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  • Congrats

    You guys dominated us in every way start to finish. You guys have a great team. I think you will be a very tough out in the tournament . Represent the Valley well. I know you will.

    not much else to say. good luck and I hope you guys get a good seed and good location.

  • #2
    Hope ya'll get in too.
    Its a good landing if you can walk away, its a great landing if the plane can be reused the next day.


    • #3
      Originally posted by Ghost of Rick Lamb View Post
      You guys dominated us in every way start to finish. You guys have a great team. I think you will be a very tough out in the tournament . Represent the Valley well. I know you will.

      not much else to say. good luck and I hope you guys get a good seed and good location.
      Will be a shame if you don't get in. To dominate the others as you did and an RPI as low as you have SHOULD be good enough. We will see.


      • #4
        Attached Files
        I have come here to chew bubblegum and kickass ... and I'm all out of bubblegum.


        • #5
 I Don't believe it. Getting a lot of love on the Phog
          I have come here to chew bubblegum and kickass ... and I'm all out of bubblegum.


          • #6
            A lot off bed wetting on the Phog board as they are all scared to death of us being the 8 seed in their bracket.
            For thinking they are so far superior to WSU, they sure don't sound too confident.
            On another note: Turning point to this season was LS learning the TS cross-over dribble, which I invented back in the early 70's. You're welcome.
            I invented the cross-over dribble in the early 70's

