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Women's Basketball Outlook/Prospects for 2012-13

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  • Women's Basketball Outlook/Prospects for 2012-13

    I am going to try to start this thread again with the hopes that we can post our comments about the outlook and prospects for next year's team here and leave the recruiting thread to discussions on recruiting.

    I tried to start this before here: and made several posts but it did not seem to take hold. Perhaps I tried to get too cute with the thread title on that one.

    Let's try again. Seems like the recruiting thread is getting cluttered with posts having nothing to do with recruiting.

    Hopefully, this is viewed as a helpful suggestion. If not, carry on as you were.

  • #2
    @mumdaddy316: posted on the recruiting thread:

    Will be one of the best women's team we have seen at wsu in a while. Really want chynna and wells to step up this season and be quality bigs for us in the paint,can't just be on michelle,kelsey,and jaz this year imo.
    Chynna was the 3rd leading scorer on the team last year behind Jessica and Haleigh and 1 point ahead of Jaz and she was the leading rebounder on the team. Don't really need her to step up that much, just need her to be consistent. The only thing I would ask of Chynna is to not be so lackadaisical at times.

    I see Nicole continuing as a role player and not necessarily a key component to our success. She will fill in when we get into foul trouble and she will get minutes when the outcome of games are not in question. Hopefully, she will get enough minutes to keep us from overworking the frontliners.


    • #3
      @oldtimewomen's hoopcoach: posted:

      If we had to start playing today, I'd be concerned about J. Diamond. She'll need some time to get it going. Her jumper still looks terrific. Energy level low.
      It would not shock me at all if Jody has instructed Jessica to take it easy this summer and conserve her energy for what may well be very challenging season for Jessica. I think the consensus has been that keeping Jessica as fresh as possible will be a key to this coming season.


      • #4
        Totally agree


        • #5
          @oldtimewomen's hoopcoach: posted:

          Bugg Jones is trying to be a scorer, rarely passes and her teammates are not pleased as she is not scoring in pick-up games. She'll know her role once Jody can coach the kids.
          That's not what I really wanted to hear about Bugg. She is definitely not a scorer. She is a capable defender. She can make an occasional slash to the basket and maybe get her share or runouts, but scoring is not and will not be her role. You would like to think that a senior would understand her role by now. Not sure how Jody plans on backing up Jessica at the point, but I thought Bugg might be an option. Not sure that will be the case if this report by OTWHC is on target. OTOH, Bugg probably realizes she won't be relied on for offense once official pracitices and games get here and she is just trying to have her fun now, although that might suggest more of a selfish attitude then you would like to see out of a senior. I suppose I should note these comments are based on heresay and perhaps a small sample size and maybe I am jumping to an unwarranted conclusion. But is not ideally what I would like to hear about Bugg.

          @oldtimewomen's hoopcoach: based on what you have seen so far how do think they will go about providing rest and backup for Jessica?


          • #6
            I'm going to guess Chyna and Jazz start at our 4-5 at the beginning of the season, with Michelle and Kelsey backing them up. Not sure how much 3 point shooting Kelsey is actually gonna do when the season starts as Jody put the clamps on 3 point shooting last year. Alex did a lot of her damage last year from a high post position, facing and driving to the goal, so I will be interested to see how she does if she is going to be more a guard this year than forward. She may have to play more on the perimeter out of neccessity this year. If Nicole Wells see's the floor other than during mop-up minutes I will be shocked. So then Jess starts at pg, and Alex and Bugs jones play the 2-3, with Darice and Molly filling in there. I can't see our true freshmen being big contributors this year. Bugs is defense only, and Molly didn't show anything with her outside jumper last, and was only a slashing type finisher. Losing 3 point shooters Haleigh and (on occasion) Alicia may really hurt this team, unless Darice and someone else become reliable outside threats. This team isn't deep enough to get into foot-races with anyone, since we only have one point guard, so we are gonna have to control tempo and avoid fouling or falling behind early (as has been our MO in recent years). I don't even like saying it but we are one knee sprain, turned ankle away from being in a world of trouble at the guard position. Coaches in the valley are gonna scout us and come up with game plans accordingly. Can Jody come up with her own game plan to offset our lack of guards, if teams routinely trap and double Jess and force her to work? I felt like last year she failed to make neccessary in game adjustments when things weren't working for us.


