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Coaches show?

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  • #46
    Originally posted by SHURTZtheHERTZ View Post
    Do you know this for sure?
    IIRC WSU signed a contract that will significantly improve the media outlets. I can't remember who it's with, though, but I think there were talks of fm broadcasting.
    People who think they know everything are a great annoyance to those of us who do. -Isaac Asimov

    Originally posted by C0|dB|00ded
    Who else posts fake **** all day in order to maintain the acrimony? Wingnuts, that's who.


    • #47
      Originally posted by kochHead View Post
      Every time I go to that link I only see 03/03/14?
      I smell Bluejay puntang and the only good Bluejay puntang is dead Bluejay puntang


      • #48
        Originally posted by GOSHOX1 View Post
        Every time I go to that link I only see 03/03/14?
        From the mobile site tap on menu and then audio and scroll down a little bit. It's probably the same for the desktop site.


        • #49
          Did my ears deceive me or did they put a full commercial break right over the top of MK and HCGM? MK was still talking when it started and Marshall was in the middle of of talking when they came back.



          • #50
            Originally posted by Rosewood View Post
            Lord knows MK is one of the best radio guys out there. If Vin Scully listened to shocker games he would say "That kid is doing a good job there." But good lord is the production value that surrounds his work horrible. I think a few freshman interns could produce a better radio program when it comes to things outside Mike's control. When the pregame and coach's shows are running and the game is on and Mike is basically controlling things, everything is fine.

            But then you have old, outdated commercials that go season after season without being updated. You have equipment that is constantly breaking. You have phone line issues. The calls aren't screened for basic sobriety. An EP isn't giving Mike the tweets and thus screening stupid questions from idiots about free throw shooting. It was scrappy 15 years ago. It was cute and retro and authentic 10 years ago. 5 years ago it was time to improve things. Now? Now it is embarassing.

            I'm glad the assistants aren't tortured by callers after the games. Those guys work hard and don't deserve those stupid questions.

            Seriously - get MK a mobile broadcasting setup so he has an LTE digital backup to the ISDN lines, get him a real live EP running things, get a new filet of fish commercial from McD marketing, and for the love of god get him a digital recorder for the pre-game interview with the coach (if this hasn't been done already).

            I think they have been using the same equipment since Mike started as a student.

            It's pretty embarrassing actually.
            The Assman


            • #51
              This should take you right to it.


              • #52
                Originally posted by RoyalShock View Post
                Did my ears deceive me or did they put a full commercial break right over the top of MK and HCGM? MK was still talking when it started and Marshall was in the middle of of talking when they came back.

                Yes, I listened 'live' last night and it happened... and I wondered what we missed? I would think they would edit this out of the podcast. Typical KNSS Radio and inexcusable.

                "You Just Want to Slap The #### Outta Some People"


                • #53
                  I cut out a few items but here is the money quote: "I think that we have at Wichita State the last couple of seasons left the right lane and gone into the fast lane. And there are people that don't appreciate us being in the fast lane. 'You have left YOUR lane'. And unfortunately women, minorities, people like that in our society have faced that same stigma and that sterotype of "Stay in YOUR lane - this is the Good Ol' Boy Network" and that is not right. And we have gone into this fast lane and there are people who resent that. 'Hold up - you're not supposed to be doing this. You stay in your right lane and accept that.' And we've just simply said 'no,we don't accept that'. We are going to be in the left lane, you can get up on our bumper, you can honk your horn and you can try and run us over but we are now going to run in this lane." - Coach Marshall


                  • #54
                    Gregg Marshall, circa 2013-14 = Gene Stephenson, circa 1988-89.

                    Let's hope the similarity continues -- for now -- and let's hope that 10-15 years from now Marshall is still here, still energetic, and still fully in tune with what made him and his program a sensational success. Or if he's gracefully retired, that he's turned the program over to an equally vigorous successor in his own mold.


                    • #55
                      Originally posted by KCShockerFan View Post
                      I cut out a few items but here is the money quote: "I think that we have at Wichita State the last couple of seasons left the right lane and gone into the fast lane. And there are people that don't appreciate us being in the fast lane. 'You have left YOUR lane'. And unfortunately women, minorities, people like that in our society have faced that same stigma and that sterotype of "Stay in YOUR lane - this is the Good Ol' Boy Network" and that is not right. And we have gone into this fast lane and there are people who resent that. 'Hold up - you're not supposed to be doing this. You stay in your right lane and accept that.' And we've just simply said 'no,we don't accept that'. We are going to be in the left lane, you can get up on our bumper, you can honk your horn and you can try and run us over but we are now going to run in this lane." - Coach Marshall
                      There's no doubt Coach Marshall is at the level that best fits his personality; I don't see any 'BCS' or 'BS' in him... he's a 'tell it like it is' straight shooter.
                      "You Just Want to Slap The #### Outta Some People"


                      • #56
                        Originally posted by jdmee View Post
                        Great, I was beginning to get afraid that we would need to send you to the Betty Ford Clinic for Coach's show addiction/withdraw symptoms.
                        I don't have a problem. I can stop consuming shocker content whenever I want. I just choose not to stop now because I like it. Now if you will excuse me, I have to watch an endless loop of TC dunks while listening to multiple pod casts in which the shockers are the topic of discussion.
                        β€œLet your plans be dark and impenetrable as night, and when you move, fall like a thunderbolt.”
                        -Sun Tzu, The Art of War


                        • #57
                          great stuff keep coaching we'll keep Cheering Angry
                          "Valley-shaking, nation-waking 29-game win streak." - Paul Suellentrop, The Wichita Eagle

