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The Annual HCGM's WSU Future

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  • Originally posted by TheYeti
    It's already there.
    I have to agree. This is ridiculous. Seems like he is busy trying to play both sides. Look I love the man, and am so grateful for what he has done for this university and program, but if he doesn't want to be here-- go.

    The fans don't deserve some half assed thing. WSU has been just as great to him as he has been to us.


    • Originally posted by Shocker-maniac View Post
      Has this been posted? According to this source WSU's offer is in the neighborhood of $4 million. Staggering!
      yahoo sports said WSU offering in the neighborhood of $3 mil a year


      • Originally posted by Play Angry View Post
        Just...ugh. Major ugh.
        My thoughts exactly uggghhhh


        • Well Kunkel seems excited about Marshall considering a Bama visit, couldn't wait to paraphrase Fordes tweet into his own.


          • Originally posted by AndShock View Post
            This is how everything looks to me; Wichita State officials thought Alabama was a real possibility so they did a ton of fundraising to present Marshall with a significant raise to stay at Wichita State. WSU officials thought Marshall would give an enthusiastic "Yes!" and sign on the dotted line immediately. Instead, Marshall responded "K" and is continuing on with his decision. This is all obviously speculation but this is how the whole thing looks like from someone with no inside info.
            Seems right. TBH, I am surprised at how it is playing out so far.


            • Originally posted by Shocker-maniac View Post

              Has this been posted? According to this source WSU's offer is in the neighborhood of $4 million. Staggering!

              Probably upper 3s to match the Forde article. Must be taking the Alabama offer quite seriously. I recall an earlier post stating that we weren't looking to pay a king's ransom...


              • If he gets on the plane he can effing stay there. Getting a little close to a Stephenson/Altman for my taste. This deal was old a couple of days ago.
                Wichita State, home of the All-Americans.


                • We all know that the monied alums and ADES have done the absolute best job they could have, given the circumstances.

                  If he leaves, we know we can get the best coach out there.

                  For HCGM to let this string along like it has, it tells me he really wants to leave, it's gone further than 'take their steak dinner and say thanks but no thanks'.


                  • Originally posted by Shocker-maniac View Post

                    Has this been posted? According to this source WSU's offer is in the neighborhood of $4 million. Staggering!


                    As the Trailer Park Boys would say, "for f#@k sakes, that is a lot of dope!"
                    Kansas is Flat. The Earth is Not!!


                    • I know this tumult is hard on people, but we're looking at this from the outside, with a clouded view and in slow motion. Let's give it a couple days before we turn on 3G, okay?


                      • Originally posted by Carolina_Shock View Post
                        Well Kunkel seems excited about Marshall considering a Bama visit, couldn't wait to paraphrase Fordes tweet into his own.
                        And Kunkle, by all reports is an ass-clown. IIRC, he worked @ Sinclair Broadcasting. If that's right, it just confirms he's one.


                        • I think we are all being a little quick to jump to negative conclusions here--anyone that has considered changing jobs that would require a move of your family likely spent more than 5 days thinking it through and discussing with family. Asking somebody to make a life-changing decision on such a short timeframe seems unreasonable, and something that we wouldn't expect of ourselves in a similar situation. I don't fault HCGM for thinking through his options and I think giving him some time to think through what is best for him is fair.

                          All that said, like most on this board I've probably refreshed this thread multiple thousands of times each of the last three days.
                          “I don’t believe in statistics. There are too many factors that can’t be measured. You can’t measure a ballplayer’s heart” – Red Auerbach


                          • Originally posted by BOBB View Post
                            If he gets on the plane he can effing stay there. Getting a little close to a Stephenson/Altman for my taste. This deal was old a couple of days ago.
                            I hate to say it but I feel the same way. This **** is getting old and if he's seriously considering going to that dump hole then I'm finished. Let's go get Jans. We shouldn't have to beg and plead. I'm not interested in coming off desperate.
                            "We can't win at home. We can't win on the road. As the general manager, I just can't figure out where else to play." -Pat Williams


                            • Originally posted by FlyingWheat View Post
                              I know this tumult is hard on people, but we're looking at this from the outside, with a clouded view and in slow motion. Let's give it a couple days before we turn on 3G, okay?
                              You have the right to your opinion. Please respect my right to mine.

                              I am disappointed. We offered him top 10 money and he didn't take it. Not a good sign, IMO.


                              • Originally posted by jocoshock View Post
                                As the Trailer Park Boys would say, "for f#@k sakes, that is a lot of dope!"
                                Finally a quality post on this thread!

                                I mean nobody wants to admit they eat nine cans of ravioli, but I did and I'm ashamed of myself. The first can doesn't count and then you get to the second, and the third. The fourth and fifth I think I burnt with the blow torch and I just kept eating.
                                There are three rules that I live by: never get less than twelve hours sleep; never play cards with a guy who has the same first name as a city; and never get involved with a woman with a tattoo of a dagger on her body. Now you stick to that, and everything else is cream cheese.

