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The Annual HCGM's WSU Future

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  • At 3 million, Gregg would be tied with Huggy Bear for 7th place of the top paid coaches. If Alabama offers more than 3 million, Gregg would be right behind Calipari, Coach K, Pitino and Izzo, though I doubt Alabama would go to the amounts these guys are at.


    • Originally posted by Jamar Howard 4 President View Post
      You were actively complaining that this thread even exists. You said it gets "really old" that you have to "deal with talking about this crap". Guess what? You don't have to talk about it! Posting/reading threads that don't interest you is not a requirement of forum membership.

      Sure, you weren't actively using mod powers to close a thread. In that sense, you weren't forcing people to stop. However, you were actively whining about a thread's existance simply because it does not interest you. THAT is the attitude that I'm saying needs to go away. If you (or any other poster) is disinterested in a thread, why not just stay out of the discussion altogether?
      Can you please make and post a complete list of JH4P approved posts? We all seem to make mistakes so frequently that you have to call us out on. It would be much simpler for all of us, including you, if you just posted some stock posts that we could make tiny edits to.


      • Originally posted by Shox21 View Post
        I just wonder what all this talk about Marshall possibly leaving might be having on our committed recruits and those we are still talking to for future years? Every years it's the same. Will he or won't he? And you know if he does go, he will more than likely take most of his staff with him. I guess that's the price of success, but some of these kids might be hesitant to commit thinking Marshall may exit in any one of their four years here. I know, I know -- that's basketball. But the established coaches (Duke, NC, Louisville, Kansas, etc.) don't have that problem. We do, because some still think that the only GOOD basketball is played in the P5 conferences and therefore ANY coach would jump at the chance to coach in those conferences. And since Marshall always says he will listen to any offer that comes his way, these recruits can't have any confidence that he will be here. (I didn't include Kentucky in the above list because at any time their coach may head for the NBA -- One can only hope).
        So another team that our recruits are considering can offer more assurances?

        The best job security is winning.

        Coach Marshall's record and tenure at WSU and Winthrop should be the gold standard along with the blue bloods of the NCAA.

        I'm not worried.
        "Don't measure yourself by what you have accomplished, but by what you should accomplish with your ability."
        -John Wooden


        • Originally posted by wu_shizzle View Post
          So another team that our recruits are considering can offer more assurances?

          The best job security is winning.

          Coach Marshall's record and tenure at WSU and Winthrop should be the gold standard along with the blue bloods of the NCAA.

          I'm not worried.
          Recruits also have the ability to call Gregg at any time and ask what his plans are. I don't think Connor transfers to WSU without having it be more than likely that Gregg will be coaching him.

          Whenever Gregg decides he is done coaching at WSU, I will wish him well. He has given us more than I could have ever imagined. Nothing in life is guaranteed, enjoy these golden years as a Shocker! Count me in the group that thinks the best is yet to come.


          • Originally posted by Cdizzle View Post
            Can you please make and post a complete list of JH4P approved posts? We all seem to make mistakes so frequently that you have to call us out on. It would be much simpler for all of us, including you, if you just posted some stock posts that we could make tiny edits to.
            I was a little shocked that I was told how to post, on the website I pay for and own. If he wants to test out if his magical mod powers work compared to mine, I'll be his Huckleberry.
   - A Wichita State Basketball Blog


            • Originally posted by _kai_ View Post
              I was a little shocked that I was told how to post, on the website I pay for and own. If he wants to test out if his magical mod powers work compared to mine, I'll be his Huckleberry.
              Uhh, if you pay for and own this website that means you can pretty much do whatever you want. At least I thought that's how America works.
              ShockerNet is a rat infested cess pool.


              • Originally posted by _kai_ View Post
                I was a little shocked that I was told how to post, on the website I pay for and own. If he wants to test out if his magical mod powers work compared to mine, I'll be his Huckleberry.
                Someone give this man a raise.


                • Arizona State just opened.

