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The Annual HCGM's WSU Future

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  • Originally posted by 1972Shocker View Post
    I simply don't find it plausible that 3G would turn down Alabama only to take a job at Vanderbilt a year later. 3G never has been a job hopper but right now he is in the best and most financially secure position he has ever been in which allows him to very patiently wait for his dream job to open up (assuming he is not already at his dream job). Does anyone really believe that Vandy is even remotely close to the jobs at the top of 3G's list (again assuming he even has a list)?
    no, but he seems offbeat enough that every fan base can imagine that theirs is the job he's been waiting for.


    • Coach Marshall has stated that he doesn't want to Coach forever which I have interpreted as around another 10 years (if that). At most he has one more coaching job change in him (if that). At that point he will probably do some TV work as an analyst if he chooses. He will be very, very picky about what and where that job will be IMHO. And he can certainly afford to be picky at this point.

      I'm not sure that he will walk away from WSU very easily in any case considering how this community has stepped up to support him and his family in grand style. I could see him finishing up at WSU over the next 8 to 10 years then accept an offer to be on the Koch Industries Board of Directors.


      • Originally posted by SB Shock View Post
        Fogler is doing the coaching search for Vandy AD - I wonder if he might hire himself?
        really? oh, great.. the man with zip respect for wichita state would definitely throw marshall's name in there pdq


        • Originally posted by 1972Shocker View Post
          I simply don't find it plausible that 3G would turn down Alabama only to take a job at Vanderbilt a year later. 3G never has been a job hopper but right now he is in the best and most financially secure position he has ever been in which allows him to very patiently wait for his dream job to open up (assuming he is not already at his dream job). Does anyone really believe that Vandy is even remotely close to the jobs at the top of 3G's list (again assuming he even has a list)?
          Also remember he literally cancelled a trip to Bama within hours (maybe minutes) after WSU presented an offer to him (that was still 1.5 million less). He didn't want to consider Alabama and WSU did exactly what he needed to feel comfortable turning it down. He has a lot of built up trust with Wichita and WSU.


          • Originally posted by 1972Shocker View Post
            Coach Marshall has stated that he doesn't want to Coach forever which I have interpreted as around another 10 years (if that). At most he has one more coaching job change in him (if that). At that point he will probably do some TV work as an analyst if he chooses. He will be very, very picky about what and where that job will be IMHO. And he can certainly afford to be picky at this point.

            I'm not sure that he will walk away from WSU very easily in any case considering how this community has stepped up to support him and his family in grand style. I could see him finishing up at WSU over the next 8 to 10 years then accept an offer to be on the Koch Industries Board of Directors.
            Coinciding with the construction of the new state-of-the-art, 15,000 seat Marshall Arena?


            • A year ago when the new contract went down, a senior, well-respected Wichita media member (that many would know of if I mentioned the name - not an Eagle guy) made several direct references (as a poster on this forum) to not only info on the new contract/salary, but also a "life-changing" additional compensation component. Despite prodding, he's never come out with more on that, and if it totally comes from a private source, then there's no reason it would be disclosed to the public (as opposed to his contract funding which ultimately comes through WSU ICAA).

              Makes me wonder if he was asked to hush up, and if there is a second carrot out in front of Marshall when it comes to his WSU package that very few have knowledge of. If it exists, it is an impossible variable to bid against as a suitor for his services, short some sort of disclosure.


              • Here's what was said. This was posted several days AFTER the new contract broke.:

                There was a pass the church plate meeting on Tuesday at Flint Hills. The plate ended up overflowing. You can do the math and see.
                Relax, folks.

                We're working on some stuff about Marshall's deal, and if what we're hearing is true, he will retire here. Believe me.
                To be blunt, I expect Gregg Marshall to finish his career, and life, in Wichita.

                Can't really elaborate, but this deal is absolutely incredible.
                Lots of contract t's to cross and i's to dot.

                I don't think anyone will ever, ever talk about the real money part of this deal, though.

                I would say, however, that this looks for all the world like a community support commitment unprecedented in college sports.


                To the extent that it will elevate the Wichita State profile into ad hoc P5 status. People around the country who know all the details of this deal are going to view it as a game-changer.
                I agree.

                We are still incredulous down here about what we're hearing.
                Who knows... maybe none of the above came to fruition, but the poster/source here is solid, very solid.


                • Originally posted by SHOCKvalue View Post
                  A year ago when the new contract went down, a senior, well-respected Wichita media member (that many would know of if I mentioned the name - not an Eagle guy) made several direct references (as a poster on this forum) to not only info on the new contract/salary, but also a "life-changing" additional compensation component. Despite prodding, he's never come out with more on that, and if it totally comes from a private source, then there's no reason it would be disclosed to the public (as opposed to his contract funding which ultimately comes through WSU ICAA).

                  Makes me wonder if he was asked to hush up, and if there is a second carrot out in front of Marshall when it comes to his WSU package that very few have knowledge of. If it exists, it is an impossible variable to bid against as a suitor for his services, short some sort of disclosure.
                  Long time everyday lurker here, rarely post though - I remember this happening as you described it and has stuck with me all season in the back of my mind. I don't remember the exact details but seem to remember there was/is supposedly a component that could possibly "change college basketball." The contract as we saw it, while awesome, didn't seem to have anything groundbreaking.

                  We need this guy.


                  • Vandy fans arguing with VCU fans on a Wichita State board. It's official, WSU is the center of the basketball world.
                    You miss 100% of the shots you don't take....

                    .....but, statistically speaking, you miss 99% of the shots you do take.


                    • Originally posted by SHOCKvalue View Post
                      Here's what was said. This was posted several days AFTER the new contract broke.:

                      Who knows... maybe none of the above came to fruition, but the poster/source here is solid, very solid.
                      So, you're saying that somewhere within Shockernet there is a leak to the media? Who's in charge of security?
                      Where oh where is our T. Boone Pickens.


                      • Originally posted by Steeleshocker View Post
                        Vandy fans arguing with VCU fans on a Wichita State board. It's official, WSU is the center of the basketball world.
                        actually, jim rome show ran a segment today about the declining popularity of (regular season) college basketball. the guest host said that outside of lexington, lawrence, durham, chapel hill, syracuse and tuscon, nobody really cares anymore. he could have added wichita to that list.


                        • Originally posted by another shocker View Post
                          actually, jim rome show ran a segment today about the declining popularity of (regular season) college basketball. the guest host said that outside of lexington, lawrence, durham, chapel hill, syracuse and tuscon, nobody really cares anymore. he could have added wichita to that list.
                          Rome would have
                          I have come here to chew bubblegum and kickass ... and I'm all out of bubblegum.


                          • Originally posted by SHOCKvalue View Post
                            Here's what was said. This was posted several days AFTER the new contract broke.:

                            Who knows... maybe none of the above came to fruition, but the poster/source here is solid, very solid.
                            I recall that it was reported that when they made the offer to Marshall last year that Charles Koch sat down, looked Gregg Marshall in the eyes, and said, "Gregg, I don't want you to leave Wichita."

                            I don't know about the rest of you, but I'm pretty much convinced that when Charles Koch wants something, he usually gets it. Now multiply that by Gregg Marshall's immense respect for Mr. Koch and it is a lock.
                            ShockerNet is a rat infested cess pool.


                            • Originally posted by wusphlash View Post
                              So, you're saying that somewhere within Shockernet there is a leak to the media? Who's in charge of security?
                              "Hank Iba decided he wouldn't play my team anymore. He told me that if he tried to get his team ready to play me, it would upset his team the rest of the season." Gene Johnson, WU Basketball coach, 1928-1933.



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