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A new Shocker forum?

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  • #31
    Cold, you are so filled with yourself it is unbelievable.

    I can absolutely and positively guarantee you that I have better contacts for inside information than you can ever dream of in your lifetime. I don't ever hit those people up for info. NEVER. If I did, I would never share what I learned from them in a forum that's accessible to people who may be looking for info about Marshall's coaching style or WSU's players. Has it ever occurred to you that it's not only WSU fans who read this forum?

    Your original post was pretty negative about Marshall's style of coaching and revealed a lot of detail about the way practices are being run.

    You're already on record as the first Shocker fan to put Marshall on a short leash and insisting on comparing Marshall's early record in the #7 conference to Turgeon's early record in a conference rated between 11 and 14.

    Cold, if you would pay any attention to anything but your own posts, you would know that Marshall is especially sensitive to Internet information that's available to future opponents.

    Let me try to explain what happened. I think I'm wasting my breath because Cold's opinions seem to be the only things that Cold can ever understand.

    1) WSU's practices are closed.
    2) Marshall allows WSU fans to observe closed practices
    3) Marshall doesn't allow publishing huge disclosures of what goes on in the closed practices.
    4) Marshall especially doesn't allow editorial comments about the way he runs practices.
    5) The most negative about Marshall poster in this forum started a negative thread about the way Marshall runs practices.

    If Cold can't see that a good outcome is very unlikely from this scenario, then Cold needs a different combination of meds.
    The future's so bright - I gotta wear shades.
    We like to cut down nets and get sized for championship rings.


    • #32
      Originally posted by Aargh
      Cold, you are so filled with yourself it is unbelievable.

      I can absolutely and positively guarantee you that I have better contacts for inside information than you can ever dream of in your lifetime. I don't ever hit those people up for info. NEVER. If I did, I would never share what I learned from them in a forum that's accessible to people who may be looking for info about Marshall's coaching style or WSU's players. Has it ever occurred to you that it's not only WSU fans who read this forum?

      Your original post was pretty negative about Marshall's style of coaching and revealed a lot of detail about the way practices are being run.

      You're already on record as the first Shocker fan to put Marshall on a short leash and insisting on comparing Marshall's early record in the #7 conference to Turgeon's early record in a conference rated between 11 and 14.

      Cold, if you would pay any attention to anything but your own posts, you would know that Marshall is especially sensitive to Internet information that's available to future opponents.

      Let me try to explain what happened. I think I'm wasting my breath because Cold's opinions seem to be the only things that Cold can ever understand.

      1) WSU's practices are closed.
      2) Marshall allows WSU fans to observe closed practices
      3) Marshall doesn't allow publishing huge disclosures of what goes on in the closed practices.
      4) Marshall especially doesn't allow editorial comments about the way he runs practices.
      5) The most negative about Marshall poster in this forum started a negative thread about the way Marshall runs practices.

      If Cold can't see that a good outcome is very unlikely from this scenario, then Cold needs a different combination of meds.
      Did you really just put the following two sentences back to back? O. M. G.

      Cold, you are so filled with yourself it is unbelievable.

      I can absolutely and positively guarantee you that I have better contacts for inside information than you can ever dream of in your lifetime.
      Could you possibly paint a clearer picture of what is really bugging you? I certainly hope you don't play poker.

      Speaking of parlor games... shouldn't you be planning your next super-duper dart throwin' championship? :good:




      • #33
        Originally posted by RoyalShock
        If your account is accurate, then I withdraw the word "disrespected". The more significant point, however, was the one you failed to address.

        How about just saying "my bad" and moving on?
        Considering I asked someone if practices were closed and their response implied that they weren't, I don't think so.

        Considering that I heavily edited what I saw to include nothing more than generalizations about activities, a few perceptions, and a couple standout plays, I don't think so.

        One question though, didn't you feel kind of dirty after you went in and deleted an entire thread about an eye-witness account just because somebody told you to? Creepy...




        • #34
          Originally posted by C0|dB|00ded
          I just believe there needs to be a board that doesn't bow to central planning. Also, there needs to be a board where young posters feel comfortable. So many times a Shocker student comes in here and posts an interesting tidbit of information only to be scolded, humiliated, and have his/her thread deleted. That is just silly in a college sports forum.
          It's always been my opinion that this board is quite clear on its opinions of students: keep out. Not everyone is that way, but there's enough people around that feel for some reason the students don't appreciate the basketball team enough.