                  I'm worried, guize...

                  "Don't measure yourself by what you have accomplished, but by what you should accomplish with your ability."
                  -John Wooden


                  • I listened to the Kevin Keitzman show in KC yesterday. He was talking with the LJW writer for KU. They were commenting on how the KU players should have a meeting with Bill Self to figure out what they wanted from their KU careers because they were embarrassed by WSU's hustle, grit and desire. They futher lamented that they've had some early exits since they sold their souls to the 1-and-done recruits. They sounded genuinely jealous that WSU had hard-working, very focused players who weren't just hanging out, biding their time, waiting for their name to be called in the NBA draft.

                    My takeaway is that maybe Gregg doesn't really care about landing that job that gives him access to 5-star recruits he can't keep for a while and develop into stars that play within a system that revolves around excellence in all phases, especially chemistry and unselfishness. Some KU alums are tiring of chasing the over-hyped, under-achieving freshman who lead to early exists in the NCAA Tournament.


                    • Originally posted by ISASO View Post
                      I listened to the Kevin Keitzman show in KC yesterday. He was talking with the LJW writer for KU. They were commenting on how the KU players should have a meeting with Bill Self to figure out what they wanted from their KU careers because they were embarrassed by WSU's hustle, grit and desire. They futher lamented that they've had some early exits since they sold their souls to the 1-and-done recruits. They sounded genuinely jealous that WSU had hard-working, very focused players who weren't just hanging out, biding their time, waiting for their name to be called in the NBA draft.

                      My takeaway is that maybe Gregg doesn't really care about landing that job that gives him access to 5-star recruits he can't keep for a while and develop into stars that play within a system that revolves around excellence in all phases, especially chemistry and unselfishness. Some KU alums are tiring of chasing the over-hyped, under-achieving freshman who lead to early exists in the NCAA Tournament.
                      I agree that 1 and done's probably are not good for a program, but there are plenty on 4 and 5 star guys out there that are hungry and will stay with a program for 3-4 years. It would be nice to get to a point here we occasionally have guys leaving for the NBA after their junior year. That type of development simply makes it easier to recruit the kids you want.


                      • Originally posted by ISASO View Post
                        I listened to the Kevin Keitzman show in KC yesterday. He was talking with the LJW writer for KU. They were commenting on how the KU players should have a meeting with Bill Self to figure out what they wanted from their KU careers because they were embarrassed by WSU's hustle, grit and desire. They futher lamented that they've had some early exits since they sold their souls to the 1-and-done recruits. They sounded genuinely jealous that WSU had hard-working, very focused players who weren't just hanging out, biding their time, waiting for their name to be called in the NBA draft.

                        My takeaway is that maybe Gregg doesn't really care about landing that job that gives him access to 5-star recruits he can't keep for a while and develop into stars that play within a system that revolves around excellence in all phases, especially chemistry and unselfishness. Some KU alums are tiring of chasing the over-hyped, under-achieving freshman who lead to early exists in the NCAA Tournament.
                        That is the beauty of HCGM's recruiting. I believe he not only looks at how good a recruit can play basketball, but the intangibles such as good character, toughness and unselfishness as well. I'm not sure many 5 star recruits possess all those characteristics. He never promises recruits playing time, it is earned.


                        • There has been plenty of digital ink spilled on why Marshall has a good situation here and should stay. I don't think I need to add anything to that, but assuming all those arguments, here is how I would look at the situation if I were in Marshall's shoes (with my admitted WSU bias):

                          1. I would start with the notion that if I finished my coaching career at WSU, that would be a good situation. I would be a legend and have the chance to advance in the NCAAs every year.

                          2. I would assume that I have no more than 1 coaching change left in the tank. Between age and Lynn's past reticence to move, it seems likely that if I do leave Wichita State, it is my final move as a coach, so where ever I go, it needs to be the dream job because it is unlikely to be an intermediate step.

