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What We Had Last Year That We Don't Have This Year

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  • What We Had Last Year That We Don't Have This Year

    Last year Baker aand VanVleet were unknowns. Neither had been scouted.

    In addition, neither had been through the rigors of a D1 season. They were both "fresh legs" in the NCAA's. They were both fantastic talents who had not been seen during the regular season.

    For all practical purposes, Marshall was able to add to Fr to his lineup in the NCAA run last year. Both those players are now getting some national run for post-season awards. They were unknown to opponents. Baker because of injury, and VanVleet because of learning and playing behind a very good PG.

    To duplicate anything resembling the surprise Marshall was able to unleash on the basketball world last year, the Shox need Wiggins and Wessel to show up in the NCAA's. I think either or both of them could do that.

    Baker and VanVleet seem to be showing the effectrs of the rigors of a full D1 season. Neither appears to be as effective now as they were earlier, and both have some nagging injuries they're playing through.

    With the Valley's early post-season tourney, the Shox get a full week to recover between St. Louis and the NCAA's. That week is going to be huge to getting the Shox past nagging injuries and in general being pretty beat up after a season of Playing Angry.
    The future's so bright - I gotta wear shades.
    We like to cut down nets and get sized for championship rings.

  • #2
    Originally posted by Aargh View Post
    Last year Baker aand VanVleet were unknowns. Neither had been scouted.

    In addition, neither had been through the rigors of a D1 season. They were both "fresh legs" in the NCAA's. They were both fantastic talents who had not been seen during the regular season.

    For all practical purposes, Marshall was able to add to Fr to his lineup in the NCAA run last year. Both those players are now getting some national run for post-season awards. They were unknown to opponents. Baker because of injury, and VanVleet because of learning and playing behind a very good PG.

    To duplicate anything resembling the surprise Marshall was able to unleash on the basketball world last year, the Shox need Wiggins and Wessel to show up in the NCAA's. I think either or both of them could do that.

    Baker and VanVleet seem to be showing the effectrs of the rigors of a full D1 season. Neither appears to be as effective now as they were earlier, and both have some nagging injuries they're playing through.

    With the Valley's early post-season tourney, the Shox get a full week to recover between St. Louis and the NCAA's. That week is going to be huge to getting the Shox past nagging injuries and in general being pretty beat up after a season of Playing Angry.
    I really like the week off thing for this team, with the amount of minutes the big 4 are logging


    • #3
      If I recall correctly (IIRC), we had about 5 losses at this time last year. I don't think we have had any this year, have we?


      • #4
        Originally posted by Aargh View Post
        Last year Baker aand VanVleet were unknowns. Neither had been scouted.

        In addition, neither had been through the rigors of a D1 season. They were both "fresh legs" in the NCAA's. They were both fantastic talents who had not been seen during the regular season.

        For all practical purposes, Marshall was able to add to Fr to his lineup in the NCAA run last year. Both those players are now getting some national run for post-season awards. They were unknown to opponents. Baker because of injury, and VanVleet because of learning and playing behind a very good PG.

        To duplicate anything resembling the surprise Marshall was able to unleash on the basketball world last year, the Shox need Wiggins and Wessel to show up in the NCAA's. I think either or both of them could do that.

        Baker and VanVleet seem to be showing the effectrs of the rigors of a full D1 season. Neither appears to be as effective now as they were earlier, and both have some nagging injuries they're playing through.

        With the Valley's early post-season tourney, the Shox get a full week to recover between St. Louis and the NCAA's. That week is going to be huge to getting the Shox past nagging injuries and in general being pretty beat up after a season of Playing Angry.
        Some good points. I looked at the OOC vs Conference performance stats on a per 40 minute basis for Fred and Ron. Fred's do not show as much an effect as Ron's. Of course,Ron is battling the ankle, too.
        FRED OOC Conf
        FG% 47.1% 46.0%
        3-FG% 46.4% 38.2%
        FT% 84.4% 81.0%
        Reb/40 4.2 5.9
        PF/40 2.5 2.1
        PTS/40 13.9 15.6
        AST/40 6.3 6.5
        TO/40 1.7 1.6
        BLK/40 0.2 0.2
        STL/40 2.5 2.2
        RON OOC Conf
        FG% 49.1% 37.4%
        3-FG% 39.3% 31.1%
        FT% 83.9% 86.8%
        Reb/40 5.6 4.7
        PF/40 2.6 2.1
        PTS/40 19.3 14.6
        AST/40 4.8 3.4
        TO/40 2.1 1.7
        BLK/40 1.2 0.7
        STL/40 2.4 1.8
        "I not sure that I've ever been around a more competitive player or young man than Fred VanVleet. I like to win more than 99.9% of the people in this world, but he may top me." -- Gregg Marshall 12/23/13 :peaceful:
        Remember when Nancy Pelosi said about Obamacare:
        "We have to pass it, to find out what's in it".

        A physician called into a radio show and said:
        "That's the definition of a stool sample."


        • #5
          Originally posted by im4wsu View Post
          Some good points. I looked at the OOC vs Conference performance stats on a per 40 minute basis for Fred and Ron. Fred's do not show as much an effect as Ron's. Of course,Ron is battling the ankle, too.
          FRED OOC Conf
          FG% 47.1% 46.0%
          3-FG% 46.4% 38.2%
          FT% 84.4% 81.0%
          Reb/40 4.2 5.9
          PF/40 2.5 2.1
          PTS/40 13.9 15.6
          AST/40 6.3 6.5
          TO/40 1.7 1.6
          BLK/40 0.2 0.2
          STL/40 2.5 2.2
          RON OOC Conf
          FG% 49.1% 37.4%
          3-FG% 39.3% 31.1%
          FT% 83.9% 86.8%
          Reb/40 5.6 4.7
          PF/40 2.6 2.1
          PTS/40 19.3 14.6
          AST/40 4.8 3.4
          TO/40 2.1 1.7
          BLK/40 1.2 0.7
          STL/40 2.4 1.8
          Thank you for this. I noticed yesterday that Ron's 3FG% is now below Cle's, which was a little startling (although Cle has seen a massive, massive improvement in his perimeter shooting since the new year). Interesting to see the numbers broken down.


          • #6
            Some of this has to be a product of being scouted so hard for in-conference games... our team (almost) always seems to bog down in conference and then frees up a lot once post-season games start. The exception might be 2011-12 team that went 16-2 in conference and then lost in the first round of the NCAAs.
            There are nights when I think that Sal Paradise was right.


            • #7
              Let's also remember that during the OOC schedule, we were looked at a little differently than now. Yes, we had just come off a F4, however, the believers were still far and few between. We had also lost several key players from that team. Teams knew we were going to be good, very good, and we were ranked, but whether we were going to hold on to that ranking was not clear.

              Then the Valley schedule started. These teams, and their coaches, had played us before and the they were familiar with many of our players. We were undefeated and expected to be the top dog in the league. These games, for our Valley opponents, were taking on a bigger meaning. This meaning has continued to increase each game as we continue to be undefeated, the #2 team in the country in one poll, and our Valley opponents' season less meaningful. We have become the only possible crown jewel to the rest of the leagues' season.

