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Shocker SB v Evansville

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  • #16
    I, too, watched all three games. It seemed as though today, each team tried to give the other the win. Too many poor decisions/plays/errors. IMHO, the Shocks do not look sharp. Flying Moose is correct, Megan's footwork is not as it should be at the DI level. Paige had two difficulties; an overthrow to first and dropping the ball for a tag at third. She also had a running error. I am not the coach, but like Laura at third and Erin at first. I also think Erin gets to the foul balls better and stretches better. If coach is thinking about those who hit first and those who can play the position second; changing the field over and over, it doesn't allow for the team to build a team that comes to "know" those around them, and how they play, etc. It is hard to develop a flow to the game. Most teams I have watched throughout my 50+ years have a set line-up. I also noticed Hayley did get a hit today, and reached on an error. However, when I looked up her Valley stats before today she had a .053 (?) batting average. Maybe Laura (since she is an infielder) can play second? Get someone with a higher batting average, who is an outfielder, in center. Mel is also struggling at the plate. (her Valley stats) She is great at the throw down, however, not with a runner on third and the error monkey rearing it's ugly head. We do have three other catcher on the team: Megan, Molly and BB.


    • #17
      Originally posted by SBFan View Post
      I, too, watched all three games. It seemed as though today, each team tried to give the other the win. Too many poor decisions/plays/errors. IMHO, the Shocks do not look sharp. Flying Moose is correct, Megan's footwork is not as it should be at the DI level. Paige had two difficulties; an overthrow to first and dropping the ball for a tag at third. She also had a running error. I am not the coach, but like Laura at third and Erin at first. I also think Erin gets to the foul balls better and stretches better. If coach is thinking about those who hit first and those who can play the position second; changing the field over and over, it doesn't allow for the team to build a team that comes to "know" those around them, and how they play, etc. It is hard to develop a flow to the game. Most teams I have watched throughout my 50+ years have a set line-up. I also noticed Hayley did get a hit today, and reached on an error. However, when I looked up her Valley stats before today she had a .053 (?) batting average. Maybe Laura (since she is an infielder) can play second? Get someone with a higher batting average, who is an outfielder, in center. Mel is also struggling at the plate. (her Valley stats) She is great at the throw down, however, not with a runner on third and the error monkey rearing it's ugly head. We do have three other catcher on the team: Megan, Molly and BB.
      Thoughts on your points:

      1) Yes, Paige had that baserunning error in the second inning when she rounded the second base too far, getting thrown out on the relay from the outfield when HCKB held up Brianne at third. It did not cost us a run (Danika followed with a bouncer to the 5-6 hole and Paige would have been forced at third), but that does not negate the poor decision.

      2) The coaching staff should be embarrassed that Megan's footwork has not been fixed.

      3) Layne getting hurt has limited the defensive possibilites. Abby Furstenberg, who had been out earlier with a foot injury (at least, she was in a boot), is now well and pinch-hit yesterday. I am told she is a fine defensive first baseman. Kaitlyn Carey is a very good defensive outfielder, but I am not sure she will ever hit much. Of course, Megan is not hitting much either against decent pitching, despite the homer off Ricketts. Melanie is a terrific defensive catcher (she blocked innumerable pitches in the dirt this weekend which allows Katie to throw her change, about half of which bounce in there), but I believe she has caught every inning this year. I wonder if she is wearing down, and it is affecting her offense. And yes, Melanie has (it seems) thrown out a much higher than the norm percentage of steal attempts.

      3) We have some mid-week games on Tuesday and Wednesday - a great time to experiment some.

      4) Caveat: There may be some niggling injuries that I am totally unaware of that impact the options that HCKB has.


      • #18
        Originally posted by flyingMoose View Post
        There may be some niggling injuries that I am totally unaware of that impact the options that HCKB has.
        Don't you just hate it when you injure your niggle!

