SIU and MSU tied at 28 in Carbondale.
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Set Up Weekend (SIU and Evansville)
WSU point
Kim kill
WSU point
Emily service error (3-1)
WSU hitting error
Sara Kill !!
Kim KILL :yahoo:
Kim Kill
UE kill (6-3)
Sara Kill
Sara serving - Kim Kill
Kim hits out
Kim Kill !!
Emily Kill
UE TOSome posts are not visible to me. :peaceful:
Don't worry too much about it. Just do all you can do and let the rough end drag.
Originally posted by WuDrWuOriginally posted by 1972ShockerKim Wadsworth has decided she has had enough benchwarming duty.
Apparently......someone lit a fire under that young lady. She's just crushing the ball of late.
10-5 Shocks in game 2.
Go Kim! :goshocks:
SIU wins game 1 over MSU
UE kill
UE net violation
UE kill
ST Kill :yahoo: Runs the slide !!
UE kill (Sara blocks out)
Emily Kill !!
UE hitting error
Emily service error :-x
UE point (Sara hits out)
Emily hits long :-x :-x
UE service error (15-10)
UE hard kill
UE hitting error
Sara serving - WSU block UE
Sara service ace
UE hitting error
UE TOSome posts are not visible to me. :peaceful:
Don't worry too much about it. Just do all you can do and let the rough end drag.
UE kill
WSU stuffed (19-13)
UE service error
MG service error
UE kill (20-15)
AJ kill
UE kill (21-16)
UE service ace
ST kill
UE kill :-x
UE service ace :shock: :-x
Sara Kill :D
Kim Kill !!
UE kill
Kim Kill :yahoo:
Emily stuffed (25-21)
Sara Kill !!
Shoe timeout
AJ Kill
Sara service ace ??? UE error?
UE error (29-21)
Sara serving - service error
Kim violation
UE point :-x
AJ Kill (30-24) :yahoo:Some posts are not visible to me. :peaceful:
Don't worry too much about it. Just do all you can do and let the rough end drag.
UE error
WSU block
Emily Kill
WSU point
Emily Kill
Abby service error
UE kill
ST Kill !!
UE kill
Sara Kill
UE kill
Sara hits long (7-5)
AJ Kill
Sara serving - UE kill
UE hitting error
UE hitting error (10-6)
UE fourth touch
UE kill - WSU touch
UE net violation
ST & Emily stuff UE
UE kill (13-8)
ST Kill
AH serving - WSU net violation
Emily Kill
ES serving - service error
UE service error
KB serving - UE hits long (17-10)
UE TOSome posts are not visible to me. :peaceful:
Don't worry too much about it. Just do all you can do and let the rough end drag.