          Trust me, the keep out sentiment will rear its head in early December as finals approach, our record slips a bit due to inexperience, and the weather gets bad. Suddenly when the students would rather stay home and prep for finals instead of go to a basketball game in miserable weather, the old foagies here will be all over them.
          Deep in the heart of couldn't give a crap about college basketball-land and I miss the SHOX.
          Students > Alumni
          If you EVER want to open your damn mouths about Selection Sunday, READ THIS FIRST:
          The ONLY document that means ANYTHING:


          • #35
            I did read the original post. I found it derogatory and unhelpful. It may also have been truthful (though certainly its most negative components were opinion) and would probably been allowed on some message boards.

            Given Fastbow's comments, it sounds like it would be a good idea to create a forum for Cold, people who think like Cold, and students. I imagine that with Cold's cash and the students' ingenuity and technical prowess, a new forum could be up in a matter of days, if not hours.

            (Of course, any reasonable person knows that students, like all anonymous posters, are not judged by their age or their enrollment status, but by the content of their posts.)

            Good luck with the new forum!
            Wear your seatbelt.


            • #36
              Students only get hammered when they come on here and attack the rest of the fan base with their very first post.

              There are plenty of posters on here who started as students with no problems. Which says to me that nobody has anything against students in general. Just the ones who feel they're above the rest of the fan base. You should expect some backlash when you attack some of those who've been going to games longer than you've been alive and dished out a lot of money to do so.
              Infinity Art Glass - Fantastic local artist and Shocker fan
              RIP Guy Always A Shocker
              Carpenter Place - A blessing to many young girls/women
              ICT S.O.S - Great local cause fighting against human trafficking
              Wartick Insurance Agency - Saved me money with more coverage.
              Save Shocker Sports - A rallying cry


              • #37
                Originally posted by C0|dB|00ded
                One question though, didn't you feel kind of dirty after you went in and deleted an entire thread about an eye-witness account just because somebody told you to? Creepy...
                I wasn't going to go into detail, but since you won't drop it, here you go.

                When I was first contacted and asked to remove the topic I hedged. It wasn't until I was informed that practices are closed that I decided to remove it.

                So for the time that it had an aire of legitimacy, I defended it.


                • #38
                  Originally posted by SubGod22
                  Students only get hammered when they come on here and attack the rest of the fan base with their very first post.

                  There are plenty of posters on here who started as students with no problems. Which says to me that nobody has anything against students in general. Just the ones who feel they're above the rest of the fan base. You should expect some backlash when you attack some of those who've been going to games longer than you've been alive and dished out a lot of money to do so.
                  Unlike most internet fan sites and forums, this one is not student dominated.......its membership mirroring the Shocker fan base as whole.

                  But some things will never change. Older, more experienced people will try to guide younger ones with advice and suggestion, sometimes in an attempt to give them guidance on how to avoid the pitfalls of life and to improve their own livelyhood and other times to simply exert some level of authority over their younger piers. More often than not these "suggestions" are met with skepticism and annoyance. I do not see that changing anytime soon. You were like that, I was like that, 'news is like that ( :D ), my daughter will be like that. It is simply a right of passage and part of the maturation process.

                  And then there is 'Cold.


                  • #39
                    Cold – What you did just changed the way CGM will choose to interact with the fans and general public. You basically violated trust among the coaching staff and fans. Just because the black curtains weren’t drawn shut and some AD intern made the comment “I don’t think so” when asked if the practices were closed doesn’t give you the right to come on here and discuss Marshall’s practice methods. While the practices may have been quasi-open/closed, you’ve removed all doubt regarding that status. How do I know this? Let’s just say those individuals who might have received a standing offer to observe practices may have lost that opportunity.

                    Please take your “look at me” act down the street and start your own board. I’d even start a SN collection for those interested in funding the project.


                    • #40
                      I just want to say that I back Royal's decision to remove the practice thread – although I did have a brief chuckle at the limited irony especially in light of a thread Royal recently started in the off-topic forum. That being said, the decision to remove the thread, I’m sure was not taken lightly.

                      In any event, you people now know the rules. If CGM allows fans to watch practice, fine, but consider it a privilege and keep your mouth shut.


                      • #41
                        Are you guys kidding me? The season is about to start and we are fighting about THIS? I thought we were the best fan base in the country. I am very excited for monday night. I bet the other sights are saying right now, look at those guys, they cant even get along with each other. Shut it up and get back to doing what we were born to do, LOVING OUR SHOCKERS!!! Put your egos back in your pocket and lets go take it out on Emporia State!!!!!!!!!!!!! :-x
                        " If you build it they will come ", Koch Arena


                        • #42
                          Re: A new Shocker forum?

                          Originally posted by C0|dB|00ded
                          If the deletion of a thread based on the reasoning that this site is to be a "friend" to the institution instead of the fans that support it isn't a stark warning sign that there needs to be a whole lot more Shocker sports forums, then I don't know what is.

