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Exceptional young men

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  • Exceptional young men

    A dear friend and fellow shocker fanatic passed from stomach cancer last week. He was able to join the team for a practice last season during his struggle. Shaq made a particular impression on him during the visit. When his son tweeted the team of his passing, players responded with condolences. In response to the news of his passing, Shaq mentioned that Bob's visit at practice was a bright spot on a particular bad day for him. Bob would say the same thing to Shaq. We have Great basketball players representing our university, but we have exceptional YOUNG MEN.

  • #2
    While they certainly understand the pressure they are under, the guys really can't understand the capacity they have to make all of our humdrum lives better on a day-to-day basis, or for some, to make a spectacular difference. Of course, the players' lives are enriched too. For most of us, only with the benefit of hindsight and age can we understand. Fortunately, they have a coach that gets it and for the most part are exceptional young men to start with.

    I am sorry to hear of your friend's passing and glad he was able to enjoy this moment. Thank you for sharing.
    Wichita State, home of the All-Americans.


    • #3
      Twice last year, I took some friends and their kids into the locker room after the game. In both cases, the kids who were chatty all night before and after were totally starstruck and silent in the locker room (pretty funny to me, actually). The players and staff were totally cool, hospitable, and welcoming. Austin was probably my favorite. Very polite and friendly...yes sir, thank you sir.

      That, to me, was worth a whole lot more than the stats on a box score.

      (BY THE WAY, YOU CAN KNOCK OFF THE SIR TALK, AUSTIN! I'M NOT THAT OLD! least I hope I am not :banghead:)


      • #4
        Originally posted by WuShock16 View Post
        Twice last year, I took some friends and their kids into the locker room after the game. In both cases, the kids who were chatty all night before and after were totally starstruck and silent in the locker room (pretty funny to me, actually). The players and staff were totally cool, hospitable, and welcoming. Austin was probably my favorite. Very polite and friendly...yes sir, thank you sir.

        That, to me, was worth a whole lot more than the stats on a box score.

        (BY THE WAY, YOU CAN KNOCK OFF THE SIR TALK, AUSTIN! I'M NOT THAT OLD! least I hope I am not :banghead:)
        SHOCKERS & AWE

        "Go Ahead, Try To Jinx Us" ~ The Monsters Of The Midwest

        "Wichita State fans bring the noise to another level. The roar
        gets into your skull, giving you a mild case of vertigo."


        • #5
          Originally posted by WuShock16 View Post
          Twice last year, I took some friends and their kids into the locker room after the game. In both cases, the kids who were chatty all night before and after were totally starstruck and silent in the locker room (pretty funny to me, actually). The players and staff were totally cool, hospitable, and welcoming. Austin was probably my favorite. Very polite and friendly...yes sir, thank you sir.

          That, to me, was worth a whole lot more than the stats on a box score.

          (BY THE WAY, YOU CAN KNOCK OFF THE SIR TALK, AUSTIN! I'M NOT THAT OLD! least I hope I am not :banghead:)
          I consider myself to be a diehard Shocker fan since my freshman year at WSU 17 years ago. I'm not, however, the most in the know person, so I have to ask, who do you have to be to go into the locker room after games? I always see what appears to be 50+ people from various areas of the lower seats move that direction, but have no idea how they fit into the program.


          • #6
            Originally posted by ArtVandalay View Post
            I consider myself to be a diehard Shocker fan since my freshman year at WSU 17 years ago. I'm not, however, the most in the know person, so I have to ask, who do you have to be to go into the locker room after games? I always see what appears to be 50+ people from various areas of the lower seats move that direction, but have no idea how they fit into the program.


            • #7
              Originally posted by ArtVandalay View Post
              I consider myself to be a diehard Shocker fan since my freshman year at WSU 17 years ago. I'm not, however, the most in the know person, so I have to ask, who do you have to be to go into the locker room after games? I always see what appears to be 50+ people from various areas of the lower seats move that direction, but have no idea how they fit into the program.
              Get to a game early and go ask that security guard that sits right behind the bench. I'm not sure there's too much to it, other than they try to allow only a certain number back there anymore so it doesn't get too crowded.


              • #8
                Originally posted by WuShock16 View Post
                Get to a game early and go ask that security guard that sits right behind the bench. I'm not sure there's too much to it, other than they try to allow only a certain number back there anymore so it doesn't get too crowded.
                I assumed JH4P's money stack picture was likely the answer, but completely stereotyping, not everyone heading that direction appeared to fit that type. Interesting if it's as simple as getting there early.


                • #9
                  Went to the Evansville game 3 years ago, in Evansville. My son, about 27 at the time just walked in and had the whole team sign a Wichita State banner. Prerry cool. I would not have the kahunas to do it. I hang it in the den during basketball season.


                  • #10
                    PM me @ArtVandalay: when you have a chance


                    • #11
                      I had the chance to visit the locker room after both the game @Evansville and @Indiana State...everyone was very polite, nice, and yes, Austin says "yes sir" to everyone!! If you follow the Shocker Faithful on facebook, you might have seen my video of said visit. As someone who doesn't live anywhere near Wichita (Louisville, KY) it's nice to be able to do that. However, I think this will change with our move to the AAC sadly...

