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John Wise on improving college track/field.

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  • John Wise on improving college track/field.

    Some interesting ideas.

    Normally I would take this space to write weekly updates about our team, and I will down the way a bit, but I’ve had something else on my m...

  • #2
    Originally posted by RoyalShock View Post
    Very interesting. I went to the recent Herm Wilson Indoor Invitational at the Heskett Center and while I did enjoy it I was their for 5+ hours and that wasn't even the entire meet. Not many fans are crazy enough to do that. Some of the heats in the sprints were to0 numerous to count and it does get a little monotonous watching 6 women's 200m runs back-to-back-to-back-to-back-to-back-to-back.

    That generally is not a problem when you get to the finals of you Conference Championship however.

    While I like most of Coach Wise's thoughts and I really enjoy a good track meet I am not sure collegiate track & field will ever appeal to the masses.
    Last edited by 1972Shocker; February 23, 2016, 04:04 PM.


    • #3
      Originally posted by 1972Shocker View Post
      Very interesting. I went to the recent Herm Wilson Indoor Invitational at the Heskett Center and while I did enjoy it I was their for 5+ hours and that wasn't even the entire meet. Not many fans are crazy enough to do that. Some of the heats in the sprints were to numerous to count and it does get a little monotonous say watching 6 women's 200m runs back-to-back-to-back-to-back-to-back-to-back.

      That generally is not a problem when you get to the finals of you Conference Championship however.

      While I like most of Coach Wise's thoughts and I really enjoy a good track meet I am not sure collegiate track & field will ever appeal to the masses.
      I would be more likely to get into it if they had a consistent format that was fan-friendly on certain weekends, as he proposes. I am probably higher on the interest scale than most, but still. The fact that so many people participate nationally at the junior, high school, and collegiate level means there is quite likely to be a pretty big base of people that would be at least marginally interested if the sport was easier to consume as a fan.


      • #4
        There are some occasional distractions in attending Shocker track meets but I think they are something you just have to accept. For example:

        Exhibit 1:

        Exhibit 2:

        Exhibit 3:


        • #5
          I found this being discussed on a running/track-centric message board. Some interesting opinions and insight.


          • #6
            Coach Wise responds to comments he has received about his thoughts and proposals on improving collegiate T&F:

            I’ve been on a lot of airplanes recently so I’ve had time to write and respond about our new favorite topic haha! It has been a lot of ...