            • #7
              @Shox1979 I think you are mostly on target with your assessment.

              I agree that Kelsey will probably not be taking many shots beyond 15 feet, but that doesn't mean she won't have a good year. Would love to see her have a breakout season, but she is still pretty inexperienced.

              We had 4 players who took 90% of our 3 point shots last year. Saying Alicia was a 3-point shooter on occasion is putting it very kindly. Perhaps on rare occasions would be more accurate. She was 11-46 for 23.9% last year. Haleigh was 24-73 for 32.9%. Krystle (who has also moved on) was 22-63 for 34.9% and Jessica lead the team from behind the arc hitting 38.8% on 33-85. As with last year I don't think the 3-point shot will be a big part of our arsenal.

              I think we have decent enough depth overall, but we are super shallow at the point. While Jessica, who is really a 2 guard, may have had problems adjusting on occassion my impression was that whenever Jessica was on the bench our offense bogged down especially in the half court.

              I think we will try to play very similar to the way we did last year. High pressure, intense defense trying to create as much havoc and transition points as possible. When that is not there we will run a patient offense looking for good shots mostly in the paint with the occassional mid and long range jumpers from Jessica (last year a lot of those shots for Jessica came as the shot clock was winding down). Haleigh was really the only other player that could create her own shot when needed. Hopefully, Alex and Darice will be able to do some of that this year to relieve the pressure on Jessica. She will need some help from somewhere.

              The rebounding needs to be better this year also. We had a number of games last year where we just got demolished on the boards. A stronger, more experienced Kelsey and a fully recovered (if that's the case) Michelle will help some in that department.

              This is how I currently see our depth chart:

              5 - Jazimen, Michelle, Nicole
              4 - Chynna, Kelsey, Alie, Michaela (Kelsey will probably play some 5 as well especially if Michelle stuggles to get back into playing shape/form - Michelle can probably play some 4 as well although she has pretty limited shooting range)

              Our 2' & 3's may be somewhat interchangeable so there would seemingly be a lot of mixing and matching with these groups:
              3 - Alex, Molly, Michaela (not sure if Alie is capable of stepping out to the 3 or not - Chynna can if necessary)
              2 - Darice, Bugg, Molly (don't think Jessica will see much, if any, time at the 2 this year).

              1 - Jessica, Miss Who Knows and/or Miss Committee

              I am eager to see how Jody will deal with the hole in the doughnut at point guard. May want to have Jessica wear ankle and knee braces prophylactically. Who knows maybe Jody will utilize Chynna as a point-forward on occassion.
              Last edited by 1972Shocker; July 18, 2012, 08:07 PM.


              • #8
                Originally posted by 1972Shocker View Post
                I am eager to see how Jody will deal with the hole in the doughnut at point guard. May want to have Jessica wear ankle and knee braces prophylactically. Who knows maybe Jody will utilize Chynna as a point-forward on occassion.
                I think that both Alex and Chynna may end up playing some point-forward when Jessie is out of the game. Both are capable of bringing the ball up court and both are smart players who understand the offense and I whose decision making I would trust.
                "Cotton scared me - I left him alone." - B4MSU (Bear Nation poster) in reference to heckling players


                • #9
                  Originally posted by The Mad Hatter View Post
                  I think that both Alex and Chynna may end up playing some point-forward when Jessie is out of the game. Both are capable of bringing the ball up court and both are smart players who understand the offense and I whose decision making I would trust.
                  Yes, I thought of Alex also although she is still pretty inexperienced. I think Jody will be forced to think outside the box this year in structuring her rotations and her half-court offense this year.
                  Last edited by 1972Shocker; July 19, 2012, 10:43 AM.


