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The Annual HCGM's WSU Future

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  • Why do I keep reading this garbage while neglecting my job responsibilities? WHY?!?!

    “Let your plans be dark and impenetrable as night, and when you move, fall like a thunderbolt.”
    -Sun Tzu, The Art of War


    • Originally posted by BasketballJones46 View Post
      Actually, Alabama uses multiple private aircraft owned by boosters for university/athletic purposes. N1UA is owned by the school but it is rarely used for the types of private trips Saban/Marshall/etc. might be interested in taking. It is used primarily for university business - the school president, provost, etc. traveling and for some football recruiting trips. For non-university business there are several others that are more common. I haven't checked, but IIRC N1UA was not what brought Battle to Wichita on Monday. The university has disabled tracking of that plane as well.

      There were actually rumors that two UA-affiliated aircraft came to Wichita in case the family or Gregg wanted to come back along with assistants, but that was shot down after a little research. The "2nd plane" turned out to be in Belize of all places, presumably being used by its owner (a booster and local businessman.)

      Greene Group (Paul Bryant Jr.), Wilson & Associates, Crowe/ProAssurance (the one that went to Wichita on Monday I think), McMahon Group, a plane that used to be owned by Crimson Excel LLC, ironically owned in Wichita Kansas since 2008, Crimson Excel has a new plane,
      Drummond Coal, and Cooper T Smith Corp are all Bama-associated entities that allow use of their plane by the school and athletic department whenever needed. At least one is typically always available in Tuscaloosa or Birmingham. Tuscaloosa has a regional airport that is very easy to get in and out of, so usually unless a booster from Birmingham has also on board they fly out of TCL.

      I have the numbers associated with all of the aircraft but I'm sure you can look them up if you are so inclined.

      These guys are hilarious.

      You know having boosters with corporate jets is not exclusive to UA, the SEC, or P5 schools; WSU has boosters with them too.

      Good grief, it is like these guys show up with their chest puffed out in pride so they can break the news to us that the world is round.


      • Originally posted by GreatWhiteBuffalo View Post
        Agreed. If the football thing is really an issue for a guy like Marshall, I could see UNC, Kentucky and Duke being jobs of interest for him in the near future. If he left for one of those, who could knock him for it?
        Is Michigan State a football or a basketball school?
        There are three rules that I live by: never get less than twelve hours sleep; never play cards with a guy who has the same first name as a city; and never get involved with a woman with a tattoo of a dagger on her body. Now you stick to that, and everything else is cream cheese.


        • Friendly reminder: Grant got fired after 3 decent NIT runs (2011, 2013, 2015) and an NCAA bid (2012). 2012-13 he finished 2nd in the SEC. I would say that 2014 was really the only year where he wasn't at least decent or better. His RPI was outside of the top 100 ONCE, and it was only as bad as 124 in his worst year. He was 66,34,60,124, & 84. If not for getting left out as a stretch of a bubble team in 2013, he would have had 2 NCAA appearances. As we saw this season, an RPI of 60 will get you in if your name is Indiana or UCLA. Just a little perspective.

          That's not THAT bad. I am not so sure Grant isn't a very good coach in a school that is hard to do more with.

          He shredded the CAA with VCU from 06-09, left VCU with a record of 76-25 and his overall coaching record is STILL 193-110 after a lot of losses with Alabama. As an assistant at Florida, "the Gators were 226–98 (.698) during Grant's 10-year stint in Gainesville."

          The turning point in his career was taking the Alabama job, folks.

          He coached at Florida during a really good stretch of time for them and he dominated the CAA the entire time he was there. He has two mediocre years at Alabama after starting off pretty strong for a new hire and they fire him. Having said that, I hope SO MUCH that he comes to the MVC.

          Don't go Gregg. I will contemplate jumping off a bridge if they do that to your career.
          Last edited by Dave Stalwart; April 1, 2015, 10:41 AM.


          • Originally posted by TheYeti
            Yes, the dick shaking has commenced! It took them a little longer than Missouri, but it has begun.
            And they both had to take it out of an immediate relative to start shaking it.
            "In God we trust, all others must bring data." - W. Edwards Deming


            • Originally posted by DJ06Shocker View Post
              friendly reminder: Grant got fired after 2 decent NIT runs (2010, (2015) and an NCAA bid (2012).

