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  • #31
    Originally posted by Kung Wu View Post
    These penalties are unreasonable. Most NCAA coaches (even D1) are not wealthy. They cannot pay a full years salary -- that's just crazy and the punishment would not fit the crime.

    In this case you are talking about an assistant that probably made $50k to 75k. He wouldn't be able to feed his family for years.

    He should simply be blackballed from the sport at all levels the NCAA controls, for at least 5 years or so -- that includes D1, D2, D3, NAIA, and NJCAA (all divs).

    Fining the school makes sense too.
    Yeah, I was thinking head coaches only. But whatever the level of fine, the payment could be made over a period of years. Banishment would also have a devastating effect financially and emotionally.
    "I not sure that I've ever been around a more competitive player or young man than Fred VanVleet. I like to win more than 99.9% of the people in this world, but he may top me." -- Gregg Marshall 12/23/13 :peaceful:
    Remember when Nancy Pelosi said about Obamacare:
    "We have to pass it, to find out what's in it".

    A physician called into a radio show and said:
    "That's the definition of a stool sample."


    • #32
      Originally posted by im4wsu View Post
      Yeah, I was thinking head coaches only. But whatever the level of fine, the payment could be made over a period of years. Banishment would also have a devastating effect financially and emotionally.
      There are some forms of cheating where you deserve to be banned from the sport at certain levels for certain durations. You can still coach high school, AAU, etc. -- NCAA can't control that anyway.
      Kung Wu say, man who read woman like book, prefer braille!


      • #33
        Originally posted by Kung Wu View Post
        The big glaring hole here is if I want Bill Self fired (as a WSU fan), I simply give a few grand to one of their recruits at a party and make sure someone "accidentally" records it.

        It's way too easy to get someone fired and decimate a program at a different school, for something they had no knowledge of or control over in your solution.
        I'm thinking there is a GoFundMe opportunity here...
        I had season FOOTBALL tix... did you?


        • #34
          Originally posted by Kung Wu View Post
          There are some forms of cheating where you deserve to be banned from the sport at certain levels for certain durations. You can still coach high school, AAU, etc. -- NCAA can't control that anyway.

          The NCAA has never controlled Kentucky, KU, North Carolina, UCLA, etc. etc. etc. They only give sanctions to WSU, SMU, etc. Louisville giving themselves a penalty because they are afraid that the NCAA will come after them for a HUGE scandal is a new thing for Louisville. Some of our Shockernetters are extremely naïve.


          • #35
            Originally posted by Kung Wu View Post
            Not at all. We are 100% in disagreement about Pitino knowing that McGee was getting his rocks off.

            McGee was simply "big timing" and trying to act like the man, show off, and party. Simple. The LAST thing he wanted was Pitino to find out, I promise you that.
            You're right. We are 100% in disagreement. "Rick knows everything" either is true or it should be. It's not like they were being sneaky. They were doing it ON campus.
            "You Don't Have to Play a Perfect Game. Your Best is Good Enough."


            • #36
              Originally posted by shockmonster View Post
              The NCAA has never controlled Kentucky, KU, North Carolina, UCLA, etc. etc. etc. They only give sanctions to WSU, SMU, etc. Louisville giving themselves a penalty because they are afraid that the NCAA will come after them for a HUGE scandal is a new thing for Louisville. Some of our Shockernetters are extremely naïve.
              Yeah there have been far too many examples of disparity of punishment by the NCAA. No doubt.
              Kung Wu say, man who read woman like book, prefer braille!


              • #37
                Originally posted by ShockdaWorld View Post
                You're right. We are 100% in disagreement. "Rick knows everything" either is true or it should be. It's not like they were being sneaky. They were doing it ON campus.
                Coaches aren't omniscient.
                Kung Wu say, man who read woman like book, prefer braille!


                • #38
                  Just wait until he falls asleep and paint a big blue proton torpedo on his forehead.
                  For some the glass is half full and for others half empty. My glass is out of ice.
                  - said no one ever...


                  • #39
                    Originally posted by Kung Wu View Post
                    Coaches aren't omniscient.
                    I should've said "In this case it should be true." Yes, he should know what is going on with recruits that are on campus at all times. I'm not sure why you are so absolutely sure that Pitino is clean, considering he's never been exactly a model citizen or coach. I've chosen to not buy the snake oil he's selling. You're welcome to as much of it as you'd like.
                    "You Don't Have to Play a Perfect Game. Your Best is Good Enough."


                    • #40
                      Pretty funny that the serial impregnator thinks this should be handled like a traffic ticket. All that will accomplish would be to allow the wealthy schools to buy their way out of purgatory.

                      Punishments should be relative to the offense committed. In this case, a rich alum could simply bail his/her school out by writing a large check.

                      If the punishment does not fit the behavior, it is no longer a deterrent. Forcing a school out of the National Championship picture directly relates to the behavior and actions that caused the problem. I think what has happened to Louisville is not only appropriate, but also justified and perhaps a little light. I'd like to se the NCAA cut the hell out of their schollys and on-campus visits as well.

                      I also think that maybe the serial impregnator isn't on solid ground with the school administration or he would not publicly criticize them. It's almost like he's trying to rile up wealthy alums against the administration in an effort to force them out so that he can get administrators that look the other way when he violates NCAA rules.

                      He needs to have the same thing done to him as was done to Huggy at Cincy. He had similar ideas that he was being picked on by the administration at Cincinatti. It backfired on him.

                      Will it backfire on the serial impregnator? I sure hope so. Will it hurt the serial impregnator's legacy? It's another data point that could cause those who respect him to disrespect him, and if that happens, it would truly be a good thing.


                      • #41
                        "Louisville coach Rick Pitino charged with failing to monitor program by NCAA; school escapes any violations."

                        Shocking. What a sham, almost as bad as UNC. Further proof that as a "blue blood" or something like that, you can do whatever you want and get away with it. Eastern Kentucky State better look out though. The NCAA will need to make an example out of someone.
                        "You Don't Have to Play a Perfect Game. Your Best is Good Enough."


                        • #42
                          Originally posted by ShockdaWorld View Post
                          "Louisville coach Rick Pitino charged with failing to monitor program by NCAA; school escapes any violations."

                          Shocking. What a sham, almost as bad as UNC. Further proof that as a "blue blood" or something like that, you can do whatever you want and get away with it. Eastern Kentucky State better look out though. The NCAA will need to make an example out of someone.
                          Pitino will get suspended, Louisville will get a couple seed lines bumped UP because they had to "play without their coach (because he cheated)", while other more deserving teams that happened to have very key injuries get bumped down because "We don't account for injuries". All is right in the world of the NCAA.


                          • #43
                            Originally posted by Stickboy46 View Post
                            Pitino will get suspended, Louisville will get a couple seed lines bumped UP because they had to "play without their coach (because he cheated)", while other more deserving teams that happened to have very key injuries get bumped down because "We don't account for injuries". All is right in the world of the NCAA.
                            Remember that those losses while suspended are "quality" losses.


                            • #44
                              Originally posted by OregonShocker View Post
                              Remember that those losses while suspended are "quality" losses.
                              But if they win the first game after his return, they actually count as wins.


                              • #45
                                I saw one tweet that the NCAA put the value of the impermissible benefits at only $5400... So the NCAA actually took the time to put a value on the hookers and sex acts offered, but only considered it low level violations? So buy a player a used car, or get hookers for recruits for years = same violation?!?

