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The end of the one and done?

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  • #16
    Originally posted by Shoxcity View Post
    Have you watched the playoffs. They have been awful.
    The product is fine. We just happen to have one of the best teams in history playing now.


    • #17
      Originally posted by Shoxcity View Post
      The NBA product is at an all-time low. Something needs to be done.
      This is an incorrect assessment of the NBA game. The NBA product is at an all-time high. We have incredible players who are young and more skilled than ever before. Even if guys like Jordan or Kareem or whoever are the best ever, I don't think there's ever been this much talent in the NBA.

      The playoffs suck because of a broken contract system in the NBA. No system with a salary cap should allow a team with 3 all-stars to add one of the all-time best scorers to join the team.

      But, if you've watched the finals so far, you've seen some incredible basketball. Even if the games aren't particularly close, Durant is just out of this world right now. LeBron's passes have been sensational. Curry is Curry.


      • #18
        Originally posted by jdshock View Post
        This is an incorrect assessment of the NBA game. The NBA product is at an all-time high. We have incredible players who are young and more skilled than ever before. Even if guys like Jordan or Kareem or whoever are the best ever, I don't think there's ever been this much talent in the NBA.

        The playoffs suck because of a broken contract system in the NBA. No system with a salary cap should allow a team with 3 all-stars to add one of the all-time best scorers to join the team.

        But, if you've watched the finals so far, you've seen some incredible basketball. Even if the games aren't particularly close, Durant is just out of this world right now. LeBron's passes have been sensational. Curry is Curry.
        I disagree with the middle paragraph, but the rest is spot on. Usually the conversation goes something like this:

        Person A: "NBA product is at an all-time low."
        Person B: "That's wrong because (insert your first paragraph here)."
        Person A: "That's wrong. I refuse to watch the NBA because it's all about individuals."
        Person B: "So you're saying the NBA is awful but you never watch it anymore?"

        Players are more athletic and skilled than ever before. Teams and coaches are smarter than ever before. It's really incredible to watch the speed and precision at which these guys operate.
        "In God we trust, all others must bring data." - W. Edwards Deming


        • #19
          Originally posted by jdshock View Post
          This is an incorrect assessment of the NBA game. The NBA product is at an all-time high. We have incredible players who are young and more skilled than ever before. Even if guys like Jordan or Kareem or whoever are the best ever, I don't think there's ever been this much talent in the NBA.

          The playoffs suck because of a broken contract system in the NBA. No system with a salary cap should allow a team with 3 all-stars to add one of the all-time best scorers to join the team.

          But, if you've watched the finals so far, you've seen some incredible basketball. Even if the games aren't particularly close, Durant is just out of this world right now. LeBron's passes have been sensational. Curry is Curry.
          It's not even a broken contract system, it's an unfortunate consequence of the cap rising significantly due to a better TV deal, and the league not appropriately balancing out the increase, so too much came available in a single year(also a consequence of a now easy top 5 player having terrible ankles right as he came up for an extension). Basically this issue will resolve itself when these players reach the end of their deals.


          • #20
            Originally posted by Kel Varnsen View Post
            I disagree with the middle paragraph, but the rest is spot on.
            Which part do you disagree with? In my opinion, the whole purpose of the salary cap is to prevent hoarding of talent. If you have such large increases in back-to-back-to-back years that allow the Warriors and Cavs to happen, something is broken. Now, I will say, as a casual fan without a huge rooting interest, I don't really mind. I thoroughly enjoy watching the Cavs/Warriors match-ups. If I were a Thunder fan, I'd be livid, though.

            Originally posted by ShockCrazy View Post
            It's not even a broken contract system, it's an unfortunate consequence of the cap rising significantly due to a better TV deal, and the league not appropriately balancing out the increase, so too much came available in a single year(also a consequence of a now easy top 5 player having terrible ankles right as he came up for an extension). Basically this issue will resolve itself when these players reach the end of their deals.
            I half-agree with this. I don't know that much about NBA contracts, but why couldn't KD sign a long-term deal this summer and then Steph sign a long-term deal since the Warriors would have bird-rights? I don't think this is a problem that gets solved soon. Either way, we agree that the reason there isn't parity is due to the salary cap increase.


            • #21
              The NBA just isn't that interesting to watch. Arguments usually say that NBA talent is so good, that a basketball fan should want to watch. Talent isn't the only thing that makes something interesting. The product has to be competitive and one could forsee that when KD went to the Warriors, what was going to happen.


              • #22
                Originally posted by shockmonster View Post
                The NBA just isn't that interesting to watch. Arguments usually say that NBA talent is so good, that a basketball fan should want to watch. Talent isn't the only thing that makes something interesting. The product has to be competitive and one could forsee that when KD went to the Warriors, what was going to happen.
                Pretty sure we had this EXACT SAME discussion over the last couple years watching WSU play in the Valley. Yes, we enjoy watching WSU play like a well-oiled machine...but when you win by 20-30 most every night, it's just not that interesting.


