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Ron Baker was a Knick, and now is a Wizard!

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  • Straight cash, homie!


    • So that might make him the richest man in Scott City Kansas


      • Charles Koch really ponied up big time to keep Ron in NYC.


        • Originally posted by pogo View Post
          So that might make him the richest man in Scott City Kansas
          probably not


          • If you happen to be in the NYC area, be sure to ask Ron if he can spare a few tickets.


            • Report: Knicks signed Ron Baker to 2-year, $8.9M deal


              • NBA Twitter reacts to Ron Baker's $9 million deal with Knicks


                • Love the comment that he currently has a shot at being the starting pg. With a deal that size, I wouldn't be surprised if he is closer than you would think.


                  • "What other team was offering 4MM/yr for Baker that the Knicks had to go 4.5?"

                    Hit the nail on the head without thinking it all the way through. Baker is/was a wanted commodity.


                    • WOW! Plus, Ron deserves every million of it.


                      • Great deal for Baker, but man I'd hate to be a Knicks fan right now. That organization is a complete mess!


                        • Originally posted by Horn28Clem30 View Post
                          Great deal for Baker, but man I'd hate to be a Knicks fan right now. That organization is a complete mess!
                          This is the first commitment to winning I've seen them make in years.


                          • Show Bake the money--and they were smart and did just that. Happy for Ron Baker--a forever Shocker!!!!!!!!!!!
                            Shocker basketball will forever be my favorite team in all of sports.


                            • I love Ron, and my son will be at his camp next weekend for the second year in a row, but man NY overpaid Ron and THJ. Ron may be worth that at some point, but he shot so bad last year, I can't imagine teams lining up to sign him, and all the Knicks had to do was make a qualifying offer and then match what another team was willing to pay. But great for Ron.


                              • Gotta love the KWCH Facebook page posting the news and then asking the question "but is Ron worth the money?" under the headline...

                                Business 101. Do you know what determines the value of a thing?

                                How much will someone pay for it. He became worth the money when they made the offer and he signed it.

