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What can we do to memorialize Coach Ward and other victims?

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  • What can we do to memorialize Coach Ward and other victims?

    One thing that makes #Shockernation and #Shockernet so great is our ability to put the rivalries aside and show that we really share the pain or heartache of those suffering that we may compete against.

    I think the least we can do is come together as a message board to show we are united in spirit with those left behind. I also wouldn't be opposed to doing something on a larger scale through the university or athletic department if that idea isn't out there yet.

    Thoughts or ideas?

  • #2
    What about getting together with the football alum folks to fund a scholarship for a Redbird for hoops or football of some kind? Assuming endowed scholarships are legal with the NCAA?


    • #3
      I know not a thing about the victims personal lives. I thought maybe some kind of memorial plaque etc as you walk into Koch either inside or out unveiled to their AD. But I'm not sure what would send the biggest message of support


      • #4
        The fact you guys are even considering such a thing, not to mention the posts yesterday, is a first-class move.

        Things may have gotten heated on the court the last few years between our teams, and the banter between our fanbases has been a bit more gritty than usual, but I know I speak on behalf of everyone in the Redbird Family that these sentiments mean quite a bit. Thank you Shocker faithful!
        I am a diehard Illinois State Redbird fan first, and an MVC supporter, diplomat, and ambassador of good will second.


        • #5
          I'm always down to chip in on efforts like these. I'm not sure what will be more beneficial, a donation of sorts to their Foundation equivalent or something more sentimental like a plaque like you mention @shoxlax:
 - A Wichita State Basketball Blog


          • #6
            I would assume that there will be foundation put into place for the families, etc. Maybe a donation by individuals there would be the best idea... Shockernet could just provide the link for those wishing to do something.


            • #7
              I just spread the word on Twitter, I hope we get some traction with this.
     - A Wichita State Basketball Blog


              • #8
                Anyone know if their board has reported on something of this nature? I would imagine they are working to put something in place, we could all donate to that.
                "Say it slowly and savor it..."
                Nothing worse than sCUm/sKUm


                • #9
                  Just saw on Jenn Bates' Twitter account that Miller was offered a seat on the plane, but did not end up going. Wow.
                  "In God we trust, all others must bring data." - W. Edwards Deming


                  • #10
                    MTXEShox is in!


                    • #11
                      Originally posted by wsushockerdude View Post
                      Anyone know if their board has reported on something of this nature? I would imagine they are working to put something in place, we could all donate to that.
                      I asked Joe from RedbirdRecon if they had anything set up yet, and he didn't know of any. I asked if he'd keep me in the loop if he found out something.

                      I think donating to an already established fund would be the most effective and beneficial use of the money.
             - A Wichita State Basketball Blog


                      • #12
                        Originally posted by _kai_ View Post
                        I asked Joe from RedbirdRecon if they had anything set up yet, and he didn't know of any. I asked if he'd keep me in the loop if he found out something.

                        I think donating to an already established fund would be the most effective and beneficial use of the money.
                        Agreed. Should we do it and individuals or from ShockerNet as a group?


                        • #13
                          Probably be best to do individually and note it was from a SN guy. Collecting money and then sending it on by a mod is probably too consuming.


                          • #14
                            Originally posted by pogo View Post
                            Probably be best to do individually and note it was from a SN guy. Collecting money and then sending it on by a mod is probably too consuming.
                            On top of being consuming for the person to take the lead, it's also individual's contribution not the website as a whole. I think it's great that we as a community can come together and identify as where the contribution and connection stems from, but keeping with separation between what the website as an entity does, and what the collective of the community does is important. And also detracts away from the individual gesture and makes the potential focus on one unit rather than the many who come together for something like this.

                            However, I will say that in the instance where we came together for Missy in collecting donations and @WuDrWu: handled the funds to make one large donation, I'm ok if @shoxlax: wanted to be the lead on this. I personally know both, and feel more than confident with the legitimacy of their efforts.
                   - A Wichita State Basketball Blog


                            • #15
                              There's talk now over on the Redbird board about a fund being set up to benefit the kids and the families of the deceased. That's the best use of any donations, IMO. But at any rate, I'm in.
                              "It's amazing to watch Ron slide into that open area, Fred will find him and it's straight cash homie."--HCGM

