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WKU vs Shockers (need 2)

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  • WKU vs Shockers (need 2)

    I guess no need in beating around the bush...I need 2 tickets for this game, As of Friday Western will only be getting 50 tickets and those will go to people way more important than myself..

    With that out of the way I can tell you that as a fan I'm respectful to all fans that visit Diddle Arena and when we travel to the fans of the teams we play. Been a WKU fan since the age of 5.....48 years ago. I'm also a basketball fan, and not just WKU. I know the history of most the schools in the NCAA and have well over 200,000 files on just this PC on stats and history...mostly WKU but like I said I love basketball and it's history.

    So what I'm trying to say is, if you sell me your tickets I will respect the Shocker fans around me, before, during and after the game, win or lose. To give you a clue on how bad I want 2 tickets WKU will play @Army in a football game on Nov. 9th and I will be there and I don't fly. So if I can get my hands on 2 tickets it will be a 21 hour drive. My cutoff date is Oct 28th on that day I will have to make a non refundable commitment on how long we will be staying in NY. If I get tickets we leave Saturday afternoon, if not, Monday and get home in time to was it on TV.

    If this is against forum rules I will apologize now because I didn't read them. Not so I will have an excuse but because I'm tired from driving back from Monroe LA after watching Western kick some butt in football on Thursday night. Where I found out about the 50 tickets Western will get.


  • #2
    nice post. sincere good luck to you.

    any serious hoops fan knows about wku tradition, going way back. strange, after all this time, the two best under the radar fan based teams, like mirror images, are locking horns. i hope you guys aren't looking to pull an "upset" to add to your legacy. darius carter, not on last years final four team, but a name you should know, won't allow it (hopefully).


    • #3
      I expect tickets to be available on Stubhub for this one.

      Three groups of people will come in reduced numbers due to tip time:

      1) corporate seats
      2) families with small children
      3) seniors

      I love our IBA games, tournaments, etc... But I do not see the appeal of this game from a TV standpoint for WSU. The viewers will not be in large numbers at one in the morning


      • #4
        Originally posted by proshox View Post
        I expect tickets to be available on Stubhub for this one.

        Three groups of people will come in reduced numbers due to tip time:

        1) corporate seats
        2) families with small children
        3) seniors

        I love our IBA games, tournaments, etc... But I do not see the appeal of this game from a TV standpoint for WSU. The viewers will not be in large numbers at one in the morning
        the national viewing will be up. That's why we are in that slot, as a last push into the night.
        People who think they know everything are a great annoyance to those of us who do. -Isaac Asimov

        Originally posted by C0|dB|00ded
        Who else posts fake **** all day in order to maintain the acrimony? Wingnuts, that's who.


        • #5
          With all the negativity surrounding this game. Why would anyone want to go to this game. Has anyone heard of a self fulfilling prophecy? It doesn't sound like fun at all. I guess I should just stay home too. What a bunch of downers.


          • #6
            Originally posted by shockmonster View Post
            With all the negativity surrounding this game. Why would anyone want to go to this game. Has anyone heard of a self fulfilling prophecy? It doesn't sound like fun at all. I guess I should just stay home too. What a bunch of downers.

            I guess we don't need to go either. I have to go to work early the next morning, as does my son, and nothing important is going on before the game. :hopelessness: :apthy:
            Oh well, I think we'll still go. Maybe they will honor someone or something before the game? Maybe the media will pick it up? There still might be a reason to attend; we'll take a chance on the game. :excitement: :applause: :devilish: :bball_spin:
            Some posts are not visible to me. :peaceful:
            Don't worry too much about it. Just do all you can do and let the rough end drag.


            • #7
              Good luck @WKUYG: Hope you get to experience the rockin' roundhouse I will definitely be using my tickets and I wouldn't miss the game even if the start time was something semi-ridiculous like midnight. Err, well . . I do think it will be packed that night .
              ShockerNet is a rat infested cess pool.


              • #8
                I would guess that many of the folks on this forum are planning to go, but as was mentioned above, there will probably be quite a few that can't. StubHub is probably a good option for you.


                • #9
                  Correction: children and a parent can't go. Some people who have an important project or presentation the next day probably can't. They need to find Shocker fans to sell or buy their tickets. Some college students may have a test to take the next day and can't go. All other real fans should have no excuses. Inconvenience or a little lack of sleep = no excuse.


                  • #10
                    Yes I plan to attend, but will also be looking to buy. Im excited about a midnight game!

