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2010-2011 Shocker Men's Prouty Ratings

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  • #31
    Prouty Charts for Ellis and Hatch

    Edit: These charts were moved to here.


    • #32
      Prouty Charts for Kyles and Murry

      Edit: These charts were moved to here.


      • #33
        Prouty Charts for Ragland and Smith

        Edit: These charts were move to here.


        • #34
          Prouty Charts for Stutz and Williams

          Edit: These charts were moved to here.


          • #35
            Prouty Chart for Team

            Edit: This chart was moved to here.


            • #36
              Wichita State vs Evansville Prouty Ratings
                           UE      All
              Player      Game    Games
              Kyles       0.494   0.501
              Murry*      0.573   0.470
              Durley*     0.600   0.436
              Smith*      0.650   0.401
              Stutz       0.366   0.388
              Ragland*    0.563   0.385
              Hatch       0.097   0.378
              Blair*      0.401   0.338
              Brown*      0.682   0.334
              Richardson* 0.563   0.329
              Ellis       0.295   0.325
              Williams*   0.467   0.316
              Hamilton     ---    0.279
              Orukpe*     0.151   0.233
              Walker*     0.099   0.085
              TEAM*       0.582   0.510
              Team Winning Percentage: 0.833
              * Improved from previous game.


              • #37
                A+ performance by the Shocks with several A+ individual performances.

                :clap: :wsu_posters: :yahoo:


                • #38
                  Wichita State vs Bradley Prouty Ratings
                               BU      All
                  Player      Game    Games
                  Kyles       0.425   0.494
                  Murry       0.444   0.470
                  Durley      0.464   0.439
                  Smith       0.418   0.401
                  Ragland     0.524   0.397
                  Stutz*      0.465   0.394
                  Hatch*      0.186   0.369
                  Blair*      0.512   0.358
                  Richardson  0.136   0.327
                  Ellis*      0.354   0.327
                  Brown       0.011   0.320
                  Williams    0.430   0.323
                  Hamilton     ---    0.279
                  Orukpe      0.073   0.218
                  Walker      0.011   0.052
                  TEAM        0.517   0.513
                  Team Winning Percentage: 0.846
                  * Improved from previous game.


                  • #39
                    Wichita State vs Drake Prouty Ratings
                                 DU      All
                    Player      Game    Games
                    Kyles       0.320   0.483
                    Murry*      0.464   0.471
                    Durley      0.422   0.439
                    Stutz*      0.601   0.413
                    Smith*      0.507   0.410
                    Ragland     0.273   0.389
                    Hatch*      0.273   0.365
                    Blair       0.406   0.362
                    Williams*   0.566   0.346
                    Ellis*      0.442   0.336
                    Richardson   ---    0.327
                    Brown        ---    0.320
                    Hamilton     ---    0.279
                    Orukpe       ---    0.216
                    Walker       ---    0.052
                    TEAM*       0.527   0.517
                    Team Winning Percentage: 0.857
                    * Improved from previous game.


                    • #40
                      Wichita State vs Illinois State Prouty Ratings
                                   ILS     All
                      Player      Game    Games
                      Murry*      0.489   0.474
                      Kyles       0.233   0.473
                      Durley*     0.466   0.441
                      Stutz       0.429   0.415
                      Smith       0.334   0.406
                      Ragland*    0.565   0.400
                      Blair*      0.476   0.373
                      Hatch*      0.328   0.364
                      Ellis       0.308   0.335
                      Williams    0.055   0.329
                      Brown      -0.245   0.297
                      Hamilton     ---    0.279
                      Richardson* 0.016   0.279
                      Orukpe*     0.359   0.225
                      Walker*     0.005   0.044
                      TEAM        0.497   0.518
                      Team Winning Percentage: 0.867
                      * Improved from previous game.


                      • #41
                        Interesting that while the top 10 individual player ratings range from .329 to .474 the teams overal rating is a .518

                        Perhaps evidence that when you play good team basketball that the total is greater than the sum of the parts.



                        • #42
                          Originally posted by 1972Shocker
                          Interesting that while the top 10 individual player ratings range from .329 to .474 the teams overal rating is a .518

                          Perhaps evidence that when you play good team basketball that the total is greater than the sum of the parts.

                          I think it was decided that the Win Rating, being 1/4 of the total, is enough to influence the team rating. I think as long as we continue to win, the team rating will continue to rise. It's been going up some since game 10.


                          • #43
                            Wichita State vs Missouri State Prouty Ratings
                                         MSU     All
                            Player      Game    Games
                            Kyles*      0.323   0.457
                            Murry       0.320   0.456
                            Durley      0.444   0.433
                            Stutz*      0.430   0.411
                            Smith       0.101   0.392
                            Ragland     0.292   0.387
                            Blair       0.405   0.370
                            Hatch*      0.458   0.361
                            Williams*   0.326   0.325
                            Ellis       0.178   0.319
                            Brown        ---    0.296
                            Hamilton     ---    0.278
                            Richardson   ---    0.278
                            Orukpe       ---    0.222
                            Walker       ---    0.044
                            TEAM        0.436   0.500
                            Team Winning Percentage: 0.813
                            * Improved from previous game.


                            • #44
                              Wichita State vs Creighton Prouty Ratings
                                           CU      All
                              Player      Game    Games
                              Murry*      0.539   0.462
                              Kyles*      0.487   0.460
                              Durley      0.423   0.433
                              Stutz       0.010   0.406
                              Smith*      0.449   0.396
                              Ragland     0.119   0.372
                              Blair       0.359   0.369
                              Hatch       0.284   0.358
                              Ellis*      0.428   0.327
                              Williams    0.307   0.322
                              Brown        ---    0.296
                              Hamilton     ---    0.278
                              Richardson   ---    0.277
                              Orukpe      0.000   0.218
                              Walker       ---    0.043
                              TEAM*       0.471   0.501
                              Team Winning Percentage: 0.824
                              * Improved from previous game.


                              • #45
                                Wichita State vs Drake Prouty Ratings
                                             DU      All
                                Player      Game    Games
                                Kyles       0.439   0.460
                                Murry       0.285   0.457
                                Durley      0.425   0.434
                                Stutz       0.375   0.405
                                Smith       0.436   0.399
                                Blair       0.364   0.369
                                Ragland     0.288   0.369
                                Hatch       0.208   0.350
                                Williams    0.688¹  0.348
                                Ellis       0.534¹  0.344²
                                Hamilton     ---    0.278
                                Brown      -0.042   0.270
                                Richardson  0.016   0.227
                                Orukpe     -0.068   0.204
                                Walker      0.010   0.034
                                TEAM        0.494   0.503
                                Team Winning Percentage: 0.833
                                ¹Best game rating of the season
                                ²Best overall rating of the season

