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Basketball Fan Demographics per Facebook

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  • Basketball Fan Demographics per Facebook

    Interesting info.
    Note the maps for West Region and seed 9-12.
    Interestingly, there are a few extreme western and southeastern counties showing WSU exceeding KState in "favs"
    Shox need to grow their radio footprint.

  • #2
    Originally posted by Veritas View Post
    Interesting info.
    Note the maps for West Region and seed 9-12.
    Interestingly, there are a few extreme western and southeastern counties showing WSU exceeding KState in "favs"
    Shox need to grow their radio footprint.
    Two words for that western Kansas popularity: Ron Baker


    • #3
      I was actually going to post this article yesterday, but I decided against it because I had already posted a comment showing my disgust with KU bandwagoners. Since somebody else brought it up, all is fair.

      This accord in the Midwest is very similar to what we saw in Facebook’s NFL fan map, and I think it's revealing of just how strong and deep state sporting identities can be in this part of the country, especially given the dominance of large public universities. The other five states that had this sort of consensus were Washington (100 percent for Gonzaga), North Carolina (96 percent for UNC), Kansas (90 percent for KU), Arizona (87 percent for Arizona), and New Mexico (85 percent for UNM).
      I'm annoyed with two things. First of all, that KU in their study took 90 percent of the state and Wichita State did not get a single county. It appears that KSU only got two. KSU and KU shared the Big XII title this year. KU, KSU, and WSU have all been ranked this year. And I am 100% certain that it is not true that 90 percent of the state attended KU. Why would KU ever have such dominant support? Second of all, the sentence that annoyed me in the section I quoted mentioned the dominance of large public schools. Gonzaga won 100 percent of the support of Washington so it obviously has nothing to do with public vs private or large vs small. But people really view KU as the superior state school, which is just bologna. For the time being, we have the same admission standards, lower cost of tuition and are ranked higher in many areas. Aerospace engineering alone is ranked, the last time I checked, in the top three programs in the country!

      That's all. Oh, and get off my lawn.


      • #4
        Just a couple of quick random thoughts...

        Isn’t this strictly Facebook data? The majority of us ‘old farts’ don’t have an account or any interest in one. It would be interesting to see what percentage of WSU fans have Facebook accounts? Let’s poll ‘Medicare’ and nursing home patients to see where their fandom lies.

        "You Just Want to Slap The #### Outta Some People"

