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Return of football = campaign platform?

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  • Return of football = campaign platform?

    So I'm on my drive to work this morning, listening to KNSS and a commercial comes on for some guy who I think is campaigning for mayor. Most of the ad was him wishing for the return of football to WSU.

    Did anyone else hear this?

  • #2
    Originally posted by TheYeti
    He can wish in one hand and **** in the other. Football would be a financial ruin to start from scratch.
    I completely agree. With what has happened on the college football landscape since Carlos Mayans brought it up, I'm surprised someone running for mayor would be dumb enough to use it in a campaign.


    • #3
      Originally posted by RoyalShock View Post
      Carlos Mayans - A Wichita State Basketball Blog


      • #4
        SWEET! The dude is going to find the $50 million start-up money needed plus the ongoing annual needs of $5 million (or more).

        Good luck, fella. Get back to me when...AND ONLY have those two slightly minor details all sewn up.


        • #5
          I heard it....and I really could not believe it was real. I was awaiting the punch line that never came.


          • #6
            I too would love a football program at Wichita State, it is part of what planted the "Shocker Seed" as a child when my father would bring me to the games. I REALLY, REALLY, would like football but the numbers to ensure financial success and not drain resources from other successful athletic programs is GREAT. May be not Everest great but certainly K2 or Annapurna great. So in the absence of Daddy Warbucks, it's a nice thought...

            Go Shocks!
            “Losers Average Losers.” ― Paul Tudor Jones


            • #7
              Nice thought...a great way to throw money down the drain. Only way this even comes close to making sense is a power conference says come and we will help you add football.

