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Greg Marshall Interview on KC 810 WHB

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  • Greg Marshall Interview on KC 810 WHB

    I didn't see this posted anywhere else, so I thought I would post it. Under "The Program," look for Greg Marshall's picture. He talks about the final four run last year, the start this year, and the upcoming CBE tournament:

  • #2
    Liked his answer to the last question about playing the "other" schools in the state. "We went to the final four without playing them and if I were in there shoes I wouldn't want to play us either"


    • #3
      I feel like they are asking him that question about playing in state schools because I believe at one time last year he said something to the effect of "KU wont play us" And 810 wants that sound bite. I do believe he has thought better and I like his new response of "I wouldn't play us either"

