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The Annual HCGM's WSU Future

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  • For the most part,most vandy fans were realistic. Though, a few nut job fans are going through the typical stages of grief with the rejection of HCGM. One has even threw smack with the "....I have been to Wichita. and." We have seen this play out every year with the "this time it will be different.." when every school tries to land HCGM only to end up crushing a few inflated egos of a fan base. It must be spring time.


    • HCGM is methodically elevating WSU's status as a basketball program, one school at a time. So far, WSU is has surpassed Mizzou, Alabama, Vanderbilt, Nebraska, UCLA, etc.

      I may be missing some. I am in the camp that believes it's a good thing when he allows schools to announce they are pursuing him prior to him turning it down. It forces everyone watching to face the music about WSU.


      • Originally posted by thunderkwb View Post
        For the most part,most vandy fans were realistic. Though, a few nut job fans are going through the typical stages of grief with the rejection of HCGM. One has even threw smack with the "....I have been to Wichita. and." We have seen this play out every year with the "this time it will be different.." when every school tries to land HCGM only to end up crushing a few inflated egos of a fan base. It must be spring time.
        Now the nut jobs (not all Vandy fans) have turned to "Well Drew would be a better hire than Marshall anyways" ... umm yea .. sure ....


        • He's not going anywhere other than say a UNC or Duke (which would never happen). I think both of those schools will hire 'family' members when Roy and K are done. Now, Texas offering would have been scary, but they didn't so i think we'll be blessed with Marshall for several more years and I'm happy about that. The only thing that would drive him out is the Valley and if recruiting falls off for some reason. JMO, I could be wrong.


          • Louisville


            • Originally posted by pinstripers View Post
              I can see that, and honestly would be a good fit for him IMO. I just hope if it comes open soon, he doesn't jump before he knows the extent of the sanctions that will be put against them.


              • Originally posted by pinstripers View Post
                You know, it won't happen...but I could see it in a way....


                • Arizona
                  Where oh where is our T. Boone Pickens.


                  • Originally posted by Stickboy46 View Post
                    I can see that, and honestly would be a good fit for him IMO. I just hope if it comes open soon, he doesn't jump before he knows the extent of the sanctions that will be put against them.
                    I can see the NCAA treating both Louisville and North Carolina the same.

                    "In sports today the North Carolina Men's Basketball team will have the number of players that can take the non-class classes reduced from 10 per year to 5 per year and the Louisville Men's basketball team had their Hooker allowance reduced from 3 per year to only 1. In other news the Middle Tennessee men's basketball team was issued a 3 person scholarship reduction and are banned from post season for the next 5 years for having the gall to win a game in the NCAA Tournament earlier this year."


                    • Originally posted by jdmee View Post
                      I can see the NCAA treating both Louisville and North Carolina the same.

                      "In sports today the North Carolina Men's Basketball team will have the number of players that can take the non-class classes reduced from 10 per year to 5 per year and the Louisville Men's basketball team had their Hooker allowance reduced from 3 per year to only 1. In other news the Middle Tennessee men's basketball team was issued a 3 person scholarship reduction and are banned from post season for the next 5 years for having the gall to win a game in the NCAA Tournament earlier this year."
                      Please save this post so you can put it on the NCAA site when they tell Roy congratulations.
                      "You Don't Have to Play a Perfect Game. Your Best is Good Enough."


                      • Originally posted by Stickboy46 View Post
                        They are still clinging to it. I've seen multiple tweets and messages that point out that he still hasn't declined it officially.
                        I guess they're right in that point. He can't decline an offer if he never got one.


                        • For those conspiracy theorists out there, both the Tads and Sports Time Fan Shop autograph sessions were announced to feature the seniors only, no coach Marshall.


                          • Originally posted by ArtVandalay View Post
                            For those conspiracy theorists out there, both the Tads and Sports Time Fan Shop autograph sessions were announced to feature the seniors only, no coach Marshall.
                            I would hope so. I would hate for the Seniors last few times in the WSU public eye to get distracted by people wanting to talk to Marshall about Vandy.


                            • Originally posted by ArtVandalay View Post
                              For those conspiracy theorists out there, both the Tads and Sports Time Fan Shop autograph sessions were announced to feature the seniors only, no coach Marshall.
                              My guess… HCGM will be too busy shaving.
                              "You Just Want to Slap The #### Outta Some People"


                              • Vandy is expected to hire Drew in the next 24-48 hours per a couple sources. Very solid hire for them.

                                Last edited by Stickboy46; April 4, 2016, 10:55 AM.