              That's not THAT bad. I am not so sure Grant isn't a very good coach in a school that is hard to do more with.

              He shredded the CAA with VCU from 06-09 and his. Overall coaching record is STILL 193-110 after a lot of losses with Alabama. The turning point in his career was taking the Alabama job, folks.
              Such terrible basketball. No wonder only 2K showed up to the NIT game. 2k?!?!? TWO THOUSAND PEOPLE?!?! GTFO.


              • You cannot come in this forum and act like Alabama basketball support is anywhere close to Wichita State's when you had two thousand people at your NIT game.



                • The irony that posters from one of the poorest, most poverty-stricken, least educated, highest teen birth rate, most fatherless children, highest unemployment (and you could go on, and on, and on) states in the Union are coming to tell us about all their money is fairly rich.

                  The plantations and slave owners are still alive and well; they've just adapted and morphed a bit.


                  • Originally posted by SHOCKvalue View Post
                    The irony that posters from one of the poorest, most poverty-stricken, least educated, highest teen birth rate, most fatherless children, highest unemployment (and you could go on, and on, and on) states in the Union are coming to tell us about all their money is fairly rich.

                    The plantations and slave owners are still alive and well; they've just adapted and morphed a bit.
                    This is just pathetic. It's a coach, not your life. The responses I've seen from SN posters the last few days have been morbid and offensive. The only Bama fan that was kind in this thread was mocked, rather than thanked, for sharing inside info that we all came here to read. Is it true? Idk. But it's him being genuine while we compare their donors to slaveowners.
                    "Say it slowly and savor it..."
                    Nothing worse than sCUm/sKUm


                    • Originally posted by wsushockerdude View Post
                      This is just pathetic. It's a coach, not your life. The responses I've seen from SN posters the last few days have been morbid and offensive. The only Bama fan that was kind in this thread was mocked, rather than thanked, for sharing inside info that we all came here to read. Is it true? Idk. But it's him being genuine while we compare their donors to slaveowners.
                      The comparison obviously isn't fair. But he wasn't coming here to share info. He was coming to brag and rub our noses in his info that is titled his direction. His attitude was more evident in his later posts. Don't pretend he was just being a nice guy and sharing his information.


                      • Here's what I think, which is JUST exactly what you paid for it. No announcement about "staying" will come from WSU; this is SUPPOSED to all be handled quietly (honestly, I don't remember this degree of info for the Cali job being discussed). Marshall is playing it perfectly; let Bama make any announcement. They won't say Marshall isn't coming; they will simply move on, and PROBABLY won't announce that Marshall said, 'No, thanks." Normal days at the Roundhouse are a good sign. I'm trying to get MY workdays back to normal!


                        • The bama board is posting that a trip is planned in the next day or two for the Family to come check out Alabama.

                          They also can't believe that a family would not want to move. lol

                          "I'm a little bit flabbergasted that his family would be blocking the move - IF he indeed truly wants the job.

                          I know you can fall in love with a community. I'm a home body myself. But if I had an opportunity to move into a job that was going to bring me joy and my family significantly more financial security, I believe my wife would be the biggest cheerleader for me to take the job.

                          I'm not criticizing his family at all, mind you. Family comes first and their happiness is just as important as his. It's just strange IMO, unless he has reservations himself about the move. Which is probably the case."


                          • Originally posted by wsushockerdude View Post
                            This is just pathetic. It's a coach, not your life. The responses I've seen from SN posters the last few days have been morbid and offensive. The only Bama fan that was kind in this thread was mocked, rather than thanked, for sharing inside info that we all came here to read. Is it true? Idk. But it's him being genuine while we compare their donors to slaveowners.


                            • With assistance from Wikipedia, I discovered that Alabama basketball has never had a four-year run as successful as the last four years at Wichita State. Go figure.
                              "In God we trust, all others must bring data." - W. Edwards Deming


                              • Originally posted by Kel Varnsen View Post
                                With assistance from Wikipedia, I discovered that Alabama basketball has never had a four-year run as successful as the last four years at Wichita State. Go figure.
                                1 Elite 8 and ZERO Final fours in their history .. not much to build off of there.

