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status of the athletic department

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  • status of the athletic department

    the mrs and i were talking this afternoon, and she asked about shocker madness. i told her that it was not going to be on a saturday, as is tradition, but rather on a thursday evening. that brought up a bigger conversation about the condition of the athletic department leadership. we discussed the following:

    a) it seems to me that rockin the roundhouse was significantly smaller event this year, as compared to prior years

    b) communication is seriously lacking - i.e. shocker madness

    c) i have a client who wanted to donate a week at his cabin in breckenridge, colorado for the live auction - so i put a call into the athletic department and never heard back from anyone.

    d) in february, i called two people in positions of leadership within the athletic department to volunteer my time, either behind the scenes or on the front lines - i've never heard from anyone.

    does anyone else share my concern, or am i making a to-do about nothing?

  • #2
    Interesting. I cannot speak to this issue.


    • #3
      You're not alone. A number on here have questioned the department and how they've been handling things.
      Infinity Art Glass - Fantastic local artist and Shocker fan
      RIP Guy Always A Shocker
      Carpenter Place - A blessing to many young girls/women
      ICT S.O.S - Great local cause fighting against human trafficking
      Wartick Insurance Agency - Saved me money with more coverage.
      Save Shocker Sports - A rallying cry


      • #4
        I have very little confidence in the current leadership in place of the Athletic Department. Still hoping for the best, but I don't have a great feeling thus far.
        "He called me around noon and was thrilled," Brandt said. "He said he was going to be a Shocker forever." -- RIP Guy, you WILL indeed be a Shocker forever!


        • #5
          i goofed regarding where i posted it, and i have no clue how to move it. if a moderator is active, feel free to move it to another category.


          • #6
            Those things you brought up are pretty concerning and pretty amateurish. And unfortunately, it's not surprising in the least.

            The difference between the Athletic Department of now and 5 years ago is incomprehensible.

            Your concerns are valid and shared. I think more of us need to pass this message along whenever possible...
            Deuces Valley.
            ... No really, deuces.
            "Enjoy the ride."

            - a smart man


            • #7
              While the things you mentioned (other than the Shocker Madness) sound like things we should be concerned about, moving shocker madness and giving everyone 3 weeks notice IMO is a good idea.

              Shocker Madness just hasn't drawn well for the past 10 years or so, trying something new only makes sense.

              Years ago they used to do a 40 minute scrimmage bringing that back will only help in my opinion.

              Personally it is easier for me to make a Thursday night than Saturday. Although there is no way I can get there by 5pm. I can easily be there before 6pm though.

              Overall I would say that the athletic dept has gotten better over the last couple of years, but I haven't had any bad experiences like you have had.


              • #8
                What we need to do is add a dozen more assistant positions at 100K like the flagship university did under sweet lou and we will be alright. :)


                • #9
                  I too noted that RTRH seemed smaller than last year with a couple of usual donors not being in the fold this year. Most notable to me was the abscence of Drs Beamer usual auction item. Did not like the way everything was crammed into the preferred health systems practice but that could have been done to not magnify the smaller? attendance. With Dr Beggs leaving I am more than a little nervous about the way things are currently being managed.


                  • #10
                    There has been no tradition for SM. Since my first year on campus it has probably had ten formats in 14 years. It has been mid week, it has had full scrimmages, it has been combined with man and woman of the year, the one thing that has not changed is the fact that it has always changed. I can tell you for sure that for a segment of the population that has plans on most weekends a mid week forty minute scrimmage is one heck of a move.

                    I missed RTR this year so I cannot comment on the attendance, but the attendance is probably a reflection of the date. I received letters, emails, and phone calls trying to get me to buy tickets. So there was no lack of effort put in trying to get my money.....


                    • #11
                      Predictable response from ABC defending his good friend ADES in 3...2...1... 8)
                      Above all, make the right call.


                      • #12
                        Originally posted by ShockRef
                        Predictable response from ABC defending his good friend ADES in 3...2...1... 8)
                        What's the matter ShockRef, did Sexton forget who you are again?


                        • #13
                          Originally posted by pogo
                          I too noted that RTRH seemed smaller than last year...
                          A couple of my friends and coworkers were talking about this the other day. I think this has become nearly identical to one, if not all, of the individual sports auctions (e.g. Marshall Auction) that people are little exhausted by it. Same food, same auction items, same general set up.


                          • #14
                            Originally posted by ABC
                            Originally posted by ShockRef
                            Predictable response from ABC defending his good friend ADES in 3...2...1... 8)
                            What's the matter ShockRef, did Sexton forget who you are again?
                            I'm thinking he didn't win his "Date with Graham Hatch" auction.
                            Wichita State, home of the All-Americans.


                            • #15
                              Originally posted by SPEShockAlum
                              Originally posted by pogo
                              I too noted that RTRH seemed smaller than last year...
                              A couple of my friends and coworkers were talking about this the other day. I think this has become nearly identical to one, if not all, of the individual sports auctions (e.g. Marshall Auction) that people are little exhausted by it. Same food, same auction items, same general set up.
                              Interesting observation. We now have the Volleyball 101 auction which has been added to the mix the last 3 years. Not sure how many auctions we have now. It is similar to how every charity seems to have a "walk" these days. Could be that we have a little bit of an over-saturation and a same-ol', same-ol' problem. The less than robust economy doesn't help matters any.

                              That said, I would think you would be even more motivated to respond to the offers discussed by InWuWeTrust. The fact that he seemed to be ingnored is somewhat disconcerting.

