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  • apologies

    I know this isn't the appropriate forum for this, but I would like to apologize to all the shockernet posters (with the exception of shockerfever), for my posts about Joe Lunardi. Shockerfever got my blood boiling a few weeks ago, and thank you to all the readers who wished me well for my recent medical and financial issues. I was still a bit heated when I read the post about Joe Lunardi, so for that I apologize. I realize I'm not going to agree with everything everybody says on here, but unlike some posters on here (not naming names) I need to be able to control myself better and just enjoy life, while I still have it. That being said, looking forward to Thursday night to see the Shocks beat LaSalle!

  • #2
    Apology accepted although I don't even know what you said. Still wishing you the best in your life.


    • #3
      shoxlax, it was basically a post of me going off on anybody that had anything negative to say about Joe Lunardi. It's in the past, but if you're curious about what I said, I'm sure the Joe Lunardi thread is still on the first page or 2. And thanks, I need it.


      • #4
        No worries, we all make dumb posts. Mine could fill a library.

        Best wishes and yes, on to Thursday night!


        • #5
          Not naming names yet you drop my name twice in the first two sentences of your post.

          If this website really is eating at you that bad, maybe you should move on from it. You've apparently taken things way too seriously on here.
          Deuces Valley.
          ... No really, deuces.
          "Enjoy the ride."

          - a smart man