                          3. I don't want to take a job that is open because someone was fired. Maybe I can be more successful than the previous coach, but I would be suspicious of a school that had difficulty succeeding. If I was a young coach (as Turgeon was when he came to WSU) I might have to take that risk. As an established coach, I don't.

                          4. If I am only going to leave for a dream job where the coach was not fired, it seems like that situation could exist it the not too distant future at UNC and Duke. Both are blue-blood programs with coaches approaching retirement and are in the Carolinas where I have family. I think I would wait for those jobs to open. If I'm offered one of those jobs, I probably take it. If not, I'm happy to finish out my career at Wichita State.

                          The last thing I would want to do is take a rebuilding job that forces me to leave what I have at WSU and likely give up on taking a job a Duke or UNC because it would mean uprooting my family multiple times.
                          "Cotton scared me - I left him alone." - B4MSU (Bear Nation poster) in reference to heckling players


                          • Originally posted by The Mad Hatter View Post
                            There has been plenty of digital ink spilled on why Marshall has a good situation here and should stay. I don't think I need to add anything to that, but assuming all those arguments, here is how I would look at the situation if I were in Marshall's shoes (with my admitted WSU bias):

                            1. I would start with the notion that if I finished my coaching career at WSU, that would be a good situation. I would be a legend and have the chance to advance in the NCAAs every year.

                            2. I would assume that I have no more than 1 coaching change left in the tank. Between age and Lynn's past reticence to move, it seems likely that if I do leave Wichita State, it is my final move as a coach, so where ever I go, it needs to be the dream job because it is unlikely to be an intermediate step.

                            3. I don't want to take a job that is open because someone was fired. Maybe I can be more successful than the previous coach, but I would be suspicious of a school that had difficulty succeeding. If I was a young coach (as Turgeon was when he came to WSU) I might have to take that risk. As an established coach, I don't.

                            4. If I am only going to leave for a dream job where the coach was not fired, it seems like that situation could exist it the not too distant future at UNC and Duke. Both are blue-blood programs with coaches approaching retirement and are in the Carolinas where I have family. I think I would wait for those jobs to open. If I'm offered one of those jobs, I probably take it. If not, I'm happy to finish out my career at Wichita State.

                            The last thing I would want to do is take a rebuilding job that forces me to leave what I have at WSU and likely give up on taking a job a Duke or UNC because it would mean uprooting my family multiple times.
                            I think this is spot on. Another thing to consider is that if Marshall goes someplace else there will be sky high expectations of him. He is already considered a coaching legend. Coming into his new position the expectations for him will be much greater than his previous head coaching moves, and the margin for error and the patience will be much narrower. Suppose Marshall goes to a program with a lesser basketball tradition such as Texas or Alabama and through unfortunate, unforeseen circumstances such as injuries and/or transfers of key players things move much slower than he expected, after a couple of years he will be facing some pretty stiff criticism from boosters and fans. While a job such as Texas or Alabama might be high reward there may also be a much higher degree of risk than he might be willing to take at this stage in his career.
                            ShockerNet is a rat infested cess pool.


                            • Would a successful almost legendary coach really want to follow Coach K or Roy Williams? What is there to gain? High risk/ low reward from a non-financial standpoint.
                              "I not sure that I've ever been around a more competitive player or young man than Fred VanVleet. I like to win more than 99.9% of the people in this world, but he may top me." -- Gregg Marshall 12/23/13 :peaceful:
                              Remember when Nancy Pelosi said about Obamacare:
                              "We have to pass it, to find out what's in it".

                              A physician called into a radio show and said:
                              "That's the definition of a stool sample."


                              • Would Marshall want Duke or NC? Always being compared to the previous coaching staff -- either in win/loss totals, NCAA appearances, banners hung. Doesn't sound like much fun but only Marshall knows what he would be willing to put up with. And would either Duke or NC be "his" program -- ever? Wouldn't it always be the legacy of the prior coaching staff that had been there for so many years?