                • #23
                  Originally posted by jdshock View Post
                  Which part do you disagree with? In my opinion, the whole purpose of the salary cap is to prevent hoarding of talent. If you have such large increases in back-to-back-to-back years that allow the Warriors and Cavs to happen, something is broken. Now, I will say, as a casual fan without a huge rooting interest, I don't really mind. I thoroughly enjoy watching the Cavs/Warriors match-ups. If I were a Thunder fan, I'd be livid, though.
                  I see what you're saying, but like @ShockCrazy: said, it's really more of a crazy confluence of events and the salary cap rising than anything. It will eventually correct itself after everything plays out, at least in my opinion.
                  "In God we trust, all others must bring data." - W. Edwards Deming


                  • #24
                    Originally posted by jdshock View Post
                    Which part do you disagree with? In my opinion, the whole purpose of the salary cap is to prevent hoarding of talent. If you have such large increases in back-to-back-to-back years that allow the Warriors and Cavs to happen, something is broken. Now, I will say, as a casual fan without a huge rooting interest, I don't really mind. I thoroughly enjoy watching the Cavs/Warriors match-ups. If I were a Thunder fan, I'd be livid, though.

                    I half-agree with this. I don't know that much about NBA contracts, but why couldn't KD sign a long-term deal this summer and then Steph sign a long-term deal since the Warriors would have bird-rights? I don't think this is a problem that gets solved soon. Either way, we agree that the reason there isn't parity is due to the salary cap increase.
                    KD could have but would have been giving up on potential money. And Steph can sign the 5 year 200 mil super max this offseason. That alone is going to put the Warriors in a seriously bind. IF they want to retain both this offseason they will basically be at the cap number with only 20 mil to the tax limit with only 7 players signed, the big 4 and Jones, McCaw, and Looney. So yes the starting lineup for the Warriors could still be very strong, the real advantage they have is being able to extend their strengths into their second lineup using Iggy and Livingston, and they won't be able to retain them. It will certainly resolve itself. Even in two years Klay will be up and he will likely be eligible for a super max as well and the year following with Draymond in the same situation.
                    Also it's not like the 3 players with the Warriors were max players before their current deals, they got what everyone thought was reasonable deals, and then you add a cap increase and it ends up being a crazy roster.


                    • #25
                      I personally am not watching the playoffs at this point; I lost interest when the Spurs went out -- and yes, I'm prejudiced, but I'm confident that had Leonard not been injured (recklessly or accidentally, as the case may be), the Warriors would not be unbeaten in postseason, and might not even still be playing. The Spurs with a full team are a very tough matchup for them.

                      So I guess that means I'm a Spurs fan, not particularly an NBA fan. Having said that, I disagree with those who think the NBA game has gone downhill. When I do watch, I'm amazed at how many good players there are and the stuff they do routinely that would be a big deal in college.

                      I'd prefer a different approach to the one year guys (actually, some have invented their own personal work-arounds, like Emmanuel Mudiay did when it became apparent that even Larry Brown couldn't sneak him past the NCAA) and to the draft in general, but I think the NBA's worst problem is a wildly overambitious schedule. They can go ahead and play for 5-6 months plus playoffs, but there need to be fewer games played in that length of time. An 82 game regular season is just way too physically burdensome.


                      • #26
                        The real issue with NBA contracts is the "salary cap" is anything but a cap. It's a soft cap with a bunch of restrictions and exceptions and teams can pay luxury taxes and end up way over the cap. They need to either move to a hard cap, or get rid of the max contract. Let Durant eat up 75% of the cap and then try to field a super team.


                        • #27
                          Also I challenge people who think the league is no fun and dragging right now to watch a game of the Bucks or Timberwolves next season, mid tier teams who are not only fun but very talented. Greek Freak and KAT are a special watches respectively.


                          • #28
                            Originally posted by WuShock16 View Post
                            Pretty sure we had this EXACT SAME discussion over the last couple years watching WSU play in the Valley. Yes, we enjoy watching WSU play like a well-oiled machine...but when you win by 20-30 most every night, it's just not that interesting.
                            Yes but I have a life long vetted interest in WSU so I didn't mind watching their peaks and valleys during the MVC schedule while waiting for their play in the NCAA Tournament and how they stacked up against other conferences and teams, nationally.

                            I could have told you last year when KD signed who would win the NBA. Not a valid comparison. I did use to like to watch the Spurs, because of how unselfish they were, and WSU players in the NBA (AC, X, Cliff, etc.) and this year, I enjoyed watching Ron and Fred on occasion. Otherwise, uninteresting.


                            • #29
                              Let's fix the NBA and NCAA to make America great again!


                              • #30
                                Originally posted by shockmonster View Post
                                Yes but I have a life long vetted interest in WSU so I didn't mind watching their peaks and valleys during the MVC schedule while waiting for their play in the NCAA Tournament and how they stacked up against other conferences and teams, nationally.

                                I could have told you last year when KD signed who would win the NBA. Not a valid comparison. I did use to like to watch the Spurs, because of how unselfish they were, and WSU players in the NBA (AC, X, Cliff, etc.) and this year, I enjoyed watching Ron and Fred on occasion. Otherwise, uninteresting.
                                I can't fathom how one can look around the league and not see all the incredible things going on ESPECIALLY this year. Yes the Warriors are/were the prohibitive favorites, but we got Russ on a one man quest to destroy everything and averaging a triple double, we had Harden running an offense that made more 3s than any in history, the Warriors finishing top 5 in assists all time, hitting the 3rd most 3s in league history, Lebron being Lebron, breakouts from KAT and Greek Freak, a 5'9(maybe) PG made 2nd team All NBA, and not to mention Ron making himself a rotation player in the league.

