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Anyone seen any pick-up games?

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  • Anyone seen any pick-up games?

    There has been a lack in reports on here recently, so I was wondering if anyone had anything to share.
    Livin the dream

  • #2
    I don't have any info on the games but the guys did the mile run yesterday and Toure Murry broke Matt B's record with a time of 4:54. Matt's record was 4:58.This is going to be a great year.I heard all of the guys were working extremely hard(classroom,wt room,and Bball court).


    • #3
      The team is shooting at nights at the Heskett Ctr.
      They were there last week and I was told that they
      should be there this week. The next week they should be shooting around after the "B" ball Camps. I was not there because it was to far for my old legs to carry me. However, my sorce was "impec- able" They should lifting and be finished around 4:30 PM and then go shoot after that. What I'm not sure of is if they go and eat first and then shoot or shoot and then eat. This is from your frendly nieaborhood Cowboy.

