Originally posted by im4wsu
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Im4wsu, a couple days ago I promised you an answer. Here it is:
I've re-read your post several times today, and I guess it just didn't occur to me that you were legitimately trying to clarify what I was saying. Many other posters at that time were wildly, and purposefully, going outside the bounds of what I said and demanding additional information because they were apparently scared to give a simple answer to a simple question. Your questions seem to be more legitimate, and I apologize for lumping you in with the others. I guess I just felt at the time like I had been abundantly clear and was shocked my simple hypothetical was causing so much confusion.
Here's the info you might have been asking for:
Team A beat a great team and a terrible team.
Team B beat two mediocre teams.
We know nothing about the SOS of these "great", "terrible", and "mediocre" teams.
As discussed earlier today, both Team A and Team B appear to have a very similar SOS based on their 2 games played, although they arrived at that SOS through very different means.
If I left you confused, I apologize. Hopefully we are now on the same page.