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The Annual HCGM's WSU Future

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  • Originally posted by Shocker Mama View Post
    I am taking comfort from the news report that Mrs. HCGM wanted to get her tomatoes planted. Why go to the trouble of planting a garden, if you are not going to be here to harvest it? Now, if we could just convince her to plant asparagus (for the non-gardeners, it takes seven years to produce a crop).
    Has she planted any fruit trees yet?


    • Well, I hope Sexton has Steve Prohm and Brad Underwood on speed dial. Always have a Plan B, well, planned. Underwood is a KS kid that went to KSU, coming back to KS might be enticing. Prohm has done well at Murray and not just with Kennedy's prior players.


      • Originally posted by wufan View Post
        Coaching in the SEC is something WSU can't offer.
        Last I looked, 4 other conferences also offered something WSU and the SEC can't. A better conference. Take out UK, that will be 5 conferences. And if you want to live in the south or southeast, for heavens sake pick a conference that more than one school puts a premium on basketball.


        • Alabama is not the program to worry about. Chill out, people.
          Deuces Valley.
          ... No really, deuces.
          "Enjoy the ride."

          - a smart man


          • Originally posted by ShockerFever View Post
            Alabama is not the program to worry about. Chill out, people.
            100x This.


            • Maybe Marshall really enjoys letting these people wine and dine him just so he can see the expression on their face when he says no.
              You miss 100% of the shots you don't take....

              .....but, statistically speaking, you miss 99% of the shots you do take.


              • Proehm signed an extension today.


                • Originally posted by ShauXTyme View Post
                  I'm hearing close to $4m/yr. That's "crazy".
                  Everything said or written about Alabama is crazy.
                  Kansas is Flat. The Earth is Not!!


                  • Originally posted by pinstripers View Post
                    Proehm signed an extension today.
                    That's what Alford did at UNM, then he promptly left for UCLA...
                    Kansas is Flat. The Earth is Not!!


                    • Originally posted by pinstripers View Post
                      Proehm signed an extension today.
                      Big deal.


                      • Originally posted by KC Shox View Post
                        Well, I hope Sexton has Steve Prohm and Brad Underwood on speed dial. Always have a Plan B, well, planned. Underwood is a KS kid that went to KSU, coming back to KS might be enticing. Prohm has done well at Murray and not just with Kennedy's prior players.
                        Not saying Underwood is not a talent, but, so far, isn't SFA's success mostly due to the previous coaches recruits?


                        • How exactly the changes to Longhorns basketball happen isn't yet clear, but there's growing buzz that there will be changes.
                          Kansas is Flat. The Earth is Not!!


                          • Don't underestimate Alabama's ability to make Gregg Marshall say 'Roll Tide!'

                            Bill Battle has a lot to offer as he zeroes in on the biggest potentially available big fish in the pond in the refreshingly honest Wichita State coach.

                            Weak arguments...
                            Kansas is Flat. The Earth is Not!!


                            • The opportunity would have to be "something extraordinary" for Marshall to leave Wichita State, Solomon said.

                              "That's a really hard thing to answer," Solomon said when asked what it would take for Marshall to leave Wichita State. "There's not a checklist. I think it would really have to do with the circumstances. It would be a situation where he feels it and Lynn, his wife, feels it and the kids feel it that it's just the right situation. It would have to be something extraordinary because they do love Wichita so much."

                              From Marshall's agent. Consistent Messaging.

                              Kansas is Flat. The Earth is Not!!


                              • Bottom Line

                                If the school offers you full power over the program, you now have complete control over an SEC basketball program. If Alabama decides to more than double your salary, going from 1.5 million including incentives to 4 million dollars, that’s going to be hard to turn down. Oh, the beautiful lake front properties that are available right now.

                                Not only will the salary go up but a potential future coach can also expect a blank check to invest into recruiting, and let’s just go ahead and throw in a plane. See what I’m getting at? You have the full control over a program, a hefty pay increase and an athletics program that is willing to go all in. The love to win is great, but how about the challenge of turning one of the biggest athletic programs around in basketball? Winning at a mid-major can be rewarding, but how about potentially waking up a monster in the SEC? Want more of a challenge? You can prove to yourself you’re among the best on a yearly basis by going up against John Calipari and the Kentucky Wildcats.

                                Have I gone full Gump mode now? I think I have. Time to take a rest. Maybe I’ll go read how Forbes has Alabama listed as the 14th most valuable basketball program. Maybe I’ll go dream about where the school could go when they actually have a successful plan in place.

                                Kansas is Flat. The Earth is Not!!