                  • #10
                    Originally posted by 1972Shocker View Post
                    I am going to try to start this thread again with the hopes that we can post our comments about the outlook and prospects for next year's team here and leave the recruiting thread to discussions on recruiting.

                    I tried to start this before here: and made several posts but it did not seem to take hold. Perhaps I tried to get too cute with the thread title on that one.

                    Let's try again. Seems like the recruiting thread is getting cluttered with posts having nothing to do with recruiting.

                    Hopefully, this is viewed as a helpful suggestion. If not, carry on as you were.
                    Wow! Well done 1972. You got this thread to take off and your analysis of roles of players is outstanding. I probably need to stop calling myself coach. Alex has really put herself into a #2 position in pickup games. Michelle has a ways to go, but her 10' and in shot looks nice. Nicole actually has an accurate outside shot, but I don't see Jody letting her use it. Daurice can shoot with her side rotation ball, but her energy level is not there, yet. Chynna, Kelsey and Jaz have demonstrated they are focused, determined, leaders as they encourage to keep up. I didn't know Chynna had the kind of speed she does. She's great in a 400, not so in the mile, but the college court is only 92'-94' and air conditioned. This is great excitement for Shox. Coach Kirk in particular will assist with schemes that work for the talent we have.


                    • #11
                      Originally posted by oldtimewomen's hoopcoach View Post
                      Alex has really put herself into a #2 position in pickup games.
                      Alex is a very intriguing athlete with an interesting skill set. How she develops and expands that skill set will be very interesting. She certainly has the potential to be an All-Conference player.

                      With the exception of point guard I think Jody's roster gives her the flexibility to do a good amount of mixing and matching as needed or desired.


                      • #12
                        Originally posted by 1972Shocker View Post
                        Alex is a very intriguing athlete with an interesting skill set. How she develops and expands that skill set will be very interesting. She certainly has the potential to be an All-Conference player.

                        With the exception of point guard I think Jody's roster gives her the flexibility to do a good amount of mixing and matching as needed or desired.
                        Jody will be able to go 9 maybe 10 deep with confidence. Three remaining 2-3 are works in progress. When I coached many years ago if I had 7 I'm happy, 8 I'm winning big championships. We've got what it takes. Now the pressure is on the coaches to have them reach their potential. It will happen.


                        • #13
                          Did anyone leave aside from Krystal Henderson?
                 - A Wichita State Basketball Blog


                          • #14
                            the other pg juco transfer from hutch


                            • #15
                              Originally posted by _kai_ View Post
                              Did anyone leave aside from Krystal Henderson?
                              To the best of my knowledge the only other defection was BrittanyTaylor, a rarely used walk-on from Valley Center who transferred to WSU after one year at D-III Centenary College in NJ. So Krystle was our only significant loss.

                              Krystle's departure has left us very thin at the point guard position.

                              I would have thought Jody would have been more successful recruiting and developing point guards considering she was PG on a National Championship team. Maybe that is the problem. Maybe she expects more than her recruits are capable of delivering.

                              During her 4 years at WSU she has had 3 PGs leave the program. Jacie Hoyt, Breanna Dawkins and Krystle Henderson all transferred after playing 1-year for Jody. And playing time was not an issue as they all received ample PT. Jacie was a Jane Albright recruit and is now on Jane's staff at Nevada. Breanna and Krystle were both recruited out of Dallas by Jody. The only true PG to hang around was Juco transfer Marisah Henderson who played 2 yearst at the point for Jody.

                              Jessica Diamond does a satisfactory job at the point but I think she is really more ideally suited to the SG position. How Jody deals with the lack of depth at the point may go a long way in determining how the Lady Shocks do this year.
                              Last edited by 1972Shocker; July 23, 2012, 02:37 PM.

