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Recruiting disparity

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  • #16
    I wonder if there is anyway they could bring GodShawGod back to save the program...?


    • #17
      Originally posted by WstateU
      Originally posted by Veritas
      It's amazing that SIU did as well as they did for so many years. They have crappy facilities, lousy support, and SIU is in what could be considered the worst MoVal town/city in the conference.
      I've got to tip my hat to them for being competitive for the last decade.
      "SIU Arena will undergo a complete retrofit – both inside and out. Patrons will enjoy new chairback seating throughout the lower seating bowl of the arena. In addition, a new permanent upper bowl will also feature five rows of chairback seating. In total, the retrofitted arena will contain over 4,800 chairback seats, an increase of 1,200 chairback seats over its existing configuration."
      Looks like it might be about 2-3 years too late. That's too bad, but I have no pity for them. They should have struck while it was hot.

      It will also be interesting to see what happens with CU if their attendance sags at the Qwest.

      The Shox are positioned to dominate this conference. Let's hope HCGM stays here for quite a long time.


      • #18
        "SIU is in what could be considered the worst MoVal town/city in the conference."

        I disagree. College town, nice campus, great night life, and close to St Loius.

        I'd have to go with Peoria or Terre Haute as the worst towns in the conference. I'd put SIU close to the top of the valley as far as the college experience goes.


        • #19
          I don't know; I've heard that students get rolled by the local deer.
          Some posts are not visible to me. :peaceful:
          Don't worry too much about it. Just do all you can do and let the rough end drag.


          • #20
            Originally posted by martymoose
            I wonder if there is anyway they could bring GodShawGod back to save the program...?
            Speaking of GodShaw, I watched a movie tonight. The script last name for the villian was Godshaw.

            Just a little bit of sidetrack trivia.
            "Prediction is very difficult, especially if it is about the future."

            --Niels Bohr


            • #21
              Originally posted by Ed Harley
              "SIU is in what could be considered the worst MoVal town/city in the conference."

              I disagree. College town, nice campus, great night life, and close to St Loius.

              I'd have to go with Peoria or Terre Haute as the worst towns in the conference. I'd put SIU close to the top of the valley as far as the college experience goes.
              Good point Ed Harley, I forgot about Terre Haute. I haven't been to Evansville either.

