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The Annual HCGM's WSU Future

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  • Originally posted by ShockerFever View Post
    If true, Alabama is beyond desperate. They know all of the negatives surrounding their basketball program.

    That would be a pretty sizable rebuilding job. Word has it Marshall isn't too keen on doing anymore rebuilding. I guess we'll see if $4 mil buys that comment back.

    Sexton better not be sleeping at night, pulling some major strings, and earning his keep.
    $4 mil can buy a lot of comments back. Puts a whole new spin on "Show Me the Money".


    • Maybe, but the list could stop at 25 and it wouldn't matter -- and I think the top 25 looks accurate.

      Edit: forgot to quote martymoose.


      • Originally posted by shoxlax View Post
        Why would you do that if gives you leverage for a raise here and more job security.
        I don't think the powers that be at WSU needs a public stand to figure out Gregg deserves a raise. Let's face it, Gregg has an enormous ego. I'm not suggesting it is good, bad, or different. I can see here in the Midwest that kind of ego can wear thin with some fans. It doesn't make those fans any less fantastic. I, myself, love Gregg. I do wish he conduct himself with less drama however.


        • Originally posted by ShockerFever View Post
          Was this your "source" from yesterday?
          Lmao no. I talked to him this morning and basically they scrapped the story when they found out Marshall and Texas discussions fell apart some at the last min. So surprise, surprise, news was jumping the gun lol. Lesson learned on that one.
          "He called me around noon and was thrilled," Brandt said. "He said he was going to be a Shocker forever." -- RIP Guy, you WILL indeed be a Shocker forever!


          • kind of hard to believe Archie Miller only made 335 K this year
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            • Originally posted by Jamar Howard 4 President View Post
              My alphabet cereal this morning swirled around in the bowl and then amazingly, it settled down and spelled out "I am more trustworthy than twitter". Even more amazingly, it then started swirling around again, and this time it spelled out "but I'm still just stupid cereal".

              Take it for what its worth. In the meantime, wake me up when there is some actual news.
              I'll send Fev over when it's time. Better sleep with one eye open.


              • Originally posted by ShockTalk View Post
                Thought you were stepping away? ;)
                Like a moth to a flame.
                “Losers Average Losers.” ― Paul Tudor Jones


                • Originally posted by _kai_ View Post
                  Take my info with a grain of salt, but I've heard that the offer Alabama came up here with puts Gregg in the top 5 coaches if he takes it.
                  If this is true it puts him at 5M+ per and there is not one person on this board who turns that down. Even if he fails at Bama, which I doubt, he is set for life. A pay raise of 2.5x's your current salary, you gotta take it coach, it's un-American if you don't...being capitalist and all.


                  • Real funny, Bama... Look on the right hand side.


                    • Originally posted by WillieJeffJeffries View Post
                      If this is true it puts him at 5M+ per and there is not one person on this board who turns that down. Even if he fails at Bama, which I doubt, he is set for life. A pay raise of 2.5x's your current salary, you gotta take it coach, it's un-American if you don't...being capitalist and all.
                      Well my basis for saying top 5, was a list that showed Billy Donovan at just under 4 million. So it is not 5+.
             - A Wichita State Basketball Blog


                      • At least what I am reading from actual reporters is Bama will offer anywhere from $3 mill to up to what Alford makes at UCLA, around $3.4 mill.


                        • Originally posted by DUShock View Post
                          Fev, I don't think we can compete with the $4-5M range. HEck, I think getting to 3 or low-3's might be a stretch.
                          The difference between $1.8 mil and $4 mil is huge. The difference between $3-3.5 mil and $4 mil is not. See where I'm going?

                          Alabama would not be worth it for an extra $500k or mil.

                          $3.5 mil is a pretty nice yearly haul. WSU would then become a top 10 paying job if that were to happen.
                          Deuces Valley.
                          ... No really, deuces.
                          "Enjoy the ride."

                          - a smart man


                          • Originally posted by ShoxRoxMySox View Post

                            Real funny, Bama... Look on the right hand side.
                            I'm Shakaed!
                            “Losers Average Losers.” ― Paul Tudor Jones


                            • Originally posted by ShoxRoxMySox View Post
                              Agreed, Alabama is desperate, and I've heard as much from their fanbase.

                              Not sure that it's really a rebuilding job, though. That's a matter of opinion I guess, I think of rebuilding as exactly what happened to Marshall coming here. Bare of player depth and twice as many losses as wins in year 1 -- I don't think Bama basketball is in quite that rough of shape, is it?

                              And yeah, someone get Sexton an adderall prescription, time to hit overdrive on getting **** done!
                              Uhhhh. That dude doesn't need any adderall.


                              • Originally posted by WillieJeffJeffries View Post
                                If this is true it puts him at 5M+ per and there is not one person on this board who turns that down. Even if he fails at Bama, which I doubt, he is set for life. A pay raise of 2.5x's your current salary, you gotta take it coach, it's un-American if you don't...being capitalist and all.
                                4 million would place him just above Donovan for 5th overall.

