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How do we respond to adversity?

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  • How do we respond to adversity?

    i don't have much time, but I think this is the question all of us need to ask ourselves?

    The season so far has not gone according to expectations. We've been decimated by injuries and the on court performance has produced less than desired outcomes.

    Here are a few choices we have:

    1. Criticize the coach - I'm not old enough to remember this, but it's my understanding that is how a spoiled Wichita fan base responded to adversity under Ralp Miller. The outcome is that he bolted for a new job at Iowa. Do we really want Lynn and Gregg to regret their decision to stay at Shocker Nation?

    2. criticize the players - what positive outcome can this produce? These guys are playing their hearts out and trying. I saw glimpses of good things in the 2nd half. Criticism is a negative and destructive force.

    3. Rally around the troops and look for the positives- this is the only choice that we have that will produce positive energy and outcomes.

    Don't let the negativity of a few SN posters bring you down. SN has its share of Internet rats, and trolls from other fan bases that are going to try to bring us down.

    In sports, business, and life we will face adversity. How you respond says a lot about your character.

    We can respond in a positive or negative manner.

    If we respond in the right way, the outcome is that adversity will make us stronger and better.
    ShockerNet is a rat infested cess pool.

  • #2
    Shockers respond by playing Angry, taken to new heights not seen before!! GO SHOX!!


    • #3
      Ralph Miller Criticism

      Shock -Maniac, you are right about Ralph Miller being criticized. I was a student at WU when it happened. He was burned in effigy. I forget where it happened here in Wichita. I remember that WU was a small university of 6000 students & Ralph Miller had taken it to new heights never imagined before. I met Lanny Van Eman, a former Shocker great from that era, at a WSU Alumni function when I lived in Phoenix, & we reminisced about it. Lanny saw it. Lanny played in 4 different games where WU beat the no 1 ranked team in the nation! Lanny's jumper from the right baseline at the north end of the floor at Leavitt Arena beat No 1 ranked Cincinatti. I was part of the student section that surged out on the floor to congratulate the team. It was in my senior year - Dec 1961.


      • #4
        Well, I guess there is only one thing left to do...

        Win the whole fu€king thing
        The Assman


        • #5
          1. Start b y a good week of practice and learning
          2. Defeat St Louis Saturday
          3. EVERYONE give the team a very loud standing O when they take the court vs UNLV
          4. Whup up on UNLV and find a way against Utah


          • #6
            Originally posted by Shocker-maniac View Post
            i don't have much time, but I think this is the question all of us need to ask ourselves?

            The season so far has not gone according to expectations. We've been decimated by injuries and the on court performance has produced less than desired outcomes.

            Here are a few choices we have:

            1. Criticize the coach - I'm not old enough to remember this, but it's my understanding that is how a spoiled Wichita fan base responded to adversity under Ralp Miller. The outcome is that he bolted for a new job at Iowa. Do we really want Lynn and Gregg to regret their decision to stay at Shocker Nation?

            2. criticize the players - what positive outcome can this produce? These guys are playing their hearts out and trying. I saw glimpses of good things in the 2nd half. Criticism is a negative and destructive force.

            3. Rally around the troops and look for the positives- this is the only choice that we have that will produce positive energy and outcomes.

            Don't let the negativity of a few SN posters bring you down. SN has its share of Internet rats, and trolls from other fan bases that are going to try to bring us down.

            In sports, business, and life we will face adversity. How you respond says a lot about your character.

            We can respond in a positive or negative manner.

            If we respond in the right way, the outcome is that adversity will make us stronger and better.
            I'm afraid some of us still don't get your point. My take was what we as fans can do and can do. We don't play so we can't beat anyone but we can stay positive. And support the shockers both coaches and players in a positive way. No one is trying to lose.


            • #7
              Ralph Miller was indeed an awesome Coach and recruiter. Not only did it hurt to lose him but a few solid recruits we would have signed followed him to Iowa if I recall accurately.
              Shocker basketball will forever be my favorite team in all of sports.


              • #8
                Someone call Xman. He needs to speak to the team


                • #9
                  Originally posted by Shocker-maniac View Post
                  In sports, business, and life we will face adversity. How you respond says a lot about your character.
                  Absholutely! *hic* And that's why in times like this iiiii'm a Black Label man! None of that pretentioush Cre *hic* Creighton Blue Label stuff or that cheap ass Mizzou Shtate Green Label 'shine!! *hic* Black Label for the Shockshers! Unless anybody wants to buy me a Blue Label ... I mean I'll drink it sure! What I'm trying to say is, Don Baker is soooooo good! Nebraska Las Vegas is going DOWN! *hic*

                  Now someone show a fellow Shockerer some *hic* REAL churacter and buy a thirthty man a drink!

                  I looooove you fanny van flleeeter!

                  I gotta pee.
                  Kung Wu say, man who read woman like book, prefer braille!


                  • #10
                    Well, maniac, if by "we" you mean us on Shockernet, I'd say our response is mixed at best. If by "we" you mean the shocker players, I think they'll do pretty well. Marshall has a lot of MTXE attitude in him, as does his staff, and they've done a pretty good job of instilling that culture of toughness throughout the program -- plus, they have some guys like FVV and Baker who didn't need to have any instilled and are also great players and leaders.


                    • #11


                      • #12
                        Simple- Lick your wounds, pick yourself up and start kicking some ass. Our team has been knocked down but not knocked out. Always remember its just basketball.
                        Last edited by kcshocker11; November 30, 2015, 02:27 PM.
                        I have come here to chew bubblegum and kickass ... and I'm all out of bubblegum.


                        • #13
                          I, for one, am not giving up on this being a special season. Let the rest of the nation forget about our beloved Shockers. They will remember why we were a preseason top 10 team soon enough. Time to rally around our team!


                          • #14
                            We just gotta get in the gym and grind. A lot of our issues (aside from the obvious - injuries) are fixable. The shooting will come around (it always does. Seems like we shoot poorly every year before Christmas) and who do you trust more than Marshall to fix what ails us defensively (ok, aside from Barry Hinson and the fighting Salukis).


                            • #15
                              No matter how bad you want to win or how good your psychology is, sometimes you just don't have the horses to win the race. Most of our horses are still in the stable...

                              I can't see this team in the NIT, but if they don't win out in the non-con they will be forced to win 3 games in 3 days to get in the NCAA tournament.

                              I think Fred finds a way, either way.
                              β€œLet your plans be dark and impenetrable as night, and when you move, fall like a thunderbolt.”
                              -Sun Tzu, The Art of War

