • #6
            Originally posted by 1972Shocker View Post
            Here is the ESPN segment with Matt Millen:

            That is just insanely moving to watch.
   - A Wichita State Basketball Blog


            • #7
              This is very good TV journalism. The ESPN reporter did a great job of asking tough questions but no "gotcha" questions.

              Clearly Millen is still trying to get his mind around the allegations.

              As I am. It is really unbelievable.

              PSU football will suffer for a while, maybe greatly, as it should.

              "It is pretty disturbing." "It makes you sick to see that this could happen at this level." ". . . it makes you want to take care of it yourself."

              "If we can't protect our kids, we, as a society, are pathetic."

              "Man's inhumanity to man is just mind boggling. Where do we stop."

              Millen sounds like a solid man.

              This is the worst thing I've heard about anything related to sports. What has been worse?


              • #8
                We want Joe!”

                “And I want you!” Paterno said. “It’s hard for me to tell you how much this means to me. You guys have lived for this place. I’ve lived for people like you guys and girls. I’m just so happy to see that you feel so strongly about us and about our school. And as I said, I don’t know if you heard me or not, is, you know, the kids who were victims or whatever they want to say, I think we all ought to say a prayer for them. It’s a tough life when people do certain things to you. But anyway, you've been great. You’ve been really great.”


                • #9
                  Originally posted by ABC View Post
                  What has been worse?

                  I was going to (maybe a little bit sarcastically) say the Baylor murders, but the more I thought about it, the more I think that this Penn State thing is worse.

                  I heard Mike and Mike this morning and want to add some comments later when I get a chance to formulate a coherent thought.


                  • #10
                    I think Matt Millen's comment that this is "an indictment on our society as a whole" says a ton.

                    Think about it for a little bit.


                    • #11
                      Originally posted by WuDrWu View Post
                      I was going to (maybe a little bit sarcastically) say the Baylor murders, but the more I thought about it, the more I think that this Penn State thing is worse.

                      I heard Mike and Mike this morning and want to add some comments later when I get a chance to formulate a coherent thought.
                      I was gonna go with:

                      But then backed off because of the child aspect of it all. But then I realized some of the athletes were also kids too (albeit older). I dunno, it's not worth the brain juice. It's all terrible.
                      Kung Wu say, man who read woman like book, prefer braille!


                      • #12
                        Originally posted by WuDrWu View Post
                        I think Matt Millen's comment that this is "an indictment on our society as a whole" says a ton.

                        Think about it for a little bit.
                        Matt Millen became one of my favorite TV personalities with his comments. Extremely intelligent insight into a horrible situation that hits extra close to home for him.
               - A Wichita State Basketball Blog


                        • #13
                          Paterno out. Spanier out as well, good decision, his handling of this whole situation has been god awful.
                          The mountains are calling, and I must go.


                          • #14
                            Wow, JoePa announcing his retirement not good enough. Not sure what information the Penn State Board of Trustees had at their disposal but they obviously decided they needed to make a strong statement. How much that had to do with the legal morass Penn State is no doubt facing is hard to say.


                            • #15