                          I don't have the time to manage a forum but I'm willing to finance it. Those with the knowledge and belief in free speech P.M me and we will discuss plans.


                          Isn't it ironic that the person who deleted the thread was just recently displaying an avatar of Karl Marx?


                          i agree with cb, royal did the wrong thing by deleting that post.


                          • #43
                            Originally posted by Maggie
                            I just want to say that I back Royal's decision to remove the practice thread – although I did have a brief chuckle at the limited irony especially in light of a thread Royal recently started in the off-topic forum. That being said, the decision to remove the thread, I’m sure was not taken lightly.

                            In any event, you people now know the rules. If CGM allows fans to watch practice, fine, but consider it a privilege and keep your mouth shut.
                            Maggie, I respectfully disagree. If CGM doesn't want people talking about his practices then he shouldn't allow people to watch. To allow people to watch, then try to limit public knowledge is outrageous. In my opinion, knowing an athletic department member contacted Royal to take down the thread reflects poorly on the University. If they feel that HCGMs' personality has been unfairly characterized then they should pursue other alternatives. When you come to terms with the fact that HCGM is very intense, competitive and will win at many costs: really the slightly negative portrait is no big deal. I wouldn't want our current coach to be any other way.

                            Several people appear aggrevated solely because they are losing a 'privaledge' of watching practices that cold may have ruined. For that, he may owe them an apology.

                            I also find it ironic about Royal but would have done the same thing in his shoes. Shockernet has rules - fact. Shockernet is a great forum most of the time. If you don't like don't use it (ie. Valleytalk). :wsu_posters:
                            Spoiler Alert: Bruce Willis was dead the whole time!


                            • #44
                              Speaking of parlor games... shouldn't you be planning your next super-duper dart throwin' championship?
                              Already did it. It's an $8,000+ tournament at the Broadview/Drury the weekend of the Martin Luther King holiday. We'll have at least 2 of the top 25 in the nation there and expect a group from Dallas to show up, which would add a couple of top-10 guys. We'll draw players from Missouri, Nebraska, Arkansas, Oklahoma, Texas, and Colorado for sure.

                              We sold out 2 downtown hotels for this event last year.

                              Our first big-scale practice session is November 22. It's an open practice. You're welcome to join us and observe. We'll have 4 players there who went to the National finals last year. 2 adults and 2 youth. We don't care if you post your observations of our practices on the Net.
                              The future's so bright - I gotta wear shades.
                              We like to cut down nets and get sized for championship rings.


                              • #45
                                Originally posted by Smooth007
                                Originally posted by Maggie
                                I just want to say that I back Royal's decision to remove the practice thread – although I did have a brief chuckle at the limited irony especially in light of a thread Royal recently started in the off-topic forum. That being said, the decision to remove the thread, I’m sure was not taken lightly.

                                In any event, you people now know the rules. If CGM allows fans to watch practice, fine, but consider it a privilege and keep your mouth shut.
                                Maggie, I respectfully disagree. If CGM doesn't want people talking about his practices then he shouldn't allow people to watch. To allow people to watch, then try to limit public knowledge is outrageous. In my opinion, knowing an athletic department member contacted Royal to take down the thread reflects poorly on the University. If they feel that HCGMs' personality has been unfairly characterized then they should pursue other alternatives. When you come to terms with the fact that HCGM is very intense, competitive and will win at many costs: really the slightly negative portrait is no big deal. I wouldn't want our current coach to be any other way.

                                Several people appear aggrevated solely because they are losing a 'privaledge' of watching practices that cold may have ruined. For that, he may owe them an apology.

                                I also find it ironic about Royal but would have done the same thing in his shoes. Shockernet has rules - fact. Shockernet is a great forum most of the time. If you don't like don't use it (ie. Valleytalk). :wsu_posters:
                                Cool but I don’t think we disagree about much because…..

                                I don’t know what, specifically; the athletic department objected to…personally, I didn’t have a problem with the post or the description of practice. In fact, I said so in the thread.

                                However, the athletic department and CGM have the absolute right to allow access to the basketball program in a manner in which they see fit. To allow fans of the program access to a practice but at the same time to expect some sort of discretion is not outrageous – a bit naive, maybe, but not outrageous. The fact that Royal decided to honor the athletic department’s request – is similarly, on its face, not outrageous – and like I wrote -- a decision, that I can comfortably assume, he did not take lightly. It simply appears to me that the rules of the game were not widely known.

                                Now that the rules have been clarified, to an extent, – people should act accordingly, that was my point. I guess I don’t think it is a big deal.

