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    todays game on tv?

  • #2
    ESPN2 1PM


    • #3
      Dave says changes to the starting lineup today....I missed who though.


      • #4
        Probably doesn't want Toure to have to guard a guy who is nearly a foot shorter than him.


        • #5
          Originally posted by WuDrWu
          Dave says changes to the starting lineup today....I missed who though.
          Assuming everyone is healthy and ready to go. The only change in the starting line-up I can see would be Durley at the 5 instead of Stutz.


          • #6
            I caught the tail end of the comment from Dave, but it was something about not guarding and how that was going to necessitate a change in the starting lineup today....based on comments right after that, I don't think it was Garrett, but I certainly could be wrong.


            • #7
              Not guarding? Huh. Well, what player on the bench would be an upgrade over Murry, Kyles or Hatch right now? Ellis played well defensively and Stutz is struggling – for whatever reason.

              Durley had a pretty good game yesterday and Stutz might benefit from either going up against tired starters or bench players when he first sees action.


              • #8
                ESPN3 coverage? I don't see it listed on the page. I was surfing the net and found a channel it was on however..
                Goo Shockers


                • #9
                  Omg on the last call to Mike and Dave........


                  Billie, it's way past time to pin the note to the windbreaker and go watch the dogs chase the funny bunny.

                  Seriously, wow.


                  • #10
                    Originally posted by WuDrWu
                    Omg on the last call to Mike and Dave........


                    Billie, it's way past time to pin the note to the windbreaker and go watch the dogs chase the funny bunny.

                    Seriously, wow.
                    Now Doc be nice. We will all be there one day. Some of us sooner than others (unfortunatley for me).


                    • #11
                      Originally posted by WuDrWu
                      Omg on the last call to Mike and Dave........


                      Billie, it's way past time to pin the note to the windbreaker and go watch the dogs chase the funny bunny.

                      Seriously, wow.
                      Recap for those of us without radio?


                      • #12
                        I listening and cant even begin to begin. matter of fact I think I tuned it out.


                        • #13
                          At least we got a chuckle form Billie's call. Ron on the other hand drones on and on and on and on....I'm not sure how many more "and ons" because I had to turn off my radio to save my sanity.



                          • #14
                            You can listen online at, but to summarize, and it was a LOT more painful than this (I had to turn it off for fear of Mike's response)

                            Mike: Hi Billie, go ahead.

                            Billie: I was wondering why coach doesn't play Murry and Stutz together like bookends because then we'd get more points and do better.

                            I am not kidding, and it was A LOT MORE PAINFUL than just that comment.

                            A LOT MORE.


                            • #15
                              I didn't quite catch the pronunciation but Mike thought she said Murry and Sykes as bookends but probably meant Murry and Kyles.